Informations Rapides · 14 January 2022 · n° 010
Informations rapidesConsumer prices accelerated on average from 2020 to 2021 Price Index – Annual average rates of change - year 2021

Informations rapides
No 010
Paru le :Paru le14/01/2022

This document presents the annual average rates of change in the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) in 2021. The monthly and year-on-year rates of change in the CPI in December 2021 have been also published on January 14, 2022 in another « Informations rapides ». The annual average and the year-on-year rate of change are two different concepts: the annual average rate of change refers to the whole set of prices observed during one year compared with all those observed during the previous year. The year-on-year change refers to the prices observed during a particular month compared with those observed during the same month of the previous year.

On average over the year, consumer prices accelerated sharply in 2021. The inflation was up by 1.6% after +0.5% in 2020 and +1.1% in 2019. Excluded tobacco, consumer prices were also more dynamic in 2021: +1.6%, after +0.2% in 2020. The increase in inflation resulted, on the one hand, from a rebound in the prices of energy and manufactured products, and on the other hand, from an acceleration in the prices of services. Contrariwise, the slowdown in food and tobacco prices moderated the global increase. Core inflation was also higher in 2021, +1.1%, after +0.6% in 2020.

Annual average changes in consumer price index

Annual average changes in consumer price index (2015:100)
Annual average rates of change
Items Weight 2021 2019 2020 2021 From 2019 to 2020% From 2020 to 2021%
a) All households – France
Overall 10000 104.23 104.73 106.45 0.5 1.6
Food 1785 106.08 108.10 108.79 1.9 0.6
Fresh food 261 117.58 126.16 128.51 7.3 1.9
Other food 1524 104.22 105.27 105.72 1.0 0.4
Tobacco 243 129.84 147.58 155.69 13.7 5.5
Manufactured products 2501 98.17 97.95 98.22 -0.2 0.3
Clothing and footwear 354 99.95 99.42 99.49 -0.5 0.1
Medical products 438 90.15 88.35 87.28 -2.0 -1.2
Other manufactured products 1709 99.73 99.98 100.66 0.3 0.7
Energy 746 115.33 108.34 119.73 -6.1 10.5
Petroleum products 343 120.45 106.18 120.53 -11.8 13.5
Services 4725 104.29 105.22 106.44 0.9 1.2
Actual rentals and services for dwellings 853 101.54 101.88 103.01 0.3 1.1
Health services 647 102.39 102.75 102.21 0.4 -0.5
Transport 172 102.03 100.27 104.12 -1.7 3.8
Communication 243 96.42 97.39 100.22 1.0 2.9
Autres services 2810 106.26 107.75 108.99 1.4 1.2
Total except rents and tobacco 9062 103.98 104.18 105.86 0.2 1.6
Total except tobacco 9757 103.77 103.98 105.60 0.2 1.6
b) Urban working-class households or households of employees
All products excluding tobacco 9632 103.48 103.66 105.24 0.2 1.5
c) Households that belong to the lowest equivalized disposable income quintile - France
All products excluding tobacco 9624 103.34 103.41 105.15 0.1 1.7
  • Geographical coverage: France excluding Mayotte
  • Source: INSEE – Consumer Price indices

Rebound in energy prices and in transport service prices

In 2021, the prices of energy rebounded sharply (+10.5% on average, after −6.1% in 2020) in the wake of those of petroleum products (+13.5% after −11.8%). The dynamic was the same in natural and town gas prices (+24.1% after −11.3%) with a marked acceleration in the second semester. In contrast, the prices of electricity slowed down (+3.0% after +5.9%).

The prices of transport services also rebounded (+3.8% after −1.7%) linked with those of transport by rail (+1.9% after −5.3%) and airfares (+3.8% after −4.4%). The prices of transport by road increased again (+3.4% after +3.0%) in the wake of those of transport by taxi and hired car with driver (+4.0% after +1.1%). The prices of transport by sea and inland waterway accelerated (+7.0% after +3.7%).

Acceleration in the prices of services for dwellings and communication services

In 2021, the prices of services for dwellings (actual rentals, supply of water and refuse collection fees) accelerated: +1.1% on average, after +0.3% in 2020. The prices of actual rentals rose by 0.9% after +0.4% in 2020. Those of the other housing services – mainly supply of water and refuse collection fees – slowed down slightly (+0.9% after +1.0%).

The prices of communication services increased (2.9% after +1.0% in 2020) in link with the acceleration in those of internet access provision services (+5.5% after +1.6%) and those of bundled telecommunication services (+6.9% after +1.2%). The prices of postal services were always very dynamic: +7.1% after +6.9% in 2020.

Rebound in manufactured product prices

In 2021, the prices of manufactured products rebounded by 0.3% after −0.2% in 2020. The prices of clothing and footwear increased by 0.1%, after −0.5%: those of clothing fell back slightly (−0.1% after +0.1%) but those of footwear rebound (+1.1% after −2.5%). The prices of « other manufactured products » increased for the second consecutive year (+0.7% after +0.3%) due to those of furniture and furnishings (+3.2% after +2.0%), household appliances (+0.2% after −0.5%), glassware, tableware and household utensils (+1.7% after +0.7%) and tools and equipment for house and garden (+0.9% after +0.5%). The prices of vehicles rose slightly (+0.5% after +0.4%).

Moreover, the prices of health products fell less strongly than in 2020 (−1.2% after −2.0%) in link with those of pharmaceutical products (−1.5% after −2.6%).

Downturn in health service prices and less increase in « other services »

The prices of health services fell back in 2021: −0.5% after +0.4% in 2020 linked with the dental service prices (−0.8% after +0.9%) and the paramedical service prices (−1.3% after +0.0%). The prices of medical services advanced at the same rate as in the previous year (+0.5%).

The prices of « other services » increased less strongly than in 2021: +1.2% on average after +1.4% in 2020. The prices of catering services (+0.6% after +1.3%), maintenance and repair of personal transport equipment (+2.8% after +3.2%), recreational and cultural services (+0.7% after +0.9%) and social protection services (+1.3% after +2.0%) slowed down. In contrast, the prices of accommodation services rebounded sharply (+2.7% after −0.4%) due to the economic recovery. The prices of insurance services accelerated (+1.0% after +0.7%) linked with those of private insurance connected with health (+0.6% after −0.2%).

Slowdown in food and tobacco prices

In 2021, the food prices slowed down sharply: +0.6% on average after +1.9% in 2020. The prices of fresh produces expanded at a slower pace (+1.9% after +7.3%) in the wake of those of fresh fruits (+4.0% after +9.1%), fresh vegetables (+0.4% after +8.7%) and fresh fish (−0.2% after +5.6%). Excluding fresh produces, food prices slowed down: +0.4% after +1.0%. The prices of meat (+0.9% after +2.7%), bread and cereals (+0.5% after +0.6%) and alcoholic beverages (+0.8% after +1.0%) decelerated. The prices of milk, cheese and eggs advanced at the same rate as in the previous year (+0.2%) and those of non-alcoholic beverages are stable (+0.0%).

In the absence of further tax increases, tobacco prices slow down in 2021: +5.5% after +13.7% in 2020.

A more or less pronounced price increase according to households

According to their consumption structure, households were subject to a global inflation more or less pronounced but higher than in 2020. Thus, in 2021, the increase in prices was more marked, in average, for households over 60 years of age (+1.8%). Furthermore, inflation was 0.2 points higher than the average for owners, and very close for renter households. In 2021, for farmers and the households in the first two deciles of standard of living, the inflation was above average (between 0.2 and 0.3 points).

For further information

The COVID-19 health crisis affected the quality of the April and May indices and impacted therefore the averaged measure of prices in 2021. The prices collected by INSEE collectors in physical outlets was adjourned progressively since the end of March 2021 until the end of May 2021 in metropolitan France.

Next publication of annual average results: January 2023

Pour en savoir plus

The COVID-19 health crisis affected the quality of the April and May indices and impacted therefore the averaged measure of prices in 2021. The prices collected by INSEE collectors in physical outlets was adjourned progressively since the end of March 2021 until the end of May 2021 in metropolitan France.

Next publication of annual average results: January 2023
