Informations Rapides · 31 August 2021 · n° 221
Informations rapidesHousehold consumption of goods decreased sharply in July 2021 (–2.2%) Household consumption expenditure on goods - July 2021

Household consumption of goods decreased sharply in July 2021 (–2.2% in volume* compared to June 2021 after +0.3% in June compared to May 2021). This decrease came from the fallback in purchases of manufactured goods (–2.7%) and the sharp drop in food consumption (–2.9%). Energy expenditure, meanwhile, increased moderately (+1.0%).

Informations rapides
No 221
Paru le :Paru le31/08/2021
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

Household consumption of goods decreased sharply in July 2021 (–2.2% in volume* compared to June 2021 after +0.3% in June compared to May 2021). This decrease came from the fallback in purchases of manufactured goods (–2.7%) and the sharp drop in food consumption (–2.9%). Energy expenditure, meanwhile, increased moderately (+1.0%).

Total consumption of goods

Total consumption of goods
Monthly data
2009-01 45.328
2009-02 44.612
2009-03 44.362
2009-04 44.926
2009-05 45.363
2009-06 45.493
2009-07 45.06
2009-08 44.687
2009-09 45.33
2009-10 45.482
2009-11 45.343
2009-12 45.993
2010-01 45.662
2010-02 45.464
2010-03 45.757
2010-04 45.445
2010-05 45.674
2010-06 45.263
2010-07 45.954
2010-08 45.584
2010-09 46.037
2010-10 45.933
2010-11 46.508
2010-12 46.75
2011-01 46.672
2011-02 47.014
2011-03 46.496
2011-04 45.546
2011-05 45.525
2011-06 45.712
2011-07 45.713
2011-08 45.964
2011-09 45.85
2011-10 45.723
2011-11 45.644
2011-12 45.522
2012-01 45.564
2012-02 46.197
2012-03 45.498
2012-04 45.537
2012-05 45.448
2012-06 45.797
2012-07 45.52
2012-08 45.477
2012-09 45.421
2012-10 45.482
2012-11 45.402
2012-12 45.331
2013-01 45.108
2013-02 45.512
2013-03 45.741
2013-04 45.41
2013-05 45.678
2013-06 45.228
2013-07 45.424
2013-08 45.307
2013-09 45.302
2013-10 45.364
2013-11 46.032
2013-12 45.935
2014-01 45.099
2014-02 45.024
2014-03 45.054
2014-04 45.04
2014-05 45.348
2014-06 45.321
2014-07 45.366
2014-08 45.705
2014-09 45.399
2014-10 45.309
2014-11 45.391
2014-12 45.935
2015-01 46.202
2015-02 46.188
2015-03 45.755
2015-04 46.005
2015-05 45.926
2015-06 46.374
2015-07 46.468
2015-08 46.259
2015-09 46.574
2015-10 46.545
2015-11 45.554
2015-12 46.634
2016-01 46.954
2016-02 46.646
2016-03 47.038
2016-04 47.199
2016-05 46.996
2016-06 46.991
2016-07 46.492
2016-08 46.778
2016-09 46.993
2016-10 47.419
2016-11 47.349
2016-12 47.422
2017-01 47.706
2017-02 47.373
2017-03 47.207
2017-04 47.277
2017-05 47.877
2017-06 47.785
2017-07 47.795
2017-08 47.707
2017-09 48.256
2017-10 47.149
2017-11 48.382
2017-12 47.893
2018-01 46.99
2018-02 48.689
2018-03 48.23
2018-04 47.39
2018-05 47.789
2018-06 47.606
2018-07 47.567
2018-08 47.813
2018-09 47.229
2018-10 47.646
2018-11 47.716
2018-12 46.903
2019-01 47.768
2019-02 47.939
2019-03 47.386
2019-04 47.674
2019-05 47.916
2019-06 47.427
2019-07 47.9
2019-08 47.749
2019-09 47.784
2019-10 47.826
2019-11 48.158
2019-12 48.129
2020-01 47.444
2020-02 47.444
2020-03 40.527
2020-04 32.904
2020-05 44.532
2020-06 49.195
2020-07 49.236
2020-08 49.943
2020-09 48.346
2020-10 49.846
2020-11 41.542
2020-12 50.34
2021-01 47.682
2021-02 47.968
2021-03 47.273
2021-04 43.339
2021-05 47.886
2021-06 48.032
2021-07 46.992

Total consumption of goods

  • Source: INSEE

Manufactured goods : decrease

In July, manufactured goods consumption declined (–2.7% after +3.5% in June). This decrease came from the drop in spending on textile-clothing (–7.9% after +7.9%) and durable goods purchases (–1.9% after +1.9%).

Durables : clear decrease

In July, durables goods spending decreased markedly (–1.9% after +1.9% in June). In particular, purchases of transport equipment fell sharply (–2.5% after +1.0%), due to a sharp drop in new car purchases. These expenses were still far below their pre-crisis level (–12.7% compared to Q4 2019). Housing equipment purchases also declined, for the second consecutive month (–1.0% after –1.6%).

Textile-clothing: clear fallback

After a sharp rebound in June, textile-clothing spending fell sharply in July (–7.9% after +7.9%), returning to a level close to that before the crisis (–0.4% compared to Q4 2019, after +8.1% in June).

Other manufactured goods : slight decrease

In July, consumption of other manufactured goods decreased slightly (–0.5% after +3.3%), due to the decline in sales of DIY items. Conversely, purchases of perfume and hygiene items, which had only partially rebounded on the way out of the third lockdown, recovered in July.

Breakdown of engineered goods

Breakdown of engineered goods
Transport equipment Textile-clothing Other engineered goods Household durables
2009-01 5.506 4.571 5.81 2.613
2009-02 5.533 4.287 5.701 2.591
2009-03 5.516 4.387 5.707 2.6
2009-04 5.606 4.374 5.723 2.621
2009-05 6.201 4.344 5.686 2.634
2009-06 5.783 4.567 5.824 2.682
2009-07 5.808 4.306 5.697 2.693
2009-08 5.719 4.059 5.718 2.688
2009-09 5.913 4.369 5.751 2.723
2009-10 5.983 4.427 5.782 2.739
2009-11 6.277 4.322 5.758 2.72
2009-12 6.309 4.424 5.812 2.71
2010-01 5.799 4.488 5.8 2.756
2010-02 5.689 4.246 5.824 2.786
2010-03 5.82 4.433 5.874 2.828
2010-04 5.599 4.4 5.895 2.774
2010-05 5.522 4.381 5.947 2.877
2010-06 5.591 4.132 5.938 2.778
2010-07 5.593 4.747 5.967 2.742
2010-08 5.4 4.411 5.955 2.907
2010-09 5.729 4.434 6.002 2.886
2010-10 5.599 4.343 6.011 2.842
2010-11 6.101 4.473 6.029 2.817
2010-12 6.11 4.468 6.019 2.773
2011-01 6.165 4.389 6.065 2.927
2011-02 6.355 4.532 6.067 3.019
2011-03 6.141 4.434 6.072 3.002
2011-04 5.598 4.474 6.1 2.872
2011-05 5.54 4.359 6.08 2.884
2011-06 5.472 4.436 6.111 2.939
2011-07 5.532 4.308 6.097 2.949
2011-08 5.617 4.289 6.112 2.943
2011-09 5.622 4.262 6.115 2.93
2011-10 5.588 4.326 6.122 2.913
2011-11 5.792 4.273 6.126 2.831
2011-12 5.672 4.285 6.12 3.062
2012-01 5.377 4.393 6.085 2.93
2012-02 5.291 4.23 6.101 3.014
2012-03 5.497 4.443 6.163 2.953
2012-04 5.318 3.992 6.057 3.063
2012-05 5.386 4.28 6.052 3.022
2012-06 5.32 4.098 6.219 3.049
2012-07 5.216 4.221 6.102 3.05
2012-08 5.249 4.203 6.113 2.989
2012-09 5.134 4.316 6.117 3.009
2012-10 5.191 4.337 6.123 3.032
2012-11 5.106 4.248 6.107 3.063
2012-12 5.354 4.234 6.13 3.042
2013-01 4.903 4.273 6.125 3.017
2013-02 5.014 4.214 6.104 3.0
2013-03 4.839 4.147 6.128 3.081
2013-04 4.945 4.228 6.153 3.093
2013-05 5.045 4.13 6.167 3.091
2013-06 4.957 4.209 6.148 3.087
2013-07 5.019 4.291 6.162 3.054
2013-08 5.113 4.191 6.172 3.1
2013-09 5.022 4.258 6.152 3.121
2013-10 5.102 4.256 6.183 3.16
2013-11 5.111 4.329 6.225 3.122
2013-12 5.472 4.266 6.171 3.206
2014-01 4.84 4.397 6.226 3.188
2014-02 5.061 4.292 6.212 3.119
2014-03 4.94 4.335 6.251 3.138
2014-04 5.087 4.243 6.228 3.148
2014-05 4.893 4.258 6.272 3.283
2014-06 4.924 4.345 6.216 3.206
2014-07 4.931 4.367 6.258 3.302
2014-08 5.027 4.286 6.302 3.335
2014-09 4.954 4.074 6.279 3.331
2014-10 5.013 4.224 6.29 3.331
2014-11 4.98 4.304 6.325 3.325
2014-12 4.946 4.373 6.329 3.418
2015-01 5.033 4.458 6.403 3.396
2015-02 4.998 4.35 6.41 3.394
2015-03 4.979 4.324 6.376 3.377
2015-04 5.068 4.384 6.407 3.349
2015-05 5.07 4.274 6.439 3.367
2015-06 5.215 4.425 6.416 3.362
2015-07 5.228 4.354 6.422 3.445
2015-08 5.087 4.374 6.386 3.465
2015-09 5.27 4.41 6.455 3.496
2015-10 5.223 4.316 6.435 3.448
2015-11 5.107 4.145 6.379 3.341
2015-12 5.253 4.312 6.444 3.829
2016-01 5.371 4.573 6.464 3.598
2016-02 5.322 4.183 6.451 3.607
2016-03 5.44 4.213 6.451 3.74
2016-04 5.496 4.204 6.485 3.885
2016-05 5.428 4.244 6.461 3.634
2016-06 5.398 4.521 6.483 3.775
2016-07 5.313 4.278 6.471 3.463
2016-08 5.424 4.209 6.47 3.534
2016-09 5.622 4.185 6.469 3.555
2016-10 5.491 4.349 6.491 3.593
2016-11 5.713 4.258 6.509 3.555
2016-12 5.816 4.343 6.54 3.573
2017-01 5.667 4.353 6.528 3.616
2017-02 5.749 4.498 6.532 3.691
2017-03 5.781 4.476 6.546 3.673
2017-04 5.75 4.196 6.55 3.706
2017-05 5.912 4.437 6.546 3.711
2017-06 5.887 4.373 6.562 3.736
2017-07 5.8 4.41 6.608 3.796
2017-08 5.82 4.375 6.6 3.771
2017-09 5.874 4.54 6.62 3.792
2017-10 5.878 4.138 6.587 3.758
2017-11 5.831 4.681 6.62 3.88
2017-12 5.924 4.277 6.623 3.72
2018-01 5.787 4.253 6.611 3.764
2018-02 6.003 4.43 6.596 3.752
2018-03 6.007 4.235 6.652 3.796
2018-04 6.15 4.421 6.631 3.729
2018-05 6.16 4.271 6.636 3.768
2018-06 6.06 4.172 6.647 3.853
2018-07 5.972 4.257 6.635 3.813
2018-08 6.177 4.249 6.64 3.795
2018-09 5.941 4.113 6.654 3.819
2018-10 5.987 4.23 6.644 3.838
2018-11 5.986 4.286 6.616 3.906
2018-12 5.558 4.186 6.642 3.769
2019-01 5.979 4.286 6.657 3.905
2019-02 6.099 4.421 6.673 3.905
2019-03 6.115 4.26 6.654 3.95
2019-04 5.975 4.216 6.625 4.04
2019-05 5.986 4.312 6.648 4.01
2019-06 5.932 4.269 6.647 3.84
2019-07 6.124 4.278 6.69 4.024
2019-08 6.264 4.29 6.672 3.939
2019-09 5.985 4.392 6.673 3.996
2019-10 6.152 4.347 6.682 3.982
2019-11 6.255 4.284 6.754 4.108
2019-12 6.454 4.344 6.656 4.095
2020-01 5.887 4.32 6.691 4.053
2020-02 6.08 4.063 6.734 3.904
2020-03 2.541 2.156 5.376 2.892
2020-04 1.277 0.978 4.328 1.851
2020-05 4.381 3.438 6.475 4.0
2020-06 6.513 4.091 7.029 4.921
2020-07 6.924 4.058 6.859 4.472
2020-08 6.395 4.785 6.926 4.677
2020-09 6.196 4.346 6.83 4.538
2020-10 6.138 4.079 6.998 4.626
2020-11 5.038 2.154 5.801 3.385
2020-12 5.926 4.978 7.074 5.922
2021-01 5.893 3.3 6.645 4.449
2021-02 5.756 4.418 6.501 4.672
2021-03 5.629 3.723 6.603 4.485
2021-04 5.484 1.736 5.733 3.728
2021-05 5.575 4.333 6.613 4.6
2021-06 5.633 4.675 6.831 4.528
2021-07 5.491 4.306 6.798 4.482

Breakdown of engineered goods

  • Source: INSEE

Food products : further decline

In July, food consumption decreased markedly again (–2.9% after –2.5% in June). Tobacco purchases were however slightly up.

Food products, engineered goods and energy

Food products, engineered goods and energy
Food products Energy Engineered goods
2009-01 16.461 9.275 19.686
2009-02 16.312 9.089 19.309
2009-03 16.12 8.907 19.404
2009-04 16.47 8.998 19.538
2009-05 16.495 8.926 19.987
2009-06 16.533 8.901 20.097
2009-07 16.507 8.879 19.732
2009-08 16.667 8.657 19.427
2009-09 16.635 8.744 19.985
2009-10 16.662 8.694 20.146
2009-11 16.487 8.584 20.268
2009-12 16.682 8.907 20.426
2010-01 16.601 9.025 20.092
2010-02 16.631 9.109 19.814
2010-03 16.703 8.846 20.228
2010-04 16.699 8.85 19.939
2010-05 16.806 8.861 20.045
2010-06 16.866 8.722 19.718
2010-07 16.9 8.763 20.296
2010-08 16.871 8.734 20.001
2010-09 16.9 8.823 20.325
2010-10 16.978 8.927 20.075
2010-11 16.969 8.893 20.645
2010-12 17.048 9.162 20.585
2011-01 17.011 8.842 20.815
2011-02 17.046 8.675 21.247
2011-03 16.974 8.564 20.918
2011-04 17.025 8.151 20.322
2011-05 16.998 8.349 20.16
2011-06 16.904 8.523 20.276
2011-07 16.952 8.552 20.208
2011-08 16.947 8.744 20.287
2011-09 17.022 8.581 20.248
2011-10 16.97 8.499 20.245
2011-11 16.969 8.381 20.272
2011-12 16.709 8.284 20.481
2012-01 16.978 8.512 20.066
2012-02 17.011 9.295 19.914
2012-03 16.92 8.217 20.334
2012-04 16.956 8.838 19.756
2012-05 16.874 8.559 20.008
2012-06 17.092 8.682 20.025
2012-07 17.093 8.543 19.886
2012-08 17.118 8.52 19.842
2012-09 17.026 8.532 19.864
2012-10 16.936 8.567 19.976
2012-11 16.837 8.748 19.822
2012-12 16.908 8.37 20.04
2013-01 16.932 8.577 19.603
2013-02 17.123 8.785 19.611
2013-03 17.382 8.864 19.508
2013-04 16.722 8.971 19.719
2013-05 17.087 8.864 19.732
2013-06 16.977 8.553 19.7
2013-07 17.097 8.517 19.812
2013-08 17.0 8.44 19.865
2013-09 17.068 8.397 19.837
2013-10 17.209 8.15 20.002
2013-11 17.269 8.685 20.079
2013-12 17.143 8.383 20.403
2014-01 17.072 8.043 19.984
2014-02 16.977 8.052 19.996
2014-03 17.119 7.971 19.964
2014-04 17.08 7.945 20.014
2014-05 17.175 8.159 20.015
2014-06 17.152 8.179 19.99
2014-07 17.006 8.18 20.18
2014-08 17.193 8.246 20.266
2014-09 17.264 8.176 19.961
2014-10 17.243 7.879 20.186
2014-11 17.236 7.891 20.264
2014-12 17.26 8.275 20.401
2015-01 17.275 8.298 20.629
2015-02 17.222 8.469 20.497
2015-03 17.218 8.135 20.403
2015-04 17.344 8.122 20.54
2015-05 17.299 8.122 20.505
2015-06 17.426 8.195 20.754
2015-07 17.324 8.355 20.79
2015-08 17.392 8.237 20.629
2015-09 17.271 8.335 20.967
2015-10 17.286 8.533 20.726
2015-11 17.354 7.925 20.274
2015-12 17.534 7.918 21.182
2016-01 17.508 8.1 21.34
2016-02 17.459 8.316 20.871
2016-03 17.4 8.48 21.163
2016-04 17.267 8.585 21.358
2016-05 17.351 8.572 21.083
2016-06 17.366 8.138 21.483
2016-07 17.4 8.276 20.817
2016-08 17.503 8.358 20.918
2016-09 17.552 8.306 21.135
2016-10 17.539 8.656 21.233
2016-11 17.459 8.549 21.348
2016-12 17.403 8.44 21.583
2017-01 17.494 8.772 21.459
2017-02 17.457 8.124 21.782
2017-03 17.541 7.851 21.791
2017-04 17.554 8.205 21.509
2017-05 17.576 8.378 21.922
2017-06 17.612 8.301 21.867
2017-07 17.556 8.316 21.92
2017-08 17.479 8.349 21.879
2017-09 17.567 8.561 22.136
2017-10 17.455 8.0 21.679
2017-11 17.612 8.438 22.332
2017-12 17.435 8.608 21.864
2018-01 17.391 7.852 21.743
2018-02 17.624 8.961 22.108
2018-03 17.545 8.657 22.032
2018-04 17.018 8.119 22.267
2018-05 17.337 8.29 22.169
2018-06 17.365 8.193 22.051
2018-07 17.417 8.155 21.997
2018-08 17.362 8.268 22.19
2018-09 17.196 8.183 21.855
2018-10 17.3 8.315 22.036
2018-11 17.277 8.327 22.12
2018-12 17.347 8.084 21.466
2019-01 17.196 8.422 22.158
2019-02 17.229 8.3 22.433
2019-03 17.09 7.992 22.342
2019-04 17.194 8.311 22.183
2019-05 17.25 8.386 22.294
2019-06 17.154 8.272 22.01
2019-07 17.192 8.278 22.456
2019-08 17.031 8.22 22.533
2019-09 17.188 8.245 22.376
2019-10 17.227 8.123 22.51
2019-11 17.152 8.28 22.765
2019-12 17.114 8.171 22.895
2020-01 17.187 8.05 22.233
2020-02 17.155 8.153 22.155
2020-03 18.982 7.374 13.672
2020-04 17.917 5.781 8.553
2020-05 18.124 7.206 19.05
2020-06 17.639 7.781 23.885
2020-07 17.529 8.076 23.723
2020-08 17.811 8.03 24.21
2020-09 17.079 8.015 23.347
2020-10 18.125 8.484 23.254
2020-11 17.072 6.999 17.281
2020-12 17.612 7.831 25.072
2021-01 17.978 8.147 21.523
2021-02 17.488 7.917 22.63
2021-03 17.594 8.029 21.651
2021-04 17.525 7.953 17.631
2021-05 17.517 8.223 22.185
2021-06 17.081 8.104 22.962
2021-07 16.579 8.187 22.343

Food products, engineered goods and energy

  • Source: INSEE

Energy : rebound

In July, energy consumption bounced back (+1.0% after –1.4%). Fuel consumption continued to increase (+1.5% after +6.1%) and approached its pre-crisis level (–0.5% compared to Q4 2019, after –1.9% in June). Gas and electricity consumption bounced back slightly (+0.7% after –6.4%).

Breakdown of energy

Breakdown of energy
Refined Products Energy, water, waste
2009-01 4.368 4.922
2009-02 4.337 4.755
2009-03 4.321 4.575
2009-04 4.378 4.606
2009-05 4.345 4.567
2009-06 4.327 4.56
2009-07 4.283 4.59
2009-08 4.072 4.6
2009-09 4.174 4.573
2009-10 4.144 4.554
2009-11 4.19 4.378
2009-12 4.301 4.599
2010-01 4.07 4.938
2010-02 4.315 4.788
2010-03 4.15 4.687
2010-04 4.265 4.582
2010-05 4.151 4.701
2010-06 4.113 4.602
2010-07 4.173 4.585
2010-08 4.117 4.61
2010-09 4.175 4.641
2010-10 4.164 4.753
2010-11 4.152 4.731
2010-12 4.1 5.044
2011-01 4.218 4.61
2011-02 4.182 4.477
2011-03 4.084 4.467
2011-04 4.015 4.117
2011-05 3.864 4.48
2011-06 4.016 4.497
2011-07 4.004 4.539
2011-08 4.165 4.566
2011-09 4.056 4.513
2011-10 4.018 4.47
2011-11 3.963 4.407
2011-12 3.855 4.422
2012-01 4.032 4.469
2012-02 4.036 5.301
2012-03 3.994 4.198
2012-04 3.943 4.919
2012-05 4.041 4.509
2012-06 4.113 4.558
2012-07 3.991 4.549
2012-08 3.954 4.568
2012-09 3.941 4.596
2012-10 3.976 4.592
2012-11 4.037 4.716
2012-12 3.873 4.501
2013-01 3.903 4.688
2013-02 3.959 4.847
2013-03 3.976 4.911
2013-04 4.034 4.959
2013-05 4.079 4.792
2013-06 3.875 4.694
2013-07 3.915 4.609
2013-08 3.884 4.564
2013-09 3.829 4.581
2013-10 3.863 4.275
2013-11 3.883 4.827
2013-12 3.896 4.487
2014-01 3.816 4.227
2014-02 3.801 4.252
2014-03 3.82 4.148
2014-04 3.806 4.137
2014-05 3.772 4.394
2014-06 3.861 4.319
2014-07 3.834 4.35
2014-08 3.894 4.353
2014-09 3.872 4.304
2014-10 3.852 4.017
2014-11 3.754 4.135
2014-12 3.974 4.296
2015-01 3.879 4.419
2015-02 3.858 4.61
2015-03 3.829 4.306
2015-04 3.897 4.225
2015-05 3.856 4.267
2015-06 3.88 4.314
2015-07 4.009 4.346
2015-08 3.901 4.336
2015-09 3.913 4.422
2015-10 3.873 4.661
2015-11 3.791 4.134
2015-12 4.033 3.885
2016-01 3.898 4.209
2016-02 3.947 4.37
2016-03 3.99 4.487
2016-04 3.932 4.637
2016-05 4.198 4.391
2016-06 3.687 4.431
2016-07 3.903 4.371
2016-08 3.984 4.378
2016-09 3.971 4.339
2016-10 3.977 4.664
2016-11 4.034 4.514
2016-12 4.007 4.434
2017-01 3.988 4.757
2017-02 3.924 4.214
2017-03 3.897 3.985
2017-04 3.923 4.289
2017-05 4.018 4.369
2017-06 3.974 4.335
2017-07 3.986 4.339
2017-08 3.995 4.362
2017-09 4.114 4.458
2017-10 3.772 4.226
2017-11 3.946 4.485
2017-12 4.071 4.537
2018-01 3.868 4.001
2018-02 4.011 4.928
2018-03 4.019 4.632
2018-04 3.966 4.167
2018-05 4.031 4.272
2018-06 3.929 4.27
2018-07 3.859 4.298
2018-08 3.967 4.307
2018-09 3.891 4.296
2018-10 4.014 4.311
2018-11 4.01 4.326
2018-12 3.795 4.288
2019-01 3.958 4.468
2019-02 3.965 4.34
2019-03 3.833 4.163
2019-04 3.863 4.451
2019-05 3.838 4.55
2019-06 3.837 4.439
2019-07 3.867 4.414
2019-08 3.846 4.378
2019-09 3.874 4.376
2019-10 3.868 4.26
2019-11 3.873 4.41
2019-12 3.911 4.264
2020-01 3.932 4.126
2020-02 3.954 4.206
2020-03 3.081 4.284
2020-04 1.869 3.888
2020-05 2.945 4.251
2020-06 3.437 4.341
2020-07 3.737 4.341
2020-08 3.684 4.346
2020-09 3.693 4.324
2020-10 3.715 4.764
2020-11 2.922 4.068
2020-12 3.518 4.312
2021-01 3.678 4.478
2021-02 3.621 4.311
2021-03 3.681 4.365
2021-04 3.241 4.669
2021-05 3.59 4.623
2021-06 3.809 4.326
2021-07 3.864 4.356

Breakdown of energy

  • Source: INSEE

Household consumption expenditure on goods

Changes in %. TD-SA
Household consumption expenditure on goods (Changes in %. TD-SA )
Weight (1) May 21 June 21 July 21 July 21 / July 20 Q / Q-1 (2)
Food products 38 0.0 -2.5 -2.9 -5.4 -2.7
- excl. Tobacco 34 0.2 -2.7 -3.3 -5.1 -2.8
Engineered goods 44 25.8 3.5 -2.7 -5.8 9.0
- Durables 22 10.4 1.9 -1.9 -12.3 2.1
- Transport equipment 13 1.7 1.0 -2.5 -20.7 -1.0
- Household durables 7 23.4 -1.6 -1.0 0.2 5.6
- Textile-clothing 9 149.6 7.9 -7.9 6.1 34.8
- Other engineered goods 13 15.3 3.3 -0.5 -0.9 7.5
Energy 18 3.4 -1.4 1.0 1.4 2.6
- Energy. water. waste 10 -1.0 -6.4 0.7 0.3 -0.3
- Refined Products 8 10.8 6.1 1.5 3.4 6.8
Total 100 10.5 0.3 -2.2 -4.6 3.1
- Including Manufactured goods 84 13.0 1.3 -2.4 -4.9 4.0
  • (1) Weighting in the consumption expenditure on goods in value in 2019
  • (2) Last three months / previous three months
  • Source: INSEE

June 2021 expenditures were virtually unchanged

Household consumption expenditure on goods for June 2021 has been unchanged. Since the previous publication, new information has been incorporated and the seasonal adjustment coefficients have been updated.

For more information

*Volumes are measured at chain-link previous year prices (2014 euro billions) and all figures are trading-day and seasonally adjusted.

Scope and definition - Consumption expenditure on goods is compliant with the national-accounts definition (NAF Rev. 2). In 2010, they accounted for half of total households’ consumption expenditure. They are divided into three main items:

Food: products of agriculture, forestry and fishing (AZ), food, drinks and tobacco (C1) Energy: mining products, as well as water, gas, electricity and air conditioning, sanitation and waste management (DE), and refined and coked products (C2).

Engineered goods: computers, electronic, electrical and optical goods (C3), transport equipment (C4), textiles and clothing, products made of leather, wood, paper, metals, plastic, rubber, chemicals, minerals, furniture, hardware, drugs (C5). Within this heading are distinguished “durable” goods which include transport equipment, household durables (furniture, household appliances, etc.) and other durable goods (jewelry, watches, glasses, medical devices, etc.).

The manufactured goods correspond to all the products C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Sources: This indicator is the compilation of a variety of statistical sources issued by the Bank of France, the French Federation of Automobile Manufacturers (CCFA), the Department of Data and Statistical Studies (SDES), the French Institute of Fashion (IFM), the National Health-Insurance Administration (CNAM), the National Federation of Rubber and Plastics Industries (SNCP), the Board of Oil (CPDP), GFK, Logista, the International Union Committee of Automobile and Motorcycle (CSIAM), etc.

Next publication: September 30, 2021 at 8:45 am

Pour en savoir plus
