Informations Rapides · 28 May 2021 · n° 137
Informations rapidesHousehold consumption expenditure on goods fell sharply in April 2021 (–8.3%) Household consumption expenditure on goods - April 2021

Household consumption expenditure on goods fell in April (–8.3% in volume* compared to March 2021). This fall was mainly due to the manufactured goods purchases (–18.9%), and was explained by the implementation of the third lockdown from April 3rd 2021 on the whole territory. Energy expenditure fell only slightly (–0.6% after +1.6%) as did food consumption (–0.2% after +0.7%).

Spending is thus 9.5% below its average level in Q4 2019. This decline in consumption is, however, less severe than those observed during the first lockdown in April 2020 (–31.4%) or during the second lockdown in November 2020 (–13.6%).

Informations rapides
No 137
Paru le :Paru le28/05/2021
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

Household consumption expenditure on goods fell in April (–8.3% in volume* compared to March 2021). This fall was mainly due to the manufactured goods purchases (–18.9%), and was explained by the implementation of the third lockdown from April 3rd 2021 on the whole territory. Energy expenditure fell only slightly (–0.6% after +1.6%) as did food consumption (–0.2% after +0.7%).

Spending is thus 9.5% below its average level in Q4 2019. This decline in consumption is, however, less severe than those observed during the first lockdown in April 2020 (–31.4%) or during the second lockdown in November 2020 (–13.6%).

Total consumption of goods

Total consumption of goods
Monthly data
2009-01 45.287
2009-02 44.605
2009-03 44.348
2009-04 44.949
2009-05 45.362
2009-06 45.471
2009-07 45.045
2009-08 44.681
2009-09 45.328
2009-10 45.483
2009-11 45.372
2009-12 46.046
2010-01 45.655
2010-02 45.475
2010-03 45.76
2010-04 45.47
2010-05 45.678
2010-06 45.249
2010-07 45.944
2010-08 45.582
2010-09 46.029
2010-10 45.93
2010-11 46.508
2010-12 46.752
2011-01 46.672
2011-02 47.024
2011-03 46.498
2011-04 45.567
2011-05 45.533
2011-06 45.703
2011-07 45.704
2011-08 45.96
2011-09 45.838
2011-10 45.717
2011-11 45.642
2011-12 45.521
2012-01 45.57
2012-02 46.211
2012-03 45.507
2012-04 45.563
2012-05 45.455
2012-06 45.788
2012-07 45.507
2012-08 45.465
2012-09 45.401
2012-10 45.471
2012-11 45.399
2012-12 45.337
2013-01 45.12
2013-02 45.526
2013-03 45.756
2013-04 45.431
2013-05 45.687
2013-06 45.22
2013-07 45.41
2013-08 45.286
2013-09 45.28
2013-10 45.355
2013-11 46.028
2013-12 45.941
2014-01 45.111
2014-02 45.035
2014-03 45.068
2014-04 45.052
2014-05 45.353
2014-06 45.319
2014-07 45.354
2014-08 45.681
2014-09 45.38
2014-10 45.3
2014-11 45.392
2014-12 45.945
2015-01 46.218
2015-02 46.199
2015-03 45.771
2015-04 46.014
2015-05 45.923
2015-06 46.373
2015-07 46.459
2015-08 46.234
2015-09 46.564
2015-10 46.534
2015-11 45.559
2015-12 46.638
2016-01 46.969
2016-02 46.657
2016-03 47.056
2016-04 47.208
2016-05 46.98
2016-06 46.991
2016-07 46.477
2016-08 46.758
2016-09 46.988
2016-10 47.412
2016-11 47.358
2016-12 47.425
2017-01 47.725
2017-02 47.38
2017-03 47.234
2017-04 47.292
2017-05 47.845
2017-06 47.787
2017-07 47.763
2017-08 47.696
2017-09 48.251
2017-10 47.15
2017-11 48.394
2017-12 47.889
2018-01 47.016
2018-02 48.663
2018-03 48.292
2018-04 47.421
2018-05 47.748
2018-06 47.63
2018-07 47.496
2018-08 47.804
2018-09 47.217
2018-10 47.641
2018-11 47.729
2018-12 46.912
2019-01 47.821
2019-02 47.853
2019-03 47.487
2019-04 47.716
2019-05 47.855
2019-06 47.493
2019-07 47.78
2019-08 47.736
2019-09 47.771
2019-10 47.822
2019-11 48.169
2019-12 48.154
2020-01 47.516
2020-02 47.306
2020-03 40.617
2020-04 32.95
2020-05 44.503
2020-06 49.315
2020-07 49.04
2020-08 49.938
2020-09 48.315
2020-10 49.845
2020-11 41.52
2020-12 50.435
2021-01 47.77
2021-02 47.584
2021-03 47.435
2021-04 43.486

Total consumption of goods

  • Source: INSEE

Manufactured goods: –18.9%

In April, manufactured goods consumption fell (–18.9% after –2.0% in March), driven in particular by the very strong decline in expenditure on clothing and textiles (–50.2%). Purchases of durable goods (–11.3%) and other manufactured goods (–13.6%) also fell sharply.

Durables: –11.3%

In April, spending on durable goods fell again (–11.3% after –3.1%). Purchases of housing equipment fell sharply (–20.7%) as the closure of non-essential stores led to a drop in sales of furniture and household appliances. Purchases of transport equipment fell (–2.8% after –1.8%) for the third consecutive month.

Textile-clothing: –50.2%

In April, spending on clothing and textiles was halved (–50.2%), due to shop closures throughout the country.

Other engineered goods: –13.6%

In April, consumption of "other manufactured goods" fell (–13.6%), due to the very sharp drop in sales of games and toys, sports equipment and, to a lesser extent, sales of perfumes and hygiene articles.

Breakdown of engineered goods

Breakdown of engineered goods
Transport equipment Textile-clothing Other engineered goods Household durables
2009-01 5.507 4.571 5.809 2.613
2009-02 5.532 4.287 5.7 2.591
2009-03 5.506 4.387 5.708 2.6
2009-04 5.611 4.374 5.73 2.621
2009-05 6.198 4.344 5.698 2.634
2009-06 5.788 4.567 5.816 2.682
2009-07 5.811 4.306 5.696 2.693
2009-08 5.726 4.059 5.716 2.688
2009-09 5.915 4.369 5.749 2.722
2009-10 5.984 4.427 5.779 2.739
2009-11 6.274 4.322 5.757 2.721
2009-12 6.302 4.424 5.81 2.711
2010-01 5.801 4.488 5.799 2.757
2010-02 5.689 4.246 5.822 2.786
2010-03 5.808 4.433 5.875 2.828
2010-04 5.605 4.4 5.899 2.774
2010-05 5.522 4.381 5.96 2.871
2010-06 5.597 4.132 5.932 2.779
2010-07 5.596 4.747 5.965 2.742
2010-08 5.406 4.411 5.953 2.908
2010-09 5.731 4.434 5.999 2.887
2010-10 5.6 4.343 6.009 2.842
2010-11 6.098 4.473 6.029 2.819
2010-12 6.1 4.468 6.017 2.774
2011-01 6.168 4.389 6.063 2.928
2011-02 6.356 4.532 6.065 3.019
2011-03 6.129 4.434 6.072 3.002
2011-04 5.605 4.474 6.103 2.872
2011-05 5.541 4.359 6.093 2.878
2011-06 5.477 4.436 6.108 2.94
2011-07 5.535 4.308 6.096 2.949
2011-08 5.623 4.289 6.11 2.944
2011-09 5.623 4.262 6.111 2.93
2011-10 5.588 4.326 6.12 2.913
2011-11 5.789 4.273 6.127 2.832
2011-12 5.661 4.285 6.118 3.063
2012-01 5.379 4.393 6.084 2.931
2012-02 5.292 4.23 6.099 3.013
2012-03 5.49 4.443 6.164 2.953
2012-04 5.324 3.993 6.057 3.063
2012-05 5.388 4.28 6.063 3.017
2012-06 5.324 4.098 6.217 3.052
2012-07 5.218 4.221 6.101 3.051
2012-08 5.25 4.204 6.111 2.99
2012-09 5.135 4.315 6.113 3.009
2012-10 5.191 4.337 6.121 3.032
2012-11 5.103 4.248 6.109 3.064
2012-12 5.344 4.234 6.128 3.043
2013-01 4.905 4.272 6.123 3.017
2013-02 5.016 4.215 6.102 3.0
2013-03 4.836 4.147 6.13 3.082
2013-04 4.95 4.229 6.153 3.092
2013-05 5.048 4.131 6.178 3.087
2013-06 4.96 4.21 6.148 3.089
2013-07 5.021 4.291 6.161 3.054
2013-08 5.108 4.191 6.17 3.101
2013-09 5.024 4.256 6.148 3.121
2013-10 5.103 4.256 6.182 3.16
2013-11 5.11 4.329 6.228 3.123
2013-12 5.462 4.265 6.17 3.206
2014-01 4.843 4.397 6.225 3.189
2014-02 5.063 4.293 6.21 3.119
2014-03 4.94 4.335 6.252 3.138
2014-04 5.09 4.244 6.227 3.147
2014-05 4.896 4.259 6.281 3.279
2014-06 4.925 4.345 6.215 3.211
2014-07 4.931 4.368 6.257 3.301
2014-08 5.017 4.286 6.301 3.336
2014-09 4.956 4.071 6.275 3.331
2014-10 5.015 4.224 6.288 3.33
2014-11 4.979 4.304 6.329 3.325
2014-12 4.941 4.373 6.327 3.419
2015-01 5.035 4.459 6.401 3.397
2015-02 4.999 4.352 6.408 3.393
2015-03 4.98 4.325 6.378 3.377
2015-04 5.072 4.386 6.407 3.347
2015-05 5.071 4.275 6.446 3.364
2015-06 5.215 4.424 6.415 3.366
2015-07 5.228 4.354 6.422 3.444
2015-08 5.075 4.373 6.386 3.465
2015-09 5.278 4.407 6.453 3.496
2015-10 5.227 4.316 6.434 3.448
2015-11 5.107 4.146 6.381 3.342
2015-12 5.245 4.31 6.442 3.832
2016-01 5.374 4.572 6.463 3.599
2016-02 5.325 4.185 6.449 3.607
2016-03 5.441 4.213 6.453 3.738
2016-04 5.502 4.211 6.485 3.881
2016-05 5.427 4.245 6.465 3.627
2016-06 5.401 4.519 6.483 3.78
2016-07 5.306 4.278 6.471 3.461
2016-08 5.414 4.208 6.47 3.535
2016-09 5.632 4.176 6.467 3.555
2016-10 5.495 4.35 6.49 3.594
2016-11 5.711 4.26 6.51 3.557
2016-12 5.806 4.342 6.538 3.578
2017-01 5.67 4.351 6.527 3.619
2017-02 5.758 4.489 6.53 3.691
2017-03 5.789 4.478 6.549 3.67
2017-04 5.759 4.211 6.551 3.701
2017-05 5.909 4.436 6.549 3.703
2017-06 5.896 4.369 6.564 3.733
2017-07 5.776 4.409 6.608 3.795
2017-08 5.813 4.374 6.6 3.774
2017-09 5.886 4.525 6.62 3.793
2017-10 5.882 4.14 6.585 3.76
2017-11 5.827 4.69 6.619 3.883
2017-12 5.907 4.28 6.619 3.728
2018-01 5.795 4.255 6.61 3.77
2018-02 6.024 4.381 6.594 3.752
2018-03 6.032 4.249 6.654 3.789
2018-04 6.16 4.451 6.636 3.719
2018-05 6.16 4.265 6.638 3.757
2018-06 6.07 4.169 6.651 3.844
2018-07 5.911 4.255 6.636 3.813
2018-08 6.17 4.254 6.64 3.8
2018-09 5.952 4.096 6.654 3.821
2018-10 5.989 4.232 6.642 3.843
2018-11 5.981 4.3 6.614 3.911
2018-12 5.544 4.199 6.635 3.781
2019-01 5.994 4.298 6.655 3.914
2019-02 6.133 4.3 6.668 3.905
2019-03 6.159 4.296 6.656 3.939
2019-04 5.987 4.251 6.634 4.025
2019-05 5.984 4.295 6.652 3.998
2019-06 5.942 4.283 6.656 3.817
2019-07 6.021 4.272 6.691 4.025
2019-08 6.255 4.298 6.671 3.95
2019-09 5.997 4.381 6.672 4.0
2019-10 6.157 4.343 6.68 3.993
2019-11 6.253 4.301 6.751 4.117
2019-12 6.437 4.379 6.647 4.112
2020-01 5.909 4.353 6.686 4.065
2020-02 6.126 3.892 6.723 3.906
2020-03 2.576 2.182 5.374 2.876
2020-04 1.284 0.96 4.334 1.833
2020-05 4.383 3.401 6.479 3.991
2020-06 6.53 4.163 7.037 4.878
2020-07 6.772 4.049 6.868 4.472
2020-08 6.389 4.819 6.934 4.693
2020-09 6.21 4.335 6.834 4.541
2020-10 6.152 4.07 6.998 4.647
2020-11 5.043 2.141 5.798 3.393
2020-12 5.921 5.08 7.057 5.945
2021-01 5.925 3.345 6.64 4.462
2021-02 5.817 3.962 6.488 4.672
2021-03 5.711 3.808 6.568 4.478
2021-04 5.548 1.896 5.673 3.553

Breakdown of engineered goods

  • Source: INSEE

Energy: –0.6%

In April, energy consumption fell slightly (–0.6%). The sharp drop in fuel consumption due to travel restrictions (–10.0%) was largely offset by an increase in gas and electricity consumption due to the cold snap in early April (+6.1%).

Breakdown of energy

Breakdown of energy
Refined Products Energy, water, waste
2009-01 4.368 4.873
2009-02 4.337 4.75
2009-03 4.321 4.57
2009-04 4.378 4.618
2009-05 4.345 4.555
2009-06 4.327 4.538
2009-07 4.283 4.57
2009-08 4.072 4.589
2009-09 4.174 4.571
2009-10 4.144 4.557
2009-11 4.19 4.415
2009-12 4.301 4.67
2010-01 4.07 4.929
2010-02 4.315 4.803
2010-03 4.15 4.704
2010-04 4.265 4.597
2010-05 4.151 4.701
2010-06 4.113 4.583
2010-07 4.172 4.57
2010-08 4.117 4.598
2010-09 4.175 4.633
2010-10 4.164 4.751
2010-11 4.152 4.734
2010-12 4.1 5.058
2011-01 4.218 4.608
2011-02 4.182 4.492
2011-03 4.084 4.483
2011-04 4.015 4.13
2011-05 3.864 4.481
2011-06 4.016 4.483
2011-07 4.003 4.527
2011-08 4.165 4.555
2011-09 4.056 4.503
2011-10 4.018 4.464
2011-11 3.963 4.407
2011-12 3.856 4.434
2012-01 4.032 4.475
2012-02 4.036 5.319
2012-03 3.994 4.213
2012-04 3.943 4.941
2012-05 4.041 4.511
2012-06 4.113 4.542
2012-07 3.99 4.534
2012-08 3.954 4.551
2012-09 3.941 4.579
2012-10 3.976 4.581
2012-11 4.037 4.714
2012-12 3.874 4.517
2013-01 3.903 4.7
2013-02 3.958 4.864
2013-03 3.976 4.927
2013-04 4.035 4.979
2013-05 4.079 4.792
2013-06 3.876 4.679
2013-07 3.915 4.593
2013-08 3.883 4.546
2013-09 3.828 4.561
2013-10 3.863 4.267
2013-11 3.882 4.824
2013-12 3.898 4.502
2014-01 3.815 4.239
2014-02 3.8 4.266
2014-03 3.819 4.159
2014-04 3.808 4.148
2014-05 3.771 4.393
2014-06 3.863 4.309
2014-07 3.833 4.338
2014-08 3.894 4.34
2014-09 3.871 4.289
2014-10 3.852 4.008
2014-11 3.753 4.134
2014-12 3.977 4.31
2015-01 3.878 4.433
2015-02 3.857 4.623
2015-03 3.828 4.318
2015-04 3.901 4.231
2015-05 3.853 4.262
2015-06 3.883 4.307
2015-07 4.009 4.337
2015-08 3.901 4.327
2015-09 3.912 4.412
2015-10 3.872 4.647
2015-11 3.79 4.135
2015-12 4.035 3.895
2016-01 3.896 4.222
2016-02 3.945 4.379
2016-03 3.988 4.503
2016-04 3.938 4.636
2016-05 4.195 4.381
2016-06 3.69 4.422
2016-07 3.905 4.362
2016-08 3.984 4.371
2016-09 3.972 4.334
2016-10 3.976 4.653
2016-11 4.031 4.516
2016-12 4.008 4.445
2017-01 3.984 4.772
2017-02 3.921 4.221
2017-03 3.892 4.002
2017-04 3.929 4.282
2017-05 4.012 4.355
2017-06 3.986 4.323
2017-07 3.993 4.33
2017-08 3.997 4.357
2017-09 4.115 4.457
2017-10 3.769 4.223
2017-11 3.94 4.489
2017-12 4.069 4.546
2018-01 3.863 4.014
2018-02 4.0 4.936
2018-03 4.011 4.659
2018-04 3.978 4.155
2018-05 4.027 4.253
2018-06 3.961 4.253
2018-07 3.874 4.287
2018-08 3.966 4.303
2018-09 3.886 4.296
2018-10 4.004 4.309
2018-11 4.0 4.332
2018-12 3.79 4.3
2019-01 3.955 4.488
2019-02 3.948 4.353
2019-03 3.823 4.193
2019-04 3.887 4.432
2019-05 3.838 4.521
2019-06 3.897 4.411
2019-07 3.893 4.399
2019-08 3.836 4.374
2019-09 3.858 4.376
2019-10 3.846 4.268
2019-11 3.855 4.419
2019-12 3.899 4.28
2020-01 3.923 4.147
2020-02 3.92 4.224
2020-03 3.07 4.318
2020-04 1.915 3.873
2020-05 2.965 4.22
2020-06 3.512 4.308
2020-07 3.763 4.322
2020-08 3.664 4.342
2020-09 3.67 4.323
2020-10 3.682 4.778
2020-11 2.899 4.073
2020-12 3.505 4.324
2021-01 3.67 4.491
2021-02 3.589 4.325
2021-03 3.66 4.384
2021-04 3.293 4.653

Breakdown of energy

  • Source: INSEE

Food products: –0.2%

In April, food consumption fell slightly (–0.2% after +0.7%). The increase in meat consumption was partially compensated by the drop in general food consumption.

Food products, engineered goods and energy

Food products, engineered goods and energy
Food products Energy Engineered goods
2009-01 16.461 9.231 19.686
2009-02 16.312 9.084 19.306
2009-03 16.12 8.903 19.395
2009-04 16.47 9.01 19.55
2009-05 16.494 8.915 19.997
2009-06 16.533 8.881 20.094
2009-07 16.507 8.862 19.733
2009-08 16.667 8.646 19.431
2009-09 16.636 8.743 19.984
2009-10 16.663 8.697 20.144
2009-11 16.487 8.618 20.267
2009-12 16.682 8.972 20.42
2010-01 16.601 9.015 20.093
2010-02 16.631 9.126 19.811
2010-03 16.703 8.862 20.217
2010-04 16.699 8.865 19.95
2010-05 16.805 8.861 20.049
2010-06 16.866 8.703 19.719
2010-07 16.9 8.747 20.298
2010-08 16.871 8.722 20.009
2010-09 16.9 8.815 20.324
2010-10 16.978 8.925 20.074
2010-11 16.968 8.895 20.643
2010-12 17.047 9.177 20.576
2011-01 17.011 8.84 20.816
2011-02 17.046 8.689 21.245
2011-03 16.975 8.579 20.907
2011-04 17.025 8.164 20.331
2011-05 16.996 8.35 20.168
2011-06 16.905 8.509 20.279
2011-07 16.952 8.539 20.21
2011-08 16.947 8.733 20.293
2011-09 17.023 8.57 20.245
2011-10 16.97 8.494 20.244
2011-11 16.968 8.381 20.271
2011-12 16.708 8.297 20.471
2012-01 16.979 8.517 20.066
2012-02 17.01 9.312 19.913
2012-03 16.921 8.231 20.329
2012-04 16.956 8.858 19.761
2012-05 16.873 8.56 20.015
2012-06 17.092 8.667 20.03
2012-07 17.094 8.527 19.887
2012-08 17.119 8.505 19.844
2012-09 17.026 8.516 19.859
2012-10 16.937 8.556 19.974
2012-11 16.836 8.746 19.822
2012-12 16.908 8.387 20.029
2013-01 16.932 8.588 19.603
2013-02 17.121 8.801 19.611
2013-03 17.383 8.879 19.507
2013-04 16.721 8.99 19.723
2013-05 17.085 8.864 19.743
2013-06 16.978 8.54 19.705
2013-07 17.098 8.501 19.813
2013-08 17.001 8.423 19.86
2013-09 17.068 8.378 19.833
2013-10 17.21 8.141 20.001
2013-11 17.269 8.682 20.079
2013-12 17.143 8.399 20.392
2014-01 17.073 8.054 19.984
2014-02 16.975 8.064 19.996
2014-03 17.121 7.981 19.965
2014-04 17.077 7.959 20.016
2014-05 17.174 8.157 20.023
2014-06 17.153 8.171 19.996
2014-07 17.006 8.168 20.18
2014-08 17.192 8.232 20.256
2014-09 17.264 8.16 19.957
2014-10 17.243 7.869 20.187
2014-11 17.237 7.888 20.265
2014-12 17.26 8.291 20.394
2015-01 17.276 8.311 20.63
2015-02 17.222 8.48 20.498
2015-03 17.221 8.145 20.404
2015-04 17.339 8.132 20.543
2015-05 17.298 8.115 20.51
2015-06 17.426 8.19 20.756
2015-07 17.324 8.346 20.788
2015-08 17.391 8.227 20.616
2015-09 17.271 8.324 20.969
2015-10 17.286 8.519 20.729
2015-11 17.358 7.924 20.276
2015-12 17.533 7.93 21.174
2016-01 17.51 8.112 21.341
2016-02 17.461 8.323 20.874
2016-03 17.405 8.496 21.162
2016-04 17.261 8.59 21.367
2016-05 17.349 8.558 21.082
2016-06 17.366 8.132 21.489
2016-07 17.4 8.269 20.809
2016-08 17.5 8.351 20.908
2016-09 17.55 8.3 21.136
2016-10 17.538 8.644 21.238
2016-11 17.465 8.55 21.35
2016-12 17.402 8.452 21.574
2017-01 17.496 8.785 21.463
2017-02 17.461 8.129 21.781
2017-03 17.548 7.865 21.797
2017-04 17.548 8.203 21.532
2017-05 17.573 8.357 21.915
2017-06 17.615 8.298 21.869
2017-07 17.551 8.312 21.896
2017-08 17.476 8.345 21.874
2017-09 17.564 8.561 22.134
2017-10 17.454 7.994 21.686
2017-11 17.618 8.438 22.339
2017-12 17.433 8.616 21.854
2018-01 17.393 7.861 21.757
2018-02 17.63 8.959 22.077
2018-03 17.556 8.678 22.061
2018-04 17.013 8.117 22.306
2018-05 17.334 8.266 22.156
2018-06 17.374 8.204 22.056
2018-07 17.402 8.159 21.937
2018-08 17.357 8.262 22.192
2018-09 17.19 8.179 21.852
2018-10 17.301 8.304 22.041
2018-11 17.283 8.324 22.13
2018-12 17.346 8.092 21.468
2019-01 17.198 8.439 22.192
2019-02 17.236 8.296 22.34
2019-03 17.104 8.012 22.41
2019-04 17.189 8.314 22.228
2019-05 17.247 8.357 22.265
2019-06 17.17 8.304 22.027
2019-07 17.164 8.288 22.35
2019-08 17.025 8.206 22.541
2019-09 17.182 8.231 22.383
2019-10 17.231 8.109 22.517
2019-11 17.156 8.27 22.783
2019-12 17.114 8.174 22.917
2020-01 17.189 8.062 22.294
2020-02 17.163 8.137 22.018
2020-03 18.999 7.397 13.723
2020-04 17.912 5.81 8.574
2020-05 18.122 7.195 19.034
2020-06 17.66 7.822 23.944
2020-07 17.488 8.083 23.553
2020-08 17.802 8.005 24.241
2020-09 17.076 7.992 23.343
2020-10 18.133 8.465 23.265
2020-11 17.074 6.981 17.275
2020-12 17.613 7.831 25.171
2021-01 17.98 8.154 21.607
2021-02 17.501 7.903 22.221
2021-03 17.627 8.03 21.785
2021-04 17.595 7.983 17.674

Food products, engineered goods and energy

  • Source: INSEE

Household consumption expenditure on goods

Changes in %. TD-SA
Household consumption expenditure on goods (Changes in %. TD-SA )
Weight (1) February 21 March 21 April 21 April 21 / April 20 Q / Q-1 (2)
Food products 41 -2.7 0.7 -0.2 -1.8 0.1
- excl. Tobacco 37 -3,0 0.6 -0.1 -1.7 -0.6
Engineered goods 42 2.8 -2,0 -18.9 106.1 -3.7
- Durables 21 1.3 -3.1 -11.3 209.3 -2.1
- Transport equipment 12 -1.8 -1.8 -2.8 332.1 1.1
- Household durables 7 4.7 -4.1 -20.7 93.8 -8,0
- Textile-clothing 8 18.4 -3.9 -50.2 97.5 -8.5
- Other engineered goods 13 -2.3 1.2 -13.6 30.9 -3.9
Energy 17 -3.1 1.6 -0.6 37.4 4.1
- Energy. water. waste 10 -3.7 1.4 6.1 20.1 3.7
- Refined Products 7 -2.2 2,0 -10,0 72,0 4.7
Total 100 -0.4 -0.3 -8.3 32,0 -0.9
- Including Manufactured goods 83 0.2 -0.6 -10.6 37.7 -1.4
  • (1) Weighting in the consumption expenditure on goods in value in 2017
  • (2) Last three months / previous three months
  • Source: INSEE

The variation in March 2021 was revised upwards

The variation in household consumption expenditure on goods in March 2021 was revised upwards to –0.3% instead of –1.1%. Since the previous publication, new information has been integrated and the series have been adjusted to the 2020 annual, 2019 semi-final and 2018 final accounts. In addition, the seasonal and trading-day adjustment coefficients have been updated.

For more information

*Volumes are measured at chain-link previous year prices (2014 euro billions) and all figures are trading-day and seasonally adjusted.

Scope and definition - Consumption expenditure on goods is compliant with the national-accounts definition (NAF Rev. 2). In 2010, they accounted for half of total households’ consumption expenditure. They are divided into three main items:

Food: products of agriculture, forestry and fishing (AZ), food, drinks and tobacco (C1) Energy: mining products, as well as water, gas, electricity and air conditioning, sanitation and waste management (DE), and refined and coked products (C2).

Engineered goods: computers, electronic, electrical and optical goods (C3), transport equipment (C4), textiles and clothing, products made of leather, wood, paper, metals, plastic, rubber, chemicals, minerals, furniture, hardware, drugs (C5). Within this heading are distinguished “durable” goods which include transport equipment, household durables (furniture, household appliances, etc.) and other durable goods (jewelry, watches, glasses, medical devices, etc.).

The manufactured goods correspond to all the products C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Sources: This indicator is the compilation of a variety of statistical sources issued by the Bank of France, the French Federation of Automobile Manufacturers (CCFA), the Department of Data and Statistical Studies (SDES), the French Institute of Fashion (IFM), the National Health-Insurance Administration (CNAM), the National Federation of Rubber and Plastics Industries (SNCP), the Board of Oil (CPDP), GFK, Logista, the International Union Committee of Automobile and Motorcycle (CSIAM), etc.

Next publication: June 30, 2021 at 8:45 am

Pour en savoir plus
