Informations Rapides · 26 March 2021 · n° 083
Informations rapidesIn Q4 2020, house prices accelerated quarter on quarter House price index - fourth quarter 2020

In Q4 2020, the rise in house prices in metropolitan France accentuated compared to the previous quarter: +2.4% with seasonnally adjusted (s.a.) data, after +0.7% in Q3 2020. Year on year, the increase in house prices was also more pronounced this quarter (+6.1% after +5.0%).

Informations rapides
No 083
Paru le :Paru le26/03/2021
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 12:00 - second quarter 2024

In Q4 2020, the rise in house prices in metropolitan France accentuated compared to the previous quarter: +2.4% with seasonnally adjusted (s.a.) data, after +0.7% in Q3 2020. Year on year, the increase in house prices was also more pronounced this quarter (+6.1% after +5.0%).

Quarter on quarter, house prices accelerated

In Q4 2020, house prices accelerated (+2.4%, s.a. data), compared to the previous quarter (+0.7%). In detail, second-hand dwellings prices increased by +2.4% (after +0.5% in the previous quarter); new dwellings prices slowed down (+0.9% after 1.6% the previous quarter).

Year on year, house prices accelerated also (+6.1% after +5.0% in the previous quarter). Second-hand dwellings prices grew much faster (+6.4% y-o-y) than new dwellings prices (+2.8%).

House price index (Base 100: 2015)

House price index (Base 100: 2015)
Weights 2020 (%) Index 2020 Q4 (s.a.) (p) Percentage change compared with the previous quarter (p) (s.a.) Percentage change compared with the same quarter of the previous year (p)
All dwellings 100.0 119.5 2.4 6.1
- new dwellings 9.0 117.4 0.9 2.8
- second-hand dwellings 91.0 119.7 2.4 6.4
  • (p) Provisional data, (s.a.) Seasonnally adjusted
  • Scope: metropolitan France.
  • Source: INSEE, SDES, ADSN – BIEN – Grand Paris notaries, French notaries, Perval society.

New and second-hand dwellings price index in metropolitan France

New and second-hand dwellings price index in metropolitan France
New and second-hand dwellings New dwellings
2000-Q1 48.3 51.8
2000-Q2 49.1 52.4
2000-Q3 50.1 53.1
2000-Q4 50.7 53.6
2001-Q1 51.8 54.0
2001-Q2 52.8 54.6
2001-Q3 53.6 55.0
2001-Q4 54.6 57.1
2002-Q1 55.6 57.6
2002-Q2 56.9 58.8
2002-Q3 58.5 59.8
2002-Q4 59.9 60.9
2003-Q1 61.5 62.2
2003-Q2 63.3 63.4
2003-Q3 65.2 64.9
2003-Q4 67.3 66.1
2004-Q1 69.9 67.8
2004-Q2 72.2 69.5
2004-Q3 74.8 71.2
2004-Q4 77.6 72.8
2005-Q1 80.4 76.0
2005-Q2 83.3 77.8
2005-Q3 86.2 79.9
2005-Q4 88.9 82.3
2006-Q1 91.5 83.7
2006-Q2 93.8 85.4
2006-Q3 95.6 86.5
2006-Q4 97.4 88.1
2007-Q1 98.9 89.2
2007-Q2 100.1 89.8
2007-Q3 101.1 91.4
2007-Q4 102.7 91.7
2008-Q1 102.9 91.6
2008-Q2 102.8 92.8
2008-Q3 101.7 92.1
2008-Q4 99.1 91.0
2009-Q1 96.3 91.5
2009-Q2 94.5 91.7
2009-Q3 94.7 92.1
2009-Q4 95.8 93.1
2010-Q1 97.5 93.1
2010-Q2 99.0 94.0
2010-Q3 100.5 94.8
2010-Q4 102.5 96.2
2011-Q1 104.2 98.3
2011-Q2 105.7 98.8
2011-Q3 106.5 99.5
2011-Q4 106.4 99.9
2012-Q1 106.0 99.3
2012-Q2 105.5 99.1
2012-Q3 104.8 98.0
2012-Q4 104.3 97.9
2013-Q1 103.9 97.5
2013-Q2 103.2 97.7
2013-Q3 102.8 99.0
2013-Q4 102.7 98.6
2014-Q1 102.2 98.4
2014-Q2 102.0 97.7
2014-Q3 101.4 98.6
2014-Q4 100.4 98.7
2015-Q1 100.1 99.5
2015-Q2 99.9 100.1
2015-Q3 99.9 100.2
2015-Q4 100.2 100.3
2016-Q1 100.3 100.3
2016-Q2 100.6 101.1
2016-Q3 101.3 102.4
2016-Q4 101.9 103.1
2017-Q1 103.0 104.8
2017-Q2 103.8 105.4
2017-Q3 104.6 105.8
2017-Q4 105.2 106.9
2018-Q1 106.0 107.5
2018-Q2 106.7 108.0
2018-Q3 107.6 108.2
2018-Q4 108.6 109.8
2019-Q1 109.1 109.9
2019-Q2 110.1 112.0
2019-Q3 111.2 113.2
2019-Q4 112.7 114.2
2020-Q1 114.5 115.0
2020-Q2 115.9 114.5
2020-Q3 116.8 116.3
2020-Q4 119.5 117.5

New and second-hand dwellings price index in metropolitan France

  • Scope: metropolitan France.
  • Source: INSEE, SDES, ADSN – BIEN – Grand Paris notaries, French notaries, Perval society.


The Q3 2020 indices were revised to include observations recorded after the previous publication. The year-on-year variation in new dwellings prices in Q3 2020 was revised upwards by 0.2 points compared to the previous publication (+2.7% instead of +2.5%). Second-hand dwellings prices stood at +5.2%. All in all, housing prices year-on-year variation in Q3 2020 also stood at +5.0%.

For further information

Price index of second-hand dwellings published here is the Notaires-Insee index, not seasonally adjusted.

A methodological note is available on the web page of this index:

Historical data are available here:

Next issue: 25 June 2021, 12:00pm.


Methodology (pdf,31 Ko)

Pour en savoir plus

Price index of second-hand dwellings published here is the Notaires-Insee index, not seasonally adjusted.

A methodological note is available on the web page of this index:

Historical data are available here:

Next issue: 25 June 2021, 12:00pm.
