Informations Rapides · 26 January 2021 · n° 020
Informations rapidesIn January 2021, the business managers of small building firms remain quite confident about their activity Quarterly survey of the building crafts sector - January 2021

In January 2021, the opinion of the business managers of small building firms on their past activity over the last three months is a little better than in October 2020: the balance of opinion about past activity has increased slightly and thus remains above its long-term average. Their opinion on expected activity for the next three months is practically unchanged: the corresponding balance of opinion, virtually stable, remains above its long-term average.

Likewise, building craftsmen remain quite confident about the general business outlook in the building sector: the corresponding balance of opinion has hardly changed since July 2020 and remains above its long-term average.

Informations rapides
No 020
Paru le :Paru le26/01/2021

Craftsmen in building construction are a little more positive than in October 2020 on their past activity

In January 2021, the opinion of the business managers of small building firms on their past activity over the last three months is a little better than in October 2020: the balance of opinion about past activity has increased slightly and thus remains above its long-term average. Their opinion on expected activity for the next three months is practically unchanged: the corresponding balance of opinion, virtually stable, remains above its long-term average.

Likewise, building craftsmen remain quite confident about the general business outlook in the building sector: the corresponding balance of opinion has hardly changed since July 2020 and remains above its long-term average.

The opinion of building craftsmen on past change in employment has improved

In January 2021, more business managers of small building firms than in October 2020 have reported an increase in their staff size over the last three months: the corresponding balance has increased again and has returned above its long-term average. However, the balance of opinion on the development of staff size over the next three months has weakened slightly in comparison to October 2020, while remaining above its average.

Almost one in two business managers of small building firms is facing hiring difficulties

In January 2021, almost one in two business managers of small building firms has experienced recruiting problems – a practically stable share since July 2020 and higher than its long-term average. At the same time, 38% of building craftsmen have indicated training apprentices. This share has risen very slightly again and has recovered to its average.

Building crafts sector economic outlook

Balances of opinion, in %, SA
Building crafts sector economic outlook (Balances of opinion, in %, SA ) - NA: not available
Mean* Apr. 20 July 20 Oct. 20 Jan. 21
Past activity -5 NA -46 3 6
Expected activity -8 NA -13 -7 -6
General business outlook -19 NA -13 -12 -13
Past employment -4 NA -11 -8 -2
Expected employment -3 NA -3 5 3
Recruiting problems (in %) 42 NA 47 48 47
Apprentice training (in %) 38 NA 36 37 38
  • * Mean since October 1990.
  • NA: not available
  • Source: French business survey, building crafts sector - INSEE

Activity tendency in the building crafts sector

Activity tendency in the building crafts sector
Expected activity (three months advanced) Past activity
2007-Q1 4.9 6.9
2007-Q2 1.5 2.7
2007-Q3 5.5 6.1
2007-Q4 5.1 -2.8
2008-Q1 12.9 -7.3
2008-Q2 -8.8 -11.9
2008-Q3 -14.4 -16.0
2008-Q4 -35.3 -24.2
2009-Q1 -36.7 -34.5
2009-Q2 -25.8 -15.6
2009-Q3 -30.3 -29.4
2009-Q4 -20.9 -21.9
2010-Q1 -17.4 -20.2
2010-Q2 -19.1 -21.4
2010-Q3 -14.6 -18.6
2010-Q4 -6.2 -9.5
2011-Q1 -8.5 -15.4
2011-Q2 -7.2 -6.5
2011-Q3 -11.7 -9.3
2011-Q4 -17.6 -14.1
2012-Q1 -22.6 -11.2
2012-Q2 -21.2 -15.4
2012-Q3 -25.8 -18.2
2012-Q4 -39.4 -26.0
2013-Q1 -24.7 -24.1
2013-Q2 -31.7 -27.3
2013-Q3 -28.6 -28.6
2013-Q4 -24.1 -24.3
2014-Q1 -28.1 -25.1
2014-Q2 -26.1 -22.2
2014-Q3 -29.6 -31.7
2014-Q4 -33.8 -24.5
2015-Q1 -32.4 -29.8
2015-Q2 -30.0 -29.7
2015-Q3 -22.2 -14.9
2015-Q4 -17.1 -19.6
2016-Q1 -16.3 -9.5
2016-Q2 -16.6 -15.2
2016-Q3 -8.0 -12.2
2016-Q4 -8.4 -5.7
2017-Q1 -1.6 -3.7
2017-Q2 -1.9 0.6
2017-Q3 -3.7 1.5
2017-Q4 2.9 -3.7
2018-Q1 11.1 6.4
2018-Q2 -2.7 5.3
2018-Q3 1.3 1.5
2018-Q4 -2.9 -1.7
2019-Q1 -5.7 -12.5
2019-Q2 -2.2 -3.8
2019-Q3 -5.2 6.5
2019-Q4 -3.1 2.1
2020-Q1 6.2 -8.5
2020-Q2 NaN NaN
2020-Q3 -13.2 -46.3
2020-Q4 -7.4 3.1
2021-Q1 -5.6 5.6
  • Data for the second quarter of 2020 are not available as the survey was canceled in the context of the health crisis.

Activity tendency in the building crafts sector

  • Data for the second quarter of 2020 are not available as the survey was canceled in the context of the health crisis.
  • Source: INSEE.

For further information

A balance of opinion is calculated as the difference between the percentage of “increase” responses and the percentage of “decrease” responses.

The responses to this survey have been collected between 28 December and 21 January 2021.

Additional information (simplified and detailed methodology, nomenclature, etc.) is available on the “Documentation” tab of this page.

Next issue: 27 April 2021 at 12:00 am

Pour en savoir plus

A balance of opinion is calculated as the difference between the percentage of “increase” responses and the percentage of “decrease” responses.

The responses to this survey have been collected between 28 December and 21 January 2021.

Additional information (simplified and detailed methodology, nomenclature, etc.) is available on the “Documentation” tab of this page.

Next issue: 27 April 2021 at 12:00 am
