Informations rapides
31 July 2020
2020- n° 199
In June, household consumption expenditure on goods exceeded its February level (+2.3%) but decreased sharply over the second quarter (–7.1%) Household consumption expenditure on goods - June 2020

In June 2020, household consumption expenditure on goods exceeded its February level (+2.3% in volume* compared to February) after declining strongly during the lockdown period. This increase was mainly driven by manufactured good consumption (+5.8% compared to February). However, energy spending remained lower than in February (–1.8%). Food consumption, after going beyond its February level during the lockdown, almost returns to it in June (+0.2%).

Over the whole second quarter of 2020, household consumption on goods fell sharply (–7.1% after –6.8% in the first quarter).

Informations rapides
No 199
Paru le :Paru le31/07/2020
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

In light of the lockdown of the French population that was set up between mid-March and mid-May, methodological adjustments have been decided to overcome the lack of certain indicators and estimate as well as possible the decrease in consumption. These adjustments are detailed in the methodology note related to the publication of the first estimate of the Quarterly Accounts of the second quarter. In this context, estimates could be more revised than usual in further publications. Furthermore, the large month-to-month changes, both upwards and downwards, are difficult to interpret. The evolution rates commented in this publication therefore refer to February, the last complete month before the lockdown, in order to better estimate the difference with the pre-lockdown level of consumer spending.

In June 2020, household consumption expenditure on goods exceeded its February level (+2.3% in volume* compared to February) after declining strongly during the lockdown period. This increase was mainly driven by manufactured good consumption (+5.8% compared to February). However, energy spending remained lower than in February (–1.8%). Food consumption, after going beyond its February level during the lockdown, almost returns to it in June (+0.2%).

Over the whole second quarter of 2020, household consumption on goods fell sharply (–7.1% after –6.8% in the first quarter).

Total consumption of goods

Total consumption of goods
Monthly data
2009-01 45.389
2009-02 44.65
2009-03 44.47
2009-04 44.971
2009-05 45.273
2009-06 45.514
2009-07 44.994
2009-08 44.706
2009-09 45.275
2009-10 45.406
2009-11 45.365
2009-12 46.012
2010-01 45.736
2010-02 45.451
2010-03 45.837
2010-04 45.455
2010-05 45.733
2010-06 45.297
2010-07 45.853
2010-08 45.573
2010-09 45.899
2010-10 45.935
2010-11 46.498
2010-12 46.711
2011-01 46.716
2011-02 46.977
2011-03 46.636
2011-04 45.626
2011-05 45.546
2011-06 45.718
2011-07 45.596
2011-08 45.912
2011-09 45.819
2011-10 45.642
2011-11 45.633
2011-12 45.526
2012-01 45.647
2012-02 46.286
2012-03 45.608
2012-04 45.559
2012-05 45.485
2012-06 45.767
2012-07 45.535
2012-08 45.432
2012-09 45.37
2012-10 45.42
2012-11 45.409
2012-12 45.265
2013-01 45.193
2013-02 45.471
2013-03 45.816
2013-04 45.446
2013-05 45.632
2013-06 45.263
2013-07 45.393
2013-08 45.204
2013-09 45.267
2013-10 45.369
2013-11 46.062
2013-12 45.867
2014-01 45.159
2014-02 44.979
2014-03 45.147
2014-04 45.064
2014-05 45.305
2014-06 45.33
2014-07 45.326
2014-08 45.607
2014-09 45.346
2014-10 45.341
2014-11 45.411
2014-12 45.925
2015-01 46.201
2015-02 46.122
2015-03 45.797
2015-04 46.049
2015-05 45.891
2015-06 46.346
2015-07 46.482
2015-08 46.335
2015-09 46.526
2015-10 46.546
2015-11 45.613
2015-12 46.581
2016-01 46.985
2016-02 46.677
2016-03 47.04
2016-04 47.156
2016-05 46.907
2016-06 46.907
2016-07 46.562
2016-08 46.844
2016-09 46.878
2016-10 47.544
2016-11 47.36
2016-12 47.396
2017-01 47.78
2017-02 47.333
2017-03 47.126
2017-04 47.382
2017-05 47.819
2017-06 47.732
2017-07 47.867
2017-08 47.696
2017-09 48.349
2017-10 47.192
2017-11 48.046
2017-12 47.914
2018-01 47.061
2018-02 48.355
2018-03 48.084
2018-04 47.158
2018-05 47.507
2018-06 47.566
2018-07 47.438
2018-08 47.667
2018-09 47.254
2018-10 47.699
2018-11 47.445
2018-12 46.892
2019-01 47.696
2019-02 47.56
2019-03 47.261
2019-04 47.445
2019-05 47.543
2019-06 47.477
2019-07 47.695
2019-08 47.761
2019-09 47.616
2019-10 47.673
2019-11 48.01
2019-12 47.887
2020-01 47.309
2020-02 47.021
2020-03 39.506
2020-04 32.105
2020-05 44.115
2020-06 48.092

Total consumption of goods

  • Source: INSEE

Manufactured goods: +5.8% compared to February, –12.0% over the quarter

Manufactured good consumption exceeded in June its February level, mainly due to durable good purchases (+7.3% compared to February), but also to other manufactured good spending (+5.7%) and textile-clothing consumption (+1.8%).

Over the second quarter, manufactured good consumption fell again (–12.0% after –16.0% in the first quarter).

Durables: +7.3% compared to February, –16.2% over the quarter

In June, durable good spending rose sharply, exceeding its February level (+7.3%). In particular, the consumption of transport equipment increased for the second consecutive month, driven in particular by new vehicle purchases. In addition, housing equipment consumption was also very dynamic (+21.6% compared to February).

Over the second quarter, durable goods purchases fell sharply (–16.2%, after –18.2% in the first quarter).

Textile-clothing: +1.8% compared to February, –9.4% over the quarter

Textile-clothing spending returned to its pre-lockdown level (+1.8% compared to February). Shoe purchases were particularly dynamic for the second consecutive month. In addition, the purchases of masks and fabrics used to make them reinforced household consumption.

Over the second quarter, textile-clothing consumption fell sharply (–9.4% after –19.4% in the first quarter).

Other engineered goods: +5.7% compared to February, –7.0% over the quarter

In June, the consumption of "other manufactured goods" exceeded its February level (+5.7%), driven by the recovery of perfume sales.

Over the second quarter, spending on "other manufactured goods" fell sharply (–7.0% after –10.1% in the first quarter).

Breakdown of engineered goods

Breakdown of engineered goods
Transport equipment Textile-clothing Other engineered goods Household durables
2009-01 5.582 4.588 5.805 2.619
2009-02 5.53 4.286 5.698 2.595
2009-03 5.598 4.397 5.71 2.604
2009-04 5.652 4.338 5.73 2.625
2009-05 6.121 4.352 5.699 2.632
2009-06 5.843 4.566 5.823 2.679
2009-07 5.799 4.281 5.694 2.69
2009-08 5.679 4.111 5.717 2.696
2009-09 5.864 4.355 5.753 2.727
2009-10 5.904 4.455 5.779 2.718
2009-11 6.305 4.327 5.753 2.704
2009-12 6.267 4.418 5.812 2.728
2010-01 5.916 4.502 5.794 2.734
2010-02 5.722 4.243 5.835 2.754
2010-03 5.922 4.419 5.877 2.805
2010-04 5.572 4.407 5.903 2.769
2010-05 5.591 4.335 5.976 2.879
2010-06 5.601 4.113 5.946 2.802
2010-07 5.542 4.662 5.96 2.766
2010-08 5.344 4.435 5.964 2.913
2010-09 5.61 4.437 5.996 2.874
2010-10 5.59 4.364 6.003 2.835
2010-11 6.106 4.469 6.022 2.825
2010-12 6.077 4.44 6.033 2.811
2011-01 6.277 4.369 6.056 2.912
2011-02 6.363 4.525 6.07 3.003
2011-03 6.236 4.434 6.089 2.996
2011-04 5.603 4.507 6.105 2.872
2011-05 5.507 4.361 6.136 2.882
2011-06 5.489 4.427 6.109 2.935
2011-07 5.484 4.239 6.091 2.945
2011-08 5.542 4.305 6.102 2.954
2011-09 5.605 4.261 6.109 2.937
2011-10 5.538 4.325 6.109 2.918
2011-11 5.76 4.283 6.106 2.864
2011-12 5.638 4.328 6.129 3.054
2012-01 5.443 4.374 6.1 2.94
2012-02 5.331 4.263 6.103 3.025
2012-03 5.532 4.491 6.159 2.965
2012-04 5.316 3.971 6.056 3.053
2012-05 5.417 4.293 6.059 3.02
2012-06 5.312 4.118 6.208 3.038
2012-07 5.225 4.244 6.105 3.041
2012-08 5.204 4.221 6.106 2.986
2012-09 5.086 4.34 6.102 3.014
2012-10 5.146 4.33 6.12 3.034
2012-11 5.127 4.252 6.123 3.057
2012-12 5.319 4.252 6.109 3.043
2013-01 4.973 4.282 6.114 3.018
2013-02 4.989 4.208 6.093 2.997
2013-03 4.892 4.174 6.129 3.076
2013-04 4.946 4.216 6.154 3.088
2013-05 5.02 4.112 6.174 3.078
2013-06 4.973 4.228 6.146 3.086
2013-07 4.995 4.274 6.169 3.07
2013-08 5.043 4.176 6.167 3.114
2013-09 5.021 4.236 6.144 3.133
2013-10 5.088 4.273 6.193 3.164
2013-11 5.13 4.367 6.204 3.116
2013-12 5.44 4.24 6.169 3.191
2014-01 4.871 4.387 6.249 3.174
2014-02 5.043 4.285 6.228 3.111
2014-03 4.98 4.36 6.264 3.133
2014-04 5.058 4.247 6.238 3.146
2014-05 4.868 4.269 6.283 3.265
2014-06 4.951 4.337 6.196 3.218
2014-07 4.913 4.363 6.238 3.306
2014-08 4.979 4.276 6.293 3.339
2014-09 4.933 4.044 6.276 3.342
2014-10 5.05 4.226 6.281 3.34
2014-11 5.011 4.299 6.305 3.333
2014-12 4.947 4.361 6.32 3.418
2015-01 4.997 4.494 6.363 3.386
2015-02 4.956 4.34 6.384 3.388
2015-03 5.022 4.299 6.383 3.375
2015-04 5.044 4.401 6.412 3.36
2015-05 5.054 4.301 6.426 3.363
2015-06 5.219 4.42 6.42 3.363
2015-07 5.217 4.359 6.426 3.455
2015-08 5.128 4.389 6.408 3.479
2015-09 5.243 4.416 6.449 3.502
2015-10 5.189 4.347 6.441 3.461
2015-11 5.2 4.107 6.387 3.365
2015-12 5.254 4.303 6.471 3.775
2016-01 5.337 4.617 6.464 3.572
2016-02 5.338 4.19 6.468 3.592
2016-03 5.453 4.215 6.442 3.745
2016-04 5.434 4.216 6.491 3.873
2016-05 5.373 4.245 6.465 3.627
2016-06 5.378 4.506 6.49 3.751
2016-07 5.365 4.253 6.468 3.49
2016-08 5.468 4.213 6.473 3.542
2016-09 5.535 4.154 6.476 3.575
2016-10 5.535 4.415 6.488 3.607
2016-11 5.762 4.246 6.493 3.552
2016-12 5.82 4.322 6.547 3.585
2017-01 5.676 4.349 6.526 3.611
2017-02 5.696 4.48 6.554 3.695
2017-03 5.723 4.436 6.57 3.678
2017-04 5.728 4.285 6.553 3.705
2017-05 5.851 4.466 6.548 3.716
2017-06 5.922 4.265 6.561 3.744
2017-07 5.905 4.376 6.601 3.79
2017-08 5.852 4.378 6.591 3.783
2017-09 5.854 4.654 6.597 3.8
2017-10 5.903 4.144 6.583 3.761
2017-11 5.829 4.411 6.612 3.85
2017-12 5.961 4.344 6.597 3.717
2018-01 5.761 4.289 6.584 3.741
2018-02 5.854 4.395 6.562 3.761
2018-03 5.914 4.27 6.606 3.782
2018-04 6.044 4.404 6.587 3.701
2018-05 6.039 4.275 6.588 3.753
2018-06 6.026 4.237 6.599 3.853
2018-07 5.88 4.297 6.595 3.797
2018-08 6.061 4.293 6.602 3.813
2018-09 5.993 4.217 6.603 3.801
2018-10 6.075 4.241 6.602 3.838
2018-11 5.955 4.23 6.568 3.867
2018-12 5.628 4.252 6.598 3.757
2019-01 5.932 4.289 6.61 3.88
2019-02 5.937 4.365 6.628 3.918
2019-03 6.074 4.308 6.623 3.923
2019-04 5.804 4.248 6.605 3.961
2019-05 5.821 4.299 6.627 3.961
2019-06 5.976 4.334 6.614 3.839
2019-07 6.089 4.259 6.656 3.953
2019-08 6.281 4.325 6.652 3.945
2019-09 6.046 4.294 6.65 3.938
2019-10 6.167 4.278 6.667 3.94
2019-11 6.235 4.342 6.703 4.017
2019-12 6.398 4.286 6.65 4.026
2020-01 5.971 4.229 6.659 3.966
2020-02 6.02 4.097 6.671 3.885
2020-03 2.943 2.082 4.673 2.658
2020-04 1.51 1.226 3.301 1.632
2020-05 4.153 4.034 6.38 3.713
2020-06 6.256 4.171 7.055 4.724

Breakdown of engineered goods

  • Source: INSEE

Energy: –1.8% compared to February, –11.1% over the quarter

In June, energy consumption remained slightly lower than in February (–1.8%). In particular, fuel consumption did not return to its pre-containment level (–10.1% compared to February) despite a strong increase in June. Gas and electricity consumption also increased in June and exceeded its February level (+5.9%).

Over the second quarter, energy spending fell (–11.1% after –3.7% in the first quarter).

Breakdown of energy

Breakdown of energy
Refined Products Energy, water, waste
2009-01 4.396 4.871
2009-02 4.351 4.759
2009-03 4.323 4.576
2009-04 4.364 4.635
2009-05 4.339 4.558
2009-06 4.311 4.541
2009-07 4.274 4.573
2009-08 4.073 4.59
2009-09 4.167 4.571
2009-10 4.152 4.555
2009-11 4.189 4.391
2009-12 4.289 4.658
2010-01 4.064 4.912
2010-02 4.294 4.793
2010-03 4.153 4.708
2010-04 4.259 4.627
2010-05 4.143 4.722
2010-06 4.102 4.601
2010-07 4.186 4.583
2010-08 4.122 4.609
2010-09 4.183 4.641
2010-10 4.177 4.736
2010-11 4.161 4.71
2010-12 4.067 5.02
2011-01 4.202 4.59
2011-02 4.17 4.469
2011-03 4.095 4.486
2011-04 4.027 4.144
2011-05 3.86 4.498
2011-06 4.018 4.498
2011-07 4.017 4.538
2011-08 4.176 4.562
2011-09 4.055 4.507
2011-10 4.013 4.461
2011-11 3.972 4.397
2011-12 3.847 4.42
2012-01 4.04 4.466
2012-02 4.068 5.288
2012-03 4.003 4.215
2012-04 3.955 4.955
2012-05 4.048 4.522
2012-06 4.121 4.554
2012-07 3.99 4.541
2012-08 3.959 4.554
2012-09 3.947 4.578
2012-10 3.973 4.581
2012-11 4.022 4.708
2012-12 3.85 4.511
2013-01 3.9 4.698
2013-02 3.98 4.845
2013-03 3.981 4.928
2013-04 4.041 4.987
2013-05 4.086 4.798
2013-06 3.887 4.685
2013-07 3.894 4.597
2013-08 3.868 4.546
2013-09 3.829 4.56
2013-10 3.858 4.268
2013-11 3.894 4.82
2013-12 3.898 4.502
2014-01 3.826 4.241
2014-02 3.791 4.256
2014-03 3.823 4.157
2014-04 3.802 4.151
2014-05 3.756 4.395
2014-06 3.861 4.311
2014-07 3.828 4.339
2014-08 3.882 4.34
2014-09 3.879 4.287
2014-10 3.868 4.011
2014-11 3.771 4.132
2014-12 3.966 4.314
2015-01 3.877 4.445
2015-02 3.869 4.618
2015-03 3.828 4.313
2015-04 3.886 4.232
2015-05 3.845 4.262
2015-06 3.876 4.308
2015-07 4.011 4.337
2015-08 3.893 4.327
2015-09 3.916 4.408
2015-10 3.877 4.651
2015-11 3.773 4.131
2015-12 4.015 3.893
2016-01 3.9 4.251
2016-02 3.964 4.369
2016-03 3.974 4.485
2016-04 3.908 4.635
2016-05 4.16 4.38
2016-06 3.669 4.422
2016-07 3.916 4.361
2016-08 4.006 4.375
2016-09 3.97 4.328
2016-10 3.989 4.655
2016-11 4.016 4.514
2016-12 3.973 4.446
2017-01 3.994 4.833
2017-02 3.918 4.219
2017-03 3.888 3.987
2017-04 3.927 4.28
2017-05 4.005 4.356
2017-06 3.979 4.333
2017-07 4.006 4.331
2017-08 3.968 4.365
2017-09 4.157 4.452
2017-10 3.806 4.206
2017-11 3.94 4.484
2017-12 4.06 4.523
2018-01 3.904 4.068
2018-02 3.959 4.896
2018-03 4.025 4.604
2018-04 3.966 4.115
2018-05 3.977 4.215
2018-06 3.972 4.227
2018-07 3.904 4.251
2018-08 3.962 4.27
2018-09 3.923 4.224
2018-10 4.05 4.248
2018-11 4.007 4.273
2018-12 3.808 4.201
2019-01 4.011 4.499
2019-02 3.991 4.247
2019-03 3.885 4.076
2019-04 3.968 4.336
2019-05 3.877 4.42
2019-06 3.981 4.319
2019-07 3.99 4.321
2019-08 3.95 4.303
2019-09 3.958 4.286
2019-10 3.932 4.186
2019-11 3.966 4.332
2019-12 3.976 4.181
2020-01 4.007 4.186
2020-02 4.009 4.126
2020-03 3.12 4.217
2020-04 1.906 3.824
2020-05 3.061 4.221
2020-06 3.605 4.369

Breakdown of energy

  • Source: INSEE

Food products: +0.2% compared to February, –0.5% over the quarter

In June, food consumption decreased compared to last month, returning - after exceeding it - to its pre-lockdown level (+0.2%).

Over the second quarter, food consumption decreased slightly (–0.5% after +2.8% in the first quarter).

Food products, engineered goods and energy

Food products, engineered goods and energy
Food products Energy Engineered goods
2009-01 16.449 9.259 19.769
2009-02 16.337 9.108 19.306
2009-03 16.129 8.91 19.494
2009-04 16.484 9.009 19.559
2009-05 16.479 8.912 19.93
2009-06 16.533 8.866 20.147
2009-07 16.505 8.854 19.694
2009-08 16.672 8.65 19.447
2009-09 16.641 8.735 19.936
2009-10 16.658 8.704 20.07
2009-11 16.496 8.595 20.272
2009-12 16.68 8.948 20.41
2010-01 16.611 8.992 20.177
2010-02 16.634 9.094 19.811
2010-03 16.704 8.87 20.282
2010-04 16.689 8.89 19.925
2010-05 16.797 8.875 20.096
2010-06 16.875 8.711 19.749
2010-07 16.899 8.775 20.194
2010-08 16.868 8.739 19.99
2010-09 16.894 8.83 20.197
2010-10 16.989 8.923 20.07
2010-11 16.965 8.88 20.649
2010-12 17.049 9.106 20.592
2011-01 17.025 8.806 20.873
2011-02 17.044 8.655 21.231
2011-03 16.983 8.594 21.017
2011-04 17.026 8.19 20.363
2011-05 16.978 8.362 20.187
2011-06 16.905 8.527 20.277
2011-07 16.949 8.565 20.089
2011-08 16.944 8.751 20.234
2011-09 17.016 8.572 20.232
2011-10 16.96 8.485 20.19
2011-11 16.959 8.38 20.272
2011-12 16.716 8.274 20.487
2012-01 16.985 8.517 20.136
2012-02 16.991 9.317 19.998
2012-03 16.914 8.242 20.423
2012-04 16.97 8.885 19.719
2012-05 16.847 8.578 20.053
2012-06 17.07 8.686 20.013
2012-07 17.093 8.534 19.908
2012-08 17.116 8.512 19.807
2012-09 17.019 8.522 19.831
2012-10 16.937 8.553 19.927
2012-11 16.832 8.725 19.855
2012-12 16.893 8.356 20.003
2013-01 16.943 8.584 19.669
2013-02 17.103 8.807 19.568
2013-03 17.362 8.885 19.581
2013-04 16.74 9.005 19.704
2013-05 17.077 8.878 19.684
2013-06 16.977 8.557 19.73
2013-07 17.119 8.483 19.793
2013-08 17.002 8.407 19.795
2013-09 17.071 8.378 19.819
2013-10 17.209 8.137 20.02
2013-11 17.266 8.69 20.107
2013-12 17.135 8.398 20.327
2014-01 17.08 8.067 20.012
2014-02 16.956 8.045 19.978
2014-03 17.129 7.983 20.035
2014-04 17.111 7.956 19.997
2014-05 17.169 8.143 19.993
2014-06 17.158 8.171 20.001
2014-07 17.022 8.164 20.14
2014-08 17.181 8.22 20.206
2014-09 17.26 8.167 19.921
2014-10 17.226 7.889 20.225
2014-11 17.229 7.904 20.277
2014-12 17.261 8.283 20.381
2015-01 17.301 8.322 20.578
2015-02 17.224 8.486 20.411
2015-03 17.232 8.142 20.423
2015-04 17.382 8.118 20.549
2015-05 17.285 8.107 20.499
2015-06 17.404 8.185 20.757
2015-07 17.336 8.348 20.798
2015-08 17.393 8.22 20.722
2015-09 17.255 8.324 20.947
2015-10 17.278 8.527 20.741
2015-11 17.347 7.904 20.361
2015-12 17.525 7.909 21.147
2016-01 17.51 8.146 21.324
2016-02 17.453 8.33 20.895
2016-03 17.411 8.463 21.171
2016-04 17.304 8.561 21.3
2016-05 17.363 8.525 21.027
2016-06 17.358 8.113 21.432
2016-07 17.412 8.277 20.874
2016-08 17.494 8.376 20.975
2016-09 17.539 8.293 21.044
2016-10 17.539 8.658 21.355
2016-11 17.466 8.533 21.368
2016-12 17.395 8.421 21.584
2017-01 17.485 8.86 21.459
2017-02 17.462 8.125 21.736
2017-03 17.544 7.845 21.712
2017-04 17.593 8.198 21.581
2017-05 17.57 8.352 21.895
2017-06 17.619 8.304 21.804
2017-07 17.553 8.325 21.986
2017-08 17.45 8.328 21.918
2017-09 17.55 8.594 22.215
2017-10 17.46 8.008 21.708
2017-11 17.594 8.432 22.021
2017-12 17.403 8.583 21.94
2018-01 17.403 7.956 21.697
2018-02 17.591 8.879 21.886
2018-03 17.553 8.634 21.898
2018-04 17.039 8.064 22.065
2018-05 17.353 8.18 21.976
2018-06 17.346 8.187 22.037
2018-07 17.404 8.148 21.886
2018-08 17.354 8.222 22.095
2018-09 17.172 8.138 21.95
2018-10 17.329 8.283 22.093
2018-11 17.234 8.269 21.948
2018-12 17.331 8.006 21.551
2019-01 17.165 8.503 22.027
2019-02 17.175 8.231 22.172
2019-03 17.072 7.954 22.273
2019-04 17.203 8.297 21.949
2019-05 17.224 8.292 22.035
2019-06 17.098 8.293 22.099
2019-07 17.104 8.304 22.309
2019-08 16.977 8.247 22.575
2019-09 17.12 8.238 22.28
2019-10 17.187 8.11 22.407
2019-11 17.081 8.292 22.674
2019-12 17.039 8.15 22.745
2020-01 17.106 8.183 22.033
2020-02 17.042 8.124 21.864
2020-03 18.598 7.345 13.049
2020-04 17.617 5.754 8.068
2020-05 17.765 7.291 18.914
2020-06 17.079 7.975 23.125

Food products, engineered goods and energy

  • Source: INSEE

Household consumption expenditure on goods

Changes in %. TD-SA
Household consumption expenditure on goods (Changes in %. TD-SA )
Weight (1) April 2020 / February 2020 May 2020 / February 2020 June 2020 / February 2020 June 20 / June 19 Q / Q-1 (2)
Food products 37 3.4 4.2 0.2 -0.1 -0.5
- excl. Tobacco 34 3.8 4.3 -0.3 -0.4 -1.1
Engineered goods 44 -63.1 -13.5 5.8 4.6 -12.0
- Durables 22 -68.1 -23.6 7.3 6.8 -16.2
- Transport equipment 13 -74.9 -31.0 3.9 4.7 -20.2
- Household durables 7 -58.0 -4.4 21.6 23.0 -4.2
- Textile-clothing 9 -70.1 -1.5 1.8 -3.7 -9.4
- Other engineered goods 13 -50.5 -4.4 5.7 6.7 -7.0
Energy 18 -29.2 -10.3 -1.8 -3.8 -11.1
- Energy. water. waste 10 -7.3 2.3 5.9 1.2 -0.9
- Refined Products 9 -52.5 -23.6 -10.1 -9.5 -23.0
Total 100 -31.7 -6.2 2.3 1.3 -7.1
- Including Manufactured goods 84 -36.7 -7.5 2.4 1.9 -7.9
  • (1) Weighting in the consumption expenditure on goods in value in 2017
  • (2) Last three months / previous three months
  • Source: INSEE

April and May 2020 estimates are revised upwards

Estimates of household consumption expenditure on goods in April and May 2020 were revised upwards compared to February: –31.7% instead of –32.0% in April and –6.2% instead of –7.2% in May. Since the previous publication, new information has been integrated and the seasonal adjustment coefficients have been updated, excluding April to June from the estimation period.

For more information

*Volumes are measured at chain-link previous year prices (2014 euro billions) and all figures are trading-day and seasonally adjusted.

Scope and definition - Consumption expenditure on goods is compliant with the national-accounts definition (NAF Rev. 2). In 2010, they accounted for half of total households’ consumption expenditure. They are divided into three main items:

Food: products of agriculture, forestry and fishing (AZ), food, drinks and tobacco (C1)

Energy: mining products, as well as water, gas, electricity and air conditioning, sanitation and waste management (DE), and refined and coked products (C2).

Engineered goods: computers, electronic, electrical and optical goods (C3), transport equipment (C4), textiles and clothing, products made of leather, wood, paper, metals, plastic, rubber, chemicals, minerals, furniture, hardware, drugs (C5). Within this heading are distinguished “durable” goods which include transport equipment, household durables (furniture, household appliances, etc.) and other durable goods (jewelry, watches, glasses, medical devices, etc.).

The manufactured goods correspond to all the products C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Sources: This indicator is the compilation of a variety of statistical sources issued by the Bank of France, the French Federation of Automobile Manufacturers (CCFA), the Department of Data and Statistical Studies (SDES), the French Institute of Fashion (IFM), the National Health-Insurance Administration (CNAM), the National Federation of Rubber and Plastics Industries (SNCP), the Board of Oil (CPDP), GFK, Logista, the International Union Committee of Automobile and Motorcycle (CSIAM), etc.

Next publication: 28 August 2020 at 8:45 am

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