Informations rapides
29 May 2020
2020- n° 133
Household consumption expenditure on goods fell again sharply in April (– 20.2%), resulting in a 33.7% decline compared to February Household consumption expenditure on goods - April 2020

In April 2020, household consumption expenditure on goods fell by 20.2% in volume* compared to March. It is the second consecutive month of record declines since the beginning of the time series in 1980. Manufactured good consumption fell again sharply (–42.6% after –42.1%), energy expenditure dropped (–22.8% after –10.2%) and food consumption declined sharply after rising strongly in March (–5.4% after +9.2%).

Informations rapides
No 133
Paru le :Paru le29/05/2020
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

In the context of the lockdown of the French population that was set up mid-March, methodological adjustments have been decided to overcome the lack of certain indicators and estimate as well as possible the decrease in consumption. These adjustments are detailed in the methodology note related to the publication of the first estimate of the Quarterly Accounts. In this context, estimates could be more revised than usual in further publications.

In April 2020, household consumption expenditure on goods fell by 20.2% in volume* compared to March. It is the second consecutive month of record declines since the beginning of the time series in 1980. Manufactured good consumption fell again sharply (–42.6% after –42.1%), energy expenditure dropped (–22.8% after –10.2%) and food consumption declined sharply after rising strongly in March (–5.4% after +9.2%).

Total consumption of goods

Total consumption of goods
Monthly data
2009-01 45.397
2009-02 44.645
2009-03 44.463
2009-04 44.971
2009-05 45.273
2009-06 45.515
2009-07 45.003
2009-08 44.7
2009-09 45.28
2009-10 45.414
2009-11 45.357
2009-12 46.011
2010-01 45.726
2010-02 45.438
2010-03 45.846
2010-04 45.454
2010-05 45.731
2010-06 45.301
2010-07 45.864
2010-08 45.567
2010-09 45.906
2010-10 45.933
2010-11 46.496
2010-12 46.697
2011-01 46.718
2011-02 46.972
2011-03 46.631
2011-04 45.625
2011-05 45.537
2011-06 45.717
2011-07 45.598
2011-08 45.919
2011-09 45.822
2011-10 45.642
2011-11 45.641
2011-12 45.52
2012-01 45.637
2012-02 46.292
2012-03 45.616
2012-04 45.555
2012-05 45.491
2012-06 45.781
2012-07 45.531
2012-08 45.433
2012-09 45.366
2012-10 45.425
2012-11 45.392
2012-12 45.269
2013-01 45.198
2013-02 45.475
2013-03 45.809
2013-04 45.449
2013-05 45.632
2013-06 45.256
2013-07 45.386
2013-08 45.208
2013-09 45.268
2013-10 45.367
2013-11 46.07
2013-12 45.869
2014-01 45.136
2014-02 44.962
2014-03 45.134
2014-04 45.06
2014-05 45.293
2014-06 45.341
2014-07 45.34
2014-08 45.615
2014-09 45.35
2014-10 45.356
2014-11 45.42
2014-12 45.939
2015-01 46.231
2015-02 46.143
2015-03 45.794
2015-04 46.051
2015-05 45.884
2015-06 46.348
2015-07 46.481
2015-08 46.318
2015-09 46.538
2015-10 46.54
2015-11 45.599
2015-12 46.559
2016-01 46.972
2016-02 46.665
2016-03 47.047
2016-04 47.162
2016-05 46.906
2016-06 46.908
2016-07 46.565
2016-08 46.845
2016-09 46.881
2016-10 47.538
2016-11 47.369
2016-12 47.398
2017-01 47.79
2017-02 47.316
2017-03 47.104
2017-04 47.377
2017-05 47.823
2017-06 47.737
2017-07 47.872
2017-08 47.704
2017-09 48.372
2017-10 47.186
2017-11 48.045
2017-12 47.916
2018-01 47.073
2018-02 48.363
2018-03 48.076
2018-04 47.166
2018-05 47.52
2018-06 47.583
2018-07 47.434
2018-08 47.662
2018-09 47.253
2018-10 47.691
2018-11 47.44
2018-12 46.874
2019-01 47.699
2019-02 47.546
2019-03 47.207
2019-04 47.405
2019-05 47.523
2019-06 47.5
2019-07 47.71
2019-08 47.777
2019-09 47.625
2019-10 47.679
2019-11 48.042
2019-12 47.911
2020-01 47.368
2020-02 47.156
2020-03 39.18
2020-04 31.246

Total consumption of goods

  • Source: INSEE

Manufactured goods: –42.6%

Manufactured good consumption slipped again in April, as a result of a very sharp decline in durable good purchases, textile-clothing spending as well as other manufactured good consumption.

Durables: –39.2%

In April, spending on durable goods fell sharply again (–39.2% after –44.7%). The consumption of transport equipment dropped by 36.4%, due to exceptionally low sales in the automotive sector. Spending on housing equipment also dropped, especially furniture and household appliance sales. Eyeglass purchases decreased sharply.

Textile-clothing: –67.4 %

Spending on textile-clothing decreased again sharply compared to March. Clothing and footwear sales were badly affected by store closures.

Other engineered goods: –35.5%

The consumption of "other manufactured goods" also fell sharply in both April and March.

Breakdown of engineered goods

Breakdown of engineered goods
Transport equipment Textile-clothing Other engineered goods Household durables
2009-01 5.582 4.588 5.813 2.618
2009-02 5.53 4.286 5.694 2.595
2009-03 5.598 4.397 5.703 2.604
2009-04 5.652 4.338 5.729 2.625
2009-05 6.121 4.352 5.699 2.632
2009-06 5.843 4.566 5.823 2.679
2009-07 5.799 4.28 5.703 2.69
2009-08 5.679 4.111 5.711 2.696
2009-09 5.863 4.355 5.757 2.727
2009-10 5.904 4.455 5.787 2.718
2009-11 6.305 4.327 5.745 2.704
2009-12 6.267 4.418 5.811 2.727
2010-01 5.916 4.502 5.785 2.734
2010-02 5.722 4.243 5.821 2.756
2010-03 5.922 4.419 5.885 2.805
2010-04 5.572 4.407 5.901 2.77
2010-05 5.591 4.335 5.976 2.879
2010-06 5.601 4.113 5.951 2.802
2010-07 5.542 4.662 5.969 2.766
2010-08 5.344 4.436 5.959 2.913
2010-09 5.61 4.437 6.003 2.874
2010-10 5.59 4.364 6.002 2.835
2010-11 6.106 4.469 6.021 2.824
2010-12 6.077 4.44 6.02 2.81
2011-01 6.277 4.369 6.059 2.911
2011-02 6.363 4.525 6.064 3.004
2011-03 6.236 4.434 6.084 2.996
2011-04 5.603 4.507 6.103 2.872
2011-05 5.507 4.361 6.128 2.882
2011-06 5.489 4.427 6.107 2.934
2011-07 5.484 4.239 6.093 2.945
2011-08 5.542 4.305 6.109 2.954
2011-09 5.605 4.261 6.112 2.936
2011-10 5.538 4.325 6.11 2.918
2011-11 5.76 4.283 6.114 2.864
2011-12 5.638 4.328 6.124 3.054
2012-01 5.443 4.374 6.089 2.94
2012-02 5.331 4.263 6.108 3.026
2012-03 5.532 4.491 6.167 2.965
2012-04 5.316 3.971 6.051 3.053
2012-05 5.417 4.293 6.066 3.019
2012-06 5.312 4.118 6.221 3.038
2012-07 5.225 4.244 6.102 3.041
2012-08 5.204 4.221 6.107 2.986
2012-09 5.086 4.34 6.097 3.014
2012-10 5.146 4.33 6.125 3.034
2012-11 5.127 4.252 6.107 3.057
2012-12 5.319 4.252 6.114 3.042
2013-01 4.973 4.281 6.12 3.018
2013-02 4.989 4.208 6.096 2.998
2013-03 4.892 4.175 6.121 3.076
2013-04 4.946 4.216 6.155 3.089
2013-05 5.02 4.112 6.175 3.078
2013-06 4.973 4.228 6.139 3.086
2013-07 4.995 4.273 6.164 3.069
2013-08 5.042 4.176 6.171 3.114
2013-09 5.021 4.236 6.145 3.133
2013-10 5.088 4.273 6.19 3.164
2013-11 5.13 4.367 6.212 3.116
2013-12 5.44 4.24 6.172 3.19
2014-01 4.871 4.386 6.228 3.174
2014-02 5.043 4.285 6.21 3.112
2014-03 4.98 4.36 6.251 3.133
2014-04 5.058 4.247 6.231 3.147
2014-05 4.868 4.269 6.272 3.265
2014-06 4.951 4.338 6.207 3.219
2014-07 4.913 4.361 6.253 3.305
2014-08 4.979 4.276 6.301 3.34
2014-09 4.933 4.044 6.28 3.342
2014-10 5.05 4.226 6.296 3.34
2014-11 5.011 4.299 6.314 3.333
2014-12 4.947 4.361 6.336 3.416
2015-01 4.997 4.492 6.394 3.385
2015-02 4.956 4.339 6.405 3.389
2015-03 5.022 4.299 6.383 3.375
2015-04 5.044 4.401 6.411 3.361
2015-05 5.054 4.301 6.419 3.363
2015-06 5.219 4.421 6.42 3.364
2015-07 5.217 4.358 6.426 3.455
2015-08 5.127 4.389 6.391 3.48
2015-09 5.243 4.417 6.461 3.502
2015-10 5.189 4.348 6.435 3.462
2015-11 5.2 4.107 6.372 3.366
2015-12 5.255 4.303 6.454 3.769
2016-01 5.337 4.616 6.449 3.572
2016-02 5.338 4.189 6.454 3.593
2016-03 5.453 4.215 6.456 3.746
2016-04 5.434 4.216 6.492 3.874
2016-05 5.373 4.245 6.463 3.627
2016-06 5.379 4.507 6.487 3.752
2016-07 5.365 4.253 6.471 3.491
2016-08 5.468 4.214 6.472 3.543
2016-09 5.535 4.155 6.479 3.576
2016-10 5.535 4.416 6.487 3.607
2016-11 5.762 4.246 6.5 3.553
2016-12 5.821 4.322 6.555 3.577
2017-01 5.675 4.347 6.531 3.611
2017-02 5.696 4.476 6.536 3.696
2017-03 5.723 4.434 6.566 3.679
2017-04 5.728 4.282 6.548 3.706
2017-05 5.851 4.467 6.55 3.716
2017-06 5.922 4.268 6.562 3.746
2017-07 5.905 4.377 6.605 3.791
2017-08 5.852 4.38 6.598 3.784
2017-09 5.854 4.656 6.618 3.801
2017-10 5.903 4.145 6.58 3.762
2017-11 5.829 4.411 6.605 3.852
2017-12 5.962 4.344 6.6 3.706
2018-01 5.761 4.288 6.579 3.743
2018-02 5.853 4.389 6.558 3.763
2018-03 5.914 4.266 6.613 3.783
2018-04 6.044 4.396 6.589 3.702
2018-05 6.039 4.278 6.588 3.752
2018-06 6.026 4.244 6.6 3.856
2018-07 5.879 4.299 6.587 3.799
2018-08 6.06 4.296 6.596 3.814
2018-09 5.993 4.218 6.603 3.802
2018-10 6.075 4.242 6.611 3.839
2018-11 5.954 4.231 6.573 3.868
2018-12 5.629 4.252 6.602 3.745
2019-01 5.933 4.288 6.608 3.884
2019-02 5.936 4.357 6.628 3.92
2019-03 6.074 4.302 6.617 3.925
2019-04 5.804 4.234 6.601 3.963
2019-05 5.82 4.306 6.622 3.959
2019-06 5.977 4.344 6.611 3.844
2019-07 6.09 4.262 6.652 3.954
2019-08 6.281 4.328 6.653 3.945
2019-09 6.045 4.297 6.648 3.938
2019-10 6.167 4.28 6.669 3.94
2019-11 6.235 4.343 6.716 4.017
2019-12 6.397 4.287 6.663 4.012
2020-01 5.97 4.229 6.673 3.96
2020-02 6.02 4.087 6.684 3.882
2020-03 2.812 2.079 4.458 2.656
2020-04 1.787 0.678 2.875 1.628

Breakdown of engineered goods

  • Source: INSEE

Energy: –22.8%

In April, energy consumption fell sharply. In particular, fuel consumption dropped sharply despite an increase in the consumption of heating oil. Moreover, gas and electricity consumption fell sharply as a result of very mild temperatures for the season.

Breakdown of energy

Breakdown of energy
Refined Products Energy, water, waste
2009-01 4.396 4.871
2009-02 4.351 4.759
2009-03 4.323 4.576
2009-04 4.364 4.635
2009-05 4.339 4.558
2009-06 4.311 4.541
2009-07 4.274 4.573
2009-08 4.073 4.59
2009-09 4.167 4.571
2009-10 4.152 4.555
2009-11 4.189 4.391
2009-12 4.289 4.658
2010-01 4.064 4.912
2010-02 4.293 4.793
2010-03 4.153 4.708
2010-04 4.259 4.627
2010-05 4.143 4.722
2010-06 4.102 4.601
2010-07 4.186 4.583
2010-08 4.122 4.609
2010-09 4.183 4.641
2010-10 4.177 4.736
2010-11 4.161 4.71
2010-12 4.067 5.02
2011-01 4.202 4.59
2011-02 4.17 4.469
2011-03 4.096 4.486
2011-04 4.027 4.144
2011-05 3.86 4.497
2011-06 4.018 4.498
2011-07 4.017 4.538
2011-08 4.176 4.562
2011-09 4.055 4.507
2011-10 4.013 4.461
2011-11 3.972 4.397
2011-12 3.847 4.42
2012-01 4.04 4.466
2012-02 4.068 5.288
2012-03 4.003 4.215
2012-04 3.956 4.955
2012-05 4.048 4.522
2012-06 4.121 4.553
2012-07 3.991 4.541
2012-08 3.958 4.554
2012-09 3.947 4.577
2012-10 3.973 4.582
2012-11 4.022 4.708
2012-12 3.85 4.511
2013-01 3.9 4.698
2013-02 3.98 4.846
2013-03 3.981 4.928
2013-04 4.042 4.987
2013-05 4.087 4.798
2013-06 3.887 4.685
2013-07 3.894 4.597
2013-08 3.867 4.546
2013-09 3.829 4.56
2013-10 3.858 4.268
2013-11 3.894 4.82
2013-12 3.897 4.502
2014-01 3.826 4.241
2014-02 3.791 4.256
2014-03 3.823 4.157
2014-04 3.804 4.151
2014-05 3.756 4.395
2014-06 3.861 4.311
2014-07 3.828 4.339
2014-08 3.881 4.34
2014-09 3.879 4.287
2014-10 3.867 4.012
2014-11 3.771 4.132
2014-12 3.965 4.314
2015-01 3.877 4.447
2015-02 3.869 4.618
2015-03 3.829 4.31
2015-04 3.889 4.232
2015-05 3.846 4.262
2015-06 3.876 4.308
2015-07 4.011 4.336
2015-08 3.892 4.327
2015-09 3.915 4.408
2015-10 3.873 4.652
2015-11 3.774 4.132
2015-12 4.015 3.894
2016-01 3.902 4.254
2016-02 3.967 4.369
2016-03 3.977 4.477
2016-04 3.914 4.635
2016-05 4.161 4.38
2016-06 3.669 4.422
2016-07 3.915 4.36
2016-08 4.004 4.375
2016-09 3.968 4.328
2016-10 3.981 4.657
2016-11 4.014 4.516
2016-12 3.973 4.448
2017-01 3.995 4.839
2017-02 3.923 4.221
2017-03 3.89 3.972
2017-04 3.932 4.279
2017-05 4.003 4.356
2017-06 3.976 4.334
2017-07 4.002 4.331
2017-08 3.964 4.365
2017-09 4.155 4.453
2017-10 3.798 4.208
2017-11 3.941 4.487
2017-12 4.068 4.526
2018-01 3.918 4.074
2018-02 3.98 4.899
2018-03 4.039 4.583
2018-04 3.983 4.115
2018-05 3.984 4.216
2018-06 3.973 4.228
2018-07 3.902 4.251
2018-08 3.956 4.27
2018-09 3.914 4.225
2018-10 4.029 4.251
2018-11 3.989 4.276
2018-12 3.792 4.205
2019-01 4.009 4.506
2019-02 3.989 4.249
2019-03 3.866 4.058
2019-04 3.951 4.335
2019-05 3.85 4.421
2019-06 3.988 4.32
2019-07 3.999 4.321
2019-08 3.959 4.303
2019-09 3.964 4.287
2019-10 3.935 4.188
2019-11 3.979 4.334
2019-12 3.998 4.184
2020-01 3.982 4.19
2020-02 3.986 4.125
2020-03 3.06 4.208
2020-04 1.763 3.825

Breakdown of energy

  • Source: INSEE

Food products: –5.4%

In April, food consumption decreased after increasing strongly in March (–5.4% after +9.2%). The consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables fell sharply, as did the consumption of processed food from the agri-food industry.

Food products, engineered goods and energy

Food products, engineered goods and energy
Food products Energy Engineered goods
2009-01 16.449 9.259 19.777
2009-02 16.337 9.108 19.301
2009-03 16.13 8.91 19.487
2009-04 16.484 9.009 19.559
2009-05 16.479 8.912 19.93
2009-06 16.533 8.866 20.148
2009-07 16.505 8.854 19.702
2009-08 16.672 8.65 19.442
2009-09 16.641 8.735 19.941
2009-10 16.658 8.704 20.078
2009-11 16.496 8.595 20.264
2009-12 16.68 8.948 20.409
2010-01 16.611 8.992 20.167
2010-02 16.634 9.094 19.799
2010-03 16.704 8.87 20.29
2010-04 16.689 8.89 19.924
2010-05 16.797 8.875 20.095
2010-06 16.875 8.711 19.754
2010-07 16.899 8.775 20.204
2010-08 16.868 8.739 19.985
2010-09 16.894 8.83 20.204
2010-10 16.989 8.923 20.068
2010-11 16.965 8.88 20.647
2010-12 17.049 9.106 20.579
2011-01 17.025 8.806 20.876
2011-02 17.044 8.655 21.227
2011-03 16.983 8.594 21.012
2011-04 17.027 8.19 20.362
2011-05 16.977 8.362 20.179
2011-06 16.905 8.527 20.276
2011-07 16.949 8.565 20.092
2011-08 16.944 8.751 20.242
2011-09 17.016 8.572 20.234
2011-10 16.96 8.485 20.191
2011-11 16.959 8.38 20.279
2011-12 16.716 8.273 20.482
2012-01 16.985 8.517 20.125
2012-02 16.991 9.317 20.005
2012-03 16.914 8.242 20.431
2012-04 16.97 8.885 19.716
2012-05 16.846 8.578 20.059
2012-06 17.07 8.686 20.026
2012-07 17.093 8.534 19.904
2012-08 17.116 8.512 19.808
2012-09 17.019 8.522 19.826
2012-10 16.937 8.554 19.932
2012-11 16.832 8.725 19.839
2012-12 16.893 8.356 20.008
2013-01 16.943 8.584 19.674
2013-02 17.103 8.808 19.572
2013-03 17.362 8.885 19.573
2013-04 16.74 9.006 19.706
2013-05 17.076 8.878 19.685
2013-06 16.978 8.557 19.724
2013-07 17.119 8.483 19.786
2013-08 17.002 8.407 19.799
2013-09 17.071 8.377 19.82
2013-10 17.209 8.137 20.017
2013-11 17.266 8.69 20.115
2013-12 17.135 8.398 20.329
2014-01 17.08 8.067 19.989
2014-02 16.956 8.045 19.961
2014-03 17.129 7.983 20.022
2014-04 17.111 7.958 19.991
2014-05 17.169 8.143 19.982
2014-06 17.158 8.171 20.013
2014-07 17.022 8.164 20.154
2014-08 17.181 8.22 20.215
2014-09 17.26 8.166 19.925
2014-10 17.227 7.889 20.24
2014-11 17.229 7.905 20.286
2014-12 17.261 8.282 20.396
2015-01 17.3 8.323 20.607
2015-02 17.224 8.487 20.432
2015-03 17.232 8.139 20.423
2015-04 17.382 8.121 20.548
2015-05 17.284 8.108 20.492
2015-06 17.404 8.184 20.76
2015-07 17.337 8.347 20.797
2015-08 17.394 8.219 20.706
2015-09 17.255 8.323 20.96
2015-10 17.278 8.525 20.736
2015-11 17.347 7.905 20.347
2015-12 17.525 7.91 21.125
2016-01 17.509 8.15 21.308
2016-02 17.451 8.334 20.881
2016-03 17.411 8.457 21.185
2016-04 17.304 8.567 21.302
2016-05 17.363 8.526 21.024
2016-06 17.359 8.112 21.432
2016-07 17.413 8.276 20.877
2016-08 17.495 8.374 20.977
2016-09 17.54 8.291 21.048
2016-10 17.539 8.653 21.356
2016-11 17.466 8.533 21.376
2016-12 17.394 8.423 21.585
2017-01 17.484 8.868 21.462
2017-02 17.46 8.131 21.716
2017-03 17.543 7.83 21.706
2017-04 17.592 8.202 21.573
2017-05 17.572 8.35 21.898
2017-06 17.621 8.301 21.81
2017-07 17.555 8.322 21.992
2017-08 17.451 8.324 21.929
2017-09 17.552 8.592 22.237
2017-10 17.459 8.003 21.708
2017-11 17.594 8.437 22.016
2017-12 17.402 8.593 21.934
2018-01 17.4 7.976 21.693
2018-02 17.586 8.901 21.877
2018-03 17.55 8.625 21.902
2018-04 17.037 8.08 22.06
2018-05 17.358 8.187 21.978
2018-06 17.348 8.19 22.049
2018-07 17.407 8.146 21.88
2018-08 17.356 8.217 22.094
2018-09 17.175 8.13 21.953
2018-10 17.327 8.266 22.105
2018-11 17.235 8.255 21.955
2018-12 17.33 7.994 21.545
2019-01 17.161 8.509 22.027
2019-02 17.169 8.231 22.164
2019-03 17.068 7.917 22.261
2019-04 17.2 8.279 21.931
2019-05 17.231 8.266 22.034
2019-06 17.101 8.301 22.111
2019-07 17.108 8.313 22.311
2019-08 16.978 8.256 22.58
2019-09 17.124 8.244 22.28
2019-10 17.184 8.116 22.412
2019-11 17.083 8.307 22.689
2019-12 17.038 8.174 22.745
2020-01 17.102 8.162 22.123
2020-02 17.035 8.101 22.04
2020-03 18.604 7.277 12.771
2020-04 17.597 5.615 7.336

Food products, engineered goods and energy

  • Source: INSEE

Household consumption expenditure on goods

Changes in %. TD-SA
Household consumption expenditure on goods (Changes in %. TD-SA )
Weight (1) February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 April 20 / April 19 Q / Q-1 (2)
Food products 37 -0.4 9.2 -5.4 2.3 3.9
- excl. Tobacco 34 -0.4 10.8 -6.2 3.2 4.6
Engineered goods 44 -0.4 -42.1 -42.6 -66.6 -37.6
- Durables 22 0.5 -44.7 -39.2 -65.8 -38.5
- Transport equipment 13 0.8 -53.3 -36.4 -69.2 -42.9
- Household durables 7 -2.0 -31.6 -38.7 -58.9 -31.9
- Textile-clothing 9 -3.4 -49.1 -67.4 -84.0 -46.8
- Other engineered goods 13 0.2 -33.3 -35.5 -56.5 -30.1
Energy 18 -0.7 -10.2 -22.8 -32.2 -14.8
- Energy. water. waste 10 -1.5 2.0 -9.1 -11.8 -4.3
- Refined Products 9 0.1 -23.2 -42.4 -55.4 -26.3
Total 100 -0.4 -16.9 -20.2 -34.1 -18.0
- Including Manufactured goods 84 -0.3 -21.2 -22.8 -39.0 -21.0
  • (1) Weighting in the consumption expenditure on goods in value in 2017
  • (2) Last three months / previous three months
  • Source: INSEE

The variation in March 2020 was revised upwards

The variation in household expenditure on goods of March 2020 was revised upwards (–16.9% instead of –17.9%). Since the previous publication, new information has been integrated and the seasonal adjustment coefficients have been updated, excluding March and April from the estimation period.

For more information

*Volumes are measured at chain-link previous year prices (2014 euro billions) and all figures are trading-day and seasonally adjusted.

Scope and definition - Consumption expenditure on goods is compliant with the national-accounts definition (NAF Rev. 2). In 2010, they accounted for half of total households’ consumption expenditure. They are divided into three main items:

Food: products of agriculture, forestry and fishing (AZ), food, drinks and tobacco (C1)

Energy: mining products, as well as water, gas, electricity and air conditioning, sanitation and waste management (DE), and refined and coked products (C2).

Engineered goods: computers, electronic, electrical and optical goods (C3), transport equipment (C4), textiles and clothing, products made of leather, wood, paper, metals, plastic, rubber, chemicals, minerals, furniture, hardware, drugs (C5). Within this heading are distinguished “durable” goods which include transport equipment, household durables (furniture, household appliances, etc.) and other durable goods (jewelry, watches, glasses, medical devices, etc.).

The manufactured goods correspond to all the products C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Sources: This indicator is the compilation of a variety of statistical sources issued by the Bank of France, the French Federation of Automobile Manufacturers (CCFA), the Department of Data and Statistical Studies (SDES), the French Institute of Fashion (IFM), the National Health-Insurance Administration (CNAM), the National Federation of Rubber and Plastics Industries (SNCP), the Board of Oil (CPDP), GFK, Logista, the International Union Committee of Automobile and Motorcycle (CSIAM), etc.

Next publication: 30 june 2020 at 8:45 am

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