Informations rapides
29 May 2020
2020- n° 141
In April 2020, the turnover in large-scale food retailing decreased strongly Turnover in large-scale food retailing - April 2020

In April 2020, the turnover in large-scale food retailing decreased strongly (−11.7% after +2.1% in February). It declined sharply in food products (−9.2%) adversely affected by the huge increase in March (+11.7%). It was stable in non-food products (after −0.7% in March) and slumped in automotive fuel (−54.7% after −35.4% in March).

Turnover declined strongly in supermarkets (−10.3 after +9.4%) and in hypermarkets (−12.8% after −1.9%).

Informations rapides
No 141
Paru le :Paru le29/05/2020

Given the lockdown since March 17, response rates for business surveys about April 2020 (collected during May) are lower than usual. Therefore, statistics published in this issue of Informations Rapides could be revised more than usual in the next publication.

In April 2020, the turnover in large-scale food retailing decreased strongly (−11.7% after +2.1% in February). It declined sharply in food products (−9.2%) adversely affected by the huge increase in March (+11.7%). It was stable in non-food products (after −0.7% in March) and slumped in automotive fuel (−54.7% after −35.4% in March).

Turnover declined strongly in supermarkets (−10.3 after +9.4%) and in hypermarkets (−12.8% after −1.9%).

Decrease over the last three months (−1.1%)

Over the last three months (February to April), the turnover in large-scale food retailing decreased (−1.1%) compared to the previous three months . Over that period, sales rose strongly in food products (+6.4%), decreased in non-food products (−2.3%) and fell in automotive fuel (−36.2%).

Turnover grew in supermarkets (+3.4%) whereas it declined in hypermarkets (−4.5%).

Decrease over a year (−1.3%)

The turnover of the past three months in large-scale food retailing decreased (−1.3%) compared to the same period one year earlier. Over that period, sales grew in food products (+6.2%) whereas they decreased in non-food products (−4.4%) and fell in automotive fuel (−34.5%).

Year on year, sales rose in supermarkets (+3.1%) whereas they declined in hypermarkets (−5.5%).

Turnover in large-scale food retailing

SA-WDA value, base year 2015
Turnover in large-scale food retailing (SA-WDA value, base year 2015)
Variation en %
Kind of stores or kind of products Apr/Mar Mar/Feb. Feb./Jan. q-o-q (1) y-o-y (2)
Turnover (*) -11.7 2.1 1.3 -1.1 -1.3
Sales of food products(**) -9.2 11.7 1.7 6.4 6.2
Sales of non-food products(**) 0.0 -0.7 -0.8 -2.3 -4.4
Sales of automotive fuel(**) -54.7 -35.4 -1.5 -36.2 -34.5
Supermarkets(***) -10.3 9.4 1.4 3.4 3.1
Hypermarkets(***) -12.8 -1.9 0.6 -4.5 -5.5
  • (1) Quarter-on-quarter: last three months / previous three months (2) Year-on-year: last three months / same three months of previous year
  • (*): including sales not in stores
  • (**): sold in supermarkets or hypermarkets, excluding sales not in stores
  • (***): excluding sales not in stores
  • Source: INSEE - Monthly survey of large-scale food retailing activities (Emagsa)

Turnover in large-scale food retailing by type of retail stores

Turnover in large-scale food retailing by type of retail stores
including hypermarkets including supermarkets Total
2016-01 99.05 97.78 98.98
2016-02 99.6 98.09 99.41
2016-03 100.03 98.82 99.87
2016-04 97.87 96.98 97.22
2016-05 98.63 98.47 98.66
2016-06 98.61 97.25 98.33
2016-07 98.44 98.83 98.79
2016-08 99.36 99.98 99.73
2016-09 99.11 99.34 99.41
2016-10 100.29 100.0 100.59
2016-11 99.34 100.1 100.2
2016-12 99.42 99.32 99.4
2017-01 101.0 102.44 101.78
2017-02 99.8 101.3 100.79
2017-03 99.42 99.71 99.8
2017-04 99.95 103.64 101.14
2017-05 99.26 99.58 99.74
2017-06 99.47 100.31 100.23
2017-07 99.51 99.49 100.26
2017-08 98.51 99.48 99.52
2017-09 101.0 101.02 101.58
2017-10 97.81 100.02 99.14
2017-11 101.36 101.7 102.12
2017-12 100.72 101.15 101.14
2018-01 100.35 103.58 101.93
2018-02 101.29 103.22 102.56
2018-03 104.06 104.05 104.46
2018-04 99.47 102.8 100.3
2018-05 101.42 105.66 103.24
2018-06 102.24 103.78 103.16
2018-07 102.86 104.99 104.13
2018-08 101.34 102.6 102.35
2018-09 102.08 102.13 102.6
2018-10 103.23 105.01 103.92
2018-11 101.16 103.49 102.59
2018-12 100.71 103.25 102.5
2019-01 100.54 102.49 102.19
2019-02 100.76 102.41 102.07
2019-03 101.14 103.06 102.03
2019-04 103.2 106.39 104.14
2019-05 101.95 103.87 103.12
2019-06 100.38 103.72 102.33
2019-07 100.49 102.71 101.63
2019-08 100.95 102.72 102.07
2019-09 99.74 103.8 101.71
2019-10 100.09 103.47 101.85
2019-11 100.94 103.13 102.56
2019-12 99.84 104.58 102.53
2020-01 101.05 103.05 102.8
2020-02 101.64 104.52 104.13
2020-03 99.75 114.33 106.33
2020-04 86.96 102.55 93.92

Turnover in large-scale food retailing by type of retail stores

  • Source: INSEE - Monthly survey of large-scale food retail activities (Emagsa)

Turnover in super. and hypermarkets by type of products

Turnover in super. and hypermarkets by type of products
Food Automotive fuel Non food
2016-01 99.46 93.72 99.33
2016-02 99.91 93.96 99.9
2016-03 101.14 92.93 99.21
2016-04 96.71 92.37 100.14
2016-05 98.53 99.19 98.15
2016-06 98.87 91.62 98.01
2016-07 99.29 95.31 96.44
2016-08 100.54 94.95 97.64
2016-09 100.34 97.3 96.87
2016-10 100.56 100.09 96.98
2016-11 100.03 100.99 95.82
2016-12 98.09 104.37 93.93
2017-01 100.34 111.35 97.13
2017-02 99.71 106.75 96.11
2017-03 98.33 106.18 97.64
2017-04 100.03 105.22 96.21
2017-05 98.72 104.36 97.92
2017-06 99.94 97.24 98.31
2017-07 99.18 100.81 98.34
2017-08 98.18 102.49 97.05
2017-09 99.57 111.51 100.05
2017-10 98.63 102.85 93.38
2017-11 100.75 109.29 97.04
2017-12 98.93 110.4 94.64
2018-01 99.55 117.29 95.51
2018-02 100.46 114.01 96.17
2018-03 103.7 114.72 95.12
2018-04 96.88 115.21 96.11
2018-05 101.27 119.38 95.28
2018-06 100.84 121.3 93.53
2018-07 101.84 120.11 96.49
2018-08 99.77 120.29 94.62
2018-09 100.41 123.08 94.84
2018-10 101.09 128.42 95.16
2018-11 99.53 127.09 92.19
2018-12 100.9 113.82 93.83
2019-01 100.21 116.54 94.15
2019-02 99.5 118.12 94.55
2019-03 99.36 119.96 94.6
2019-04 102.01 120.74 93.59
2019-05 101.28 119.54 93.87
2019-06 99.21 120.39 93.93
2019-07 99.37 122.01 92.23
2019-08 99.85 121.25 92.49
2019-09 99.86 122.49 92.08
2019-10 99.51 122.52 92.15
2019-11 99.9 122.62 93.21
2019-12 100.1 122.62 92.26
2020-01 100.26 123.16 91.22
2020-02 101.99 121.33 90.52
2020-03 113.95 78.35 89.89
2020-04 103.44 35.48 89.85

Turnover in super. and hypermarkets by type of products

  • Source: INSEE - Monthly survey of large-scale food retail activities (Emagsa)

Turnover in supermarkets by type of products

Turnover in supermarkets by type of products
Food Automotive fuel Non food
2016-01 98.24 93.77 98.88
2016-02 99.04 91.67 100.62
2016-03 99.63 92.91 99.03
2016-04 95.64 91.65 100.53
2016-05 98.21 101.36 99.14
2016-06 97.88 91.38 97.88
2016-07 98.93 95.34 99.54
2016-08 100.67 95.9 99.21
2016-09 100.02 96.89 99.03
2016-10 99.61 101.31 98.48
2016-11 99.07 101.04 104.77
2016-12 97.78 104.34 98.14
2017-01 100.68 113.77 98.1
2017-02 100.42 108.28 97.37
2017-03 97.77 107.68 98.25
2017-04 101.24 106.95 97.54
2017-05 98.88 105.61 99.67
2017-06 100.38 97.23 99.92
2017-07 99.34 100.81 98.0
2017-08 98.81 103.43 97.23
2017-09 99.7 109.43 99.58
2017-10 99.11 105.4 95.65
2017-11 100.58 109.34 97.88
2017-12 99.27 109.68 94.58
2018-01 100.89 120.63 97.28
2018-02 100.84 115.27 98.76
2018-03 102.33 113.69 95.54
2018-04 98.01 114.05 97.1
2018-05 103.91 118.66 97.05
2018-06 100.9 119.62 94.63
2018-07 102.64 118.5 98.4
2018-08 100.08 119.17 94.88
2018-09 99.95 118.45 93.33
2018-10 101.61 125.65 95.55
2018-11 100.93 122.04 93.09
2018-12 101.54 115.49 94.11
2019-01 100.58 116.88 96.29
2019-02 99.97 116.51 96.28
2019-03 99.84 117.9 95.23
2019-04 102.63 117.44 93.18
2019-05 102.34 116.63 92.89
2019-06 101.22 117.57 95.25
2019-07 100.45 116.86 92.99
2019-08 100.44 116.06 94.39
2019-09 101.83 118.21 94.09
2019-10 100.85 120.42 95.97
2019-11 101.1 119.92 92.97
2019-12 101.93 123.28 94.07
2020-01 100.53 124.36 92.83
2020-02 102.42 122.8 92.89
2020-03 122.24 81.33 98.14
2020-04 114.65 37.49 95.47

Turnover in supermarkets by type of products

  • Source: INSEE - Monthly survey of large-scale food retail activities (Emagsa)

Turnover in hypermarkets by type of products

Turnover in hypermarkets by type of products
Food Automotive fuel Non food
2016-01 100.27 91.75 99.43
2016-02 100.82 94.23 99.55
2016-03 102.36 93.22 99.58
2016-04 97.6 93.2 99.68
2016-05 98.88 98.42 98.1
2016-06 99.59 94.34 97.96
2016-07 99.39 95.94 95.32
2016-08 100.31 95.03 97.26
2016-09 100.56 96.75 95.79
2016-10 100.98 98.6 97.21
2016-11 100.78 99.34 94.06
2016-12 98.22 103.28 91.3
2017-01 100.03 110.6 97.05
2017-02 99.26 106.13 96.19
2017-03 98.66 105.81 97.56
2017-04 99.66 104.78 95.98
2017-05 98.75 104.13 97.39
2017-06 99.74 100.37 97.8
2017-07 99.07 100.86 98.39
2017-08 97.73 102.09 96.87
2017-09 99.23 110.33 99.08
2017-10 98.09 100.99 93.77
2017-11 101.04 109.16 97.73
2017-12 98.45 110.55 93.91
2018-01 98.38 116.16 95.08
2018-02 100.14 114.3 95.65
2018-03 103.99 115.49 94.87
2018-04 96.5 116.88 95.87
2018-05 99.33 119.61 94.67
2018-06 100.62 123.17 93.31
2018-07 101.3 121.66 95.58
2018-08 99.49 121.11 94.23
2018-09 100.14 122.46 94.33
2018-10 100.31 128.58 95.95
2018-11 98.37 129.7 92.62
2018-12 99.83 111.5 92.98
2019-01 99.45 116.39 93.3
2019-02 98.89 120.19 94.05
2019-03 98.21 122.19 94.3
2019-04 102.25 124.01 93.67
2019-05 100.31 122.54 94.06
2019-06 97.75 123.44 93.64
2019-07 98.49 124.38 91.53
2019-08 99.21 124.53 91.67
2019-09 98.04 122.47 91.22
2019-10 98.33 122.14 91.71
2019-11 98.85 122.65 94.34
2019-12 98.47 122.62 90.19
2020-01 99.57 123.52 90.41
2020-02 101.77 121.35 89.78
2020-03 107.24 77.92 88.72
2020-04 96.89 35.61 88.36

Turnover in hypermarkets by type of products

  • Source: INSEE - Monthly survey of large-scale food retail activities (Emagsa)

Revisions of variations

in percentage point
Revisions of variations (in percentage point)
Mar/Feb. Feb./Jan. Jan./Dec. Q1 2020/Q4 2019 2019/2018
Large-scale food retailing 0.28 0.02 0.16 0.23 0.00
Raw serie 0.43 0.01 0.21 0.37 0.00
SA-WDA parameters -0.14 0.01 -0.05 -0.14 0.00
  • How to read it: Within large scale food retailing, the SA-WDA variation between February and March 2020 is revised by +0.28 points: +0.43 points are due to the raw series' revision and -0.14 points to the new calculation of the SA-WDA
  • Source: INSEE - Monthly survey of large-scale food retailing activities (Emagsa)


The variation in the turnover of large-scale food retailing in March 2020 has been revised upwards, at +2.1% (rounded number) instead of +1.8% initially publised.

For further information

Next issue: 30 June 2020 at 12h00

Pour en savoir plus

Next issue: 30 June 2020 at 12h00
