Informations rapides
13 December 2018
2018- n° 324
In November 2018, the prices of frequently purchased goods rose by 0.2% in hyper and supermarkets Price Index in large and predominantly-food stores - November 2018

In November 2018, the prices of frequently purchased goods in hyper and supermarkets and in large and predominantly food stores rose by 0.2% after a stability in October.

Informations rapides
No 324
Paru le :Paru le13/12/2018

In November 2018, the prices of frequently purchased goods in hyper and supermarkets and in large and predominantly food stores rose by 0.2% after a stability in October.

Excluding hyper and supermarkets, prices slightly accelerated over a month: +0.3% after +0.2% in the previous month.

Considering all kinds of stores, the prices of frequently purchased goods increased a little more quickly than in October (+0.2% after +0.1%).

Year on year, the prices in hyper and supermarkets barely accelerated in November

Compared with the same month last year, the prices of frequently purchased goods sold in hyper and supermarkets modestly accelerated by 0.9% after +0.8% in the three previous months. The same is true in large and predominantly food stores (+0.9% year on year).

In the other kinds of stores, the prices of frequently purchased goods rose more markedly than in large distributors: in November they grew by 2.3% year on year, 0.2point more than in October. It has been the largest increase since February 2013.

Considering all types of stores, the increase in prices of frequently purchased goods was a little more pronounced: +1.2% year on year after +1.1% in the three previous months.

Graph1Prices of Frequently purchased goods year-on-year change %

  • Geographical coverage: metropolitan France
  • Source: INSEE - Consumer Price Indexes

Graph2Frequently purchased goods price indexes by main items

  • Geographical coverage: metropolitan France
  • Source: INSEE - Consumer Price Indexes

Table1Prices of frequently purchased goods

2015: 100
Prices of frequently purchased goods (2015: 100) -
Index Changes (%) compared to
November 2018 last month (m-o-m) (1) 12 months before (y-o-y) (2)
Hyper and supermarkets (A) 101.28 0.2 0.9
Large and predominantly food stores (A + neighborhood stores) 101.33 0.2 0.9
Other stores 105.36 0.3 2.3
All stores 102.04 0.2 1.2
  • (1) [m/(m-1)]
  • (2) [m/(m-12)]
  • Geographical coverage: metropolitan France
  • Source: INSEE - Consumer Price Indexes

Table2Prices of frequently purchased goods detailed by main items

2015: 100
Prices of frequently purchased goods detailed by main items (2015: 100) -
Index Changes (%) compared to
November 2018 last month (m-o-m) (1) 12 months before (y-o-y) (2)
Food and beverages (excluding fresh foodstuffs) 101.88 0.3 1.1
- Meat 102.78 0.4 0.8
- Beverages 101.94 0.2 1.6
- Other food products 101.38 0.2 1.1
Clearing and personal care products 98.26 0.1 −0.4
Total Hyper and supermarkets 101.28 0.2 0.9
  • (1) [m/(m-1)]
  • (2) [m/(m-12)]
  • Geographical coverage: metropolitan France
  • Source: INSEE - Consumer Price Indexes

Rise, over a month, in food prices in hyper and supermarkets

In November 2018, the prices of food (excluding fresh products) sold in hyper and supermarkets increased again (+0.3%), after two months of stability. Year on year, they increased by 1.1%, as in September and October.

The month-on-month rise resulted from a sharp rebound in meat prices, a slight acceleration in beverages prices and an increase in those of other food products.

Meat prices sharply rebounded by 0.4% after two months of decrease (−0.3% in September and −0.2% in October). Year on year, their increase was the same than in October (+0.8%).

Tthe prices of beverages sold in hyper and supermarkets rose barely more than in the previous month (+0.2% after +0.1%). Year on year, their prices were a little more dynamic than in October: +1.6% after +1.4%.

After two months of stability, the prices of other food products (excluding fresh food) slighty increased in November (+0.2%). Year on year, they rose by 1.1%, as in October.

Year on year, lesser decline in the prices of cleaning and personal care products in hyper and supermarkets

In November, the prices of cleaning and personal care products sold in hyper and supermarkets rose at the same pace as in October (+0.1%). Year on year, the the prices of these products declined by 0.4% after −0.6% in the previous month.

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