Informations rapides
7 February 2018
2018- n° 33
In Q4 2017, tourist attendance increases strongly (+7.8% over one year, after +4.1% in the previous quarter) Tourism occupancy in hotels, campsites and holiday and other short-stay accommodation in metropolitan France - fourth quarter 2017

In the fourth quarter of 2017, throughout metropolitan France, the number of overnight stays in tourist collective accommodation rose by +7.8% compared to the same period of 2016: more for non-residents (+11.2%) than for residents (+6.5%). The increase in occupancy is still driven by Île-de-France, as in the previous three quarters.

The increase is 9.9% compared to the fourth quarter of 2014, reflecting a significant rise, beyond the catch-up of the post-attacks 2015 period. Over three years, unlike the last year alone, the increase was more marked for residents (+12.4%) than for non-residents (+4.6%).

Tourist numbers in metropolitan France rise sharply again

In the fourth quarter of 2017, throughout metropolitan France, the number of overnight stays in tourist collective accommodation rose by +7.8% compared to the same period of 2016: more for non-residents (+11.2%) than for residents (+6.5%). The increase in occupancy is still driven by Île-de-France, as in the previous three quarters.

The increase is 9.9% compared to the fourth quarter of 2014, reflecting a significant rise, beyond the catch-up of the post-attacks 2015 period. Over three years, unlike the last year alone, the increase was more marked for residents (+12.4%) than for non-residents (+4.6%).

In hotels, attendance of tourists from abroad is growing stronger

In the fourth quarter of 2017, overnight stays in the hotel business increased by 5.2% year-on-year. The increase is strong in Île-de-France (+8.8%), slightly less strong on the coast (+4.7%) and more moderate elsewhere. The jump is much greater for non-resident customers (+11.7%) than for those living in France (+2.2%). All spaces benefit from this influx of customers from abroad, particularly Île-de-France, with 12.9% more nights and the coastline (+13.0%). The hotel industry in Paris had its best fourth quarter since 2010.

Graph1Overnight stays in hotels

  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

Holiday and other short-stay accommodation: sharp rise in urban spaces and mountain resorts

Attendance at holiday and other short stay accomodation (HOSSA) increased by 16.6% compared to the same quarter of 2016.

In contrast to hotels, it is the resident clientele that is increasing attendance at HOSSA with +18.8% vs. +8.4% for non-residents. The increase in the number of customers living in France is high in the urban area, in Île-de-France (56.5% more nights) but also in the provincial urban area (+25.4%).

In the ski mountain area, the clientele comes back in force, partly because of the very important snowfall during last Christmas holidays. Attendance is almost back to its fourth quarter 2015 level, after a very difficult year-end in 2016. Non-resident customers are significantly more volatile (+68.2%) than resident customers (+13.0% overnight stays).

The increase in resident nights is also marked in coastal HOSSA (+11.2%). Finally, the number of overnight stays increases by 2.1% in the other areas, which accommodate rural and mid-mountain tourism.

Graph2Overnight stays in HOSSA

  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE


Compared to the previous publication, the change in the overall number of overnight stays in the third quarter of 2017 was unchanged (+4.1%). The evolution of overnight stays by non-residents is slightly revised upward (+5.1% instead of +5.0%).

Table1Overnight stays in Q4 2017*

Overnight stays in Q4 2017* ( ) -
Nights of the quarter Year-on-year (%) (Q/Q-4)
Total nights (millions) % of foreign nights Total Foreign French
Total 60.7 30.0 7.8 11.2 6.5
Hotels 45.5 33.5 5.2 11.7 2.2
Unclassified 4.9 23.1 24.2 32.0 22.0
1 and 2 stars 11.8 23.2 –4.0 9.7 –7.5
3 stars 16.8 33.1 5.6 10.9 3.2
4 and 5 stars 12.0 48.4 8.1 10.2 6.1
Hotel chain 24.7 33.1 5.0 11.3 2.1
Independent hotel 20.9 34.0 5.5 12.2 2.3
Île-de-France 17.2 53.1 8.8 12.9 4.6
Provincial urban area 17.2 20.7 2.9 10.2 1.1
Coastlines 6.4 24.8 4.7 13.0 2.2
Ski mountain area 1.1 30.5 2.4 0.6 3.2
Other area 3.6 17.9 1.8 6.9 0.8
Holiday and other short-stay accomodation 15.1 19.3 16.6 8.4 18.8
Tourism residences 12.9 20.2 16.6 5.0 20.0
Other 2.3 13.9 16.6 47.3 12.9
Île-de-France 2.8 32.7 32.7 1.0 56.5
Provincial urban area 4.3 15.6 21.1 2.3 25.4
Coastlines 3.3 11.9 7.5 –13.5 11.2
Ski mountain area 2.3 27.3 24.1 68.2 13.0
Other area 2.5 13.0 2.1 4.6 1.8
  • Reference area: Metropolitan France
  • *provisional data
  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

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