Informations rapides
12 October 2017
2017- n° 269
In Q3 2017, the Housing Rent Reference Index increased by 0.90% over a year Rent Reference Index - third quarter 2017

In Q3 2017, the Housing Rent Reference Index stood at 126.46. Year on year, it increased by 0.90%, its strongest growth since Q3 2013.

Informations rapides
No 269
Paru le :Paru le12/10/2017
Prochaine parution le : 15/10/2024 at 08:45 - third quarter 2024

In Q3 2017, the Housing Rent Reference Index stood at 126.46. Year on year, it increased by 0.90%, its strongest growth since Q3 2013.

TableHousing rent reference index

Q4 1998=100
Housing rent reference index (Q4 1998=100) -
Values Percentage change over a one-year period. (Q/Q-4)
Q1 2013 124.25   +1.54
Q2 2013 124.44   +1.20
Q3 2013 124.66   +0.90
Q4 2013 124.83   +0.69
Q1 2014 125.00   +0.60
Q2 2014 125.15   +0.57
Q3 2014 125.24   +0.47
Q4 2014 125.29   +0.37
Q1 2015 125.19   +0.15
Q2 2015 125.25   +0.08
Q3 2015 125.26   +0.02
Q4 2015 125.28   −0.01
Q1 2016 125.26   +0.06
Q2 2016 125.25   0.00
Q3 2016 125.33   +0.06
Q4 2016 125.50   +0.18
Q1 2017 125.90   +0.51
Q2 2017 126.19   +0.75
Q3 2017 126.46   +0.90
Q4 2017
  • Note: series are available on INSEE web site.
  • Source: INSEE

GraphYear-on-year change in housing rent reference index

  • Source: INSEE

Warning :

The consumer price index (CPI) has changed reference year in January 2016. The new series of the CPI has been used to calculate the Housing Rent Reference Index (HRRI) since the first quarter of 2016. The Housing Rent Reference Index reference period is not modified, however. This change in the calculation method of the CPI has no impact for users of the HRRI.


Methodology (pdf,126 Ko)

Pour en savoir plus
