Informations rapides
8 September 2017
2017- n° 237
In July 2017, manufacturing output recovered slightly (+0.3%) Industrial production index - July 2017

In July 2017, output recovered slightly in the manufacturing industry (+0.3% after −0.9% in June), as well as in the whole industry (+0.5% after −1.1%).

Informations rapides
No 237
Paru le :Paru le08/09/2017
Prochaine parution le : 04/10/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

Please note: all the series are seasonally (SA) and working-day adjusted (WDA).

The commentary shows variations of subsections by decreasing contribution. The contribution of a subsection depends on the extent of the change and on its weight.

In July 2017, output recovered slightly in the manufacturing industry (+0.3% after −0.9% in June), as well as in the whole industry (+0.5% after −1.1%).

Manufacturing output increased sharply over the last three months (+1.5%)

Over the last three months, manufacturing output went up sharply in the manufacturing industry (+1.5%) as well as in the overall industry (+1.5%).

Output increased in all branches. It grew markedly in “other manufacturing” (+1.4%), in the manufacture of transport equipment (+3.1%), in mining and quarrying, energy, water supply (+1.9%) and in the manufacture of machinery and equipment goods (+1.1%). It increased slightly in the manufacture of food products and beverages (+0.4%). It soared in the manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (+9.1%).

Over a year, manufacturing output also expanded sharply (+3.5%)

Manufacturing output of the last three months increased robustly compared to the same months of 2016 (+3.5%). It also grew markedly in the whole industry (+3.1%).

Over a year, output rose in all branches. It grew sharply in “other manufacturing” (+2.7%), in the manufacture of machinery and equipment goods (+5.5%), in the manufacture of transport equipment (+5.2%) and in the manufacture of food products and beverages (+2.1%). It soared in the manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (+19.4%). It went up slightly in mining and quarrying, energy, water supply (+0.4%).

Graphique1aMonthly Industrial Production Indices

  • Legend: CZ: Manufacturing - (C1): Manufacture of food products and beverages - (C3): Machinery and equipment goods - (C4): Manufacture of transport equipment - (C5): Other manufacturing
  • Sources: INSEE, SSP, SDES

Tableau1aVariation in the Industrial Production

2010 based, SA-WDA changes in %
Variation in the Industrial Production (2010 based, SA-WDA changes in %) -
NA : A10, (A17) July / June June / May Q-o-Q change (1) Year-on-year change (2)
BE: INDUSTRY 0.5 –1.1 1.5 3.1
CZ: Manufacturing 0.3 –0.9 1.5 3.5
(C1): Manufacture of food products and beverages –0.3 –0.9 0.4 2.1
(C2): Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products –4.9 4.2 9.1 19.4
(C3): Machinery and equipment goods 0.7 –2.6 1.1 5.5
(C4): Manufacture of transport equipment 1.9 –4.3 3.1 5.2
(C5): Other manufacturing 0.0 0.3 1.4 2.7
DE: Mining and quarrying; energy; water supply; waste management 2.0 –2.8 1.9 0.4
FZ: CONSTRUCTION 0.6 –0.2 –0.2 3.5
  • (1) Last three months / previous three months
  • (2) Last three months / same three months of previous year
  • The codes correspond to the level of aggregation A 10 (A 17) of the "NA" aggregated classification based on the French classification of activities NAF rev.2.
  • Sources: INSEE, SSP, SDES

Tableau2aVariation in the Industrial Production

2010 based, SA-WDA changes in %
Variation in the Industrial Production (2010 based, SA-WDA changes in %) -
NA : A10, (A17), [A38 or A64] July 2017 July / June June / May Quarter-on-quarter change
BE: INDUSTRY 103.2 0.5 –1.1 1.5
CZ: Manufacturing 104.4 0.3 –0.9 1.5
(C1): Man. of food products and beverages 100.9 –0.3 –0.9 0.4
(C2): Man. of coke and refined petroleum products 87.8 –4.9 4.2 9.1
(C3): Machinery and equipment goods 103.2 0.7 –2.6 1.1
[CI] Man. of computer, electronic and optical products 113.0 0.5 –2.2 3.3
[CJ] Man. of electrical equipment 87.9 –0.4 –4.1 0.8
[CK] Man. of machinery and equipment n.e.c. (1) 102.1 1.5 –2.3 –1.1
(C4): Man. of transport equipment 116.0 1.9 –4.3 3.1
[CL1] Man. of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 108.0 2.1 –3.3 4.8
[CL2] Man. of other transport equipment 124.0 1.7 –5.1 1.7
(C5): Other manufacturing 103.6 0.0 0.3 1.4
[CB] Man. of textiles, wearing apparel, leather and related products 89.6 –0.4 –1.5 3.0
[CC] Man. of wood and paper products; printing and reproduction of recorded media 86.9 –0.5 –0.1 0.6
[CE] Man. of chemicals and chemical products 123.0 –0.6 –0.9 2.0
[CF] Man. of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations 123.5 0.1 2.7 6.1
[CG] Man. of rubber and plastics products, and other non-metallic mineral products 102.4 1.6 –1.4 1.1
[CH] Man. of basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 98.2 0.2 –0.3 1.0
[CM] Other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipment 98.7 –0.6 2.0 –0.8
DE: Mining and quarrying; energy; water supply; waste management 95.8 2.0 –2.8 1.9
[BZ] Mining and quarrying 95.6 2.1 –2.9 –2.0
[DZ] Electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply 95.6 3.4 –3.4 2.9
[EZ] Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation 97.4 –8.0 1.6 –2.2
FZ: CONSTRUCTION 90.0 0.6 –0.2 –0.2
MIGs (2)
Capital goods 105.6 0.6 –1.6 0.9
Intermediate goods 101.2 0.1 –0.9 1.1
Consumer durables 114.1 8.1 –1.6 2.0
Consumer non-durables 106.9 –0.3 –0.1 2.4
Energy 95.0 1.7 –2.4 2.6
  • (1) n.e.c. : not elsewhere classifiable
  • (2) Main industrial groupings: definition in Commission regulation EC of 14 June 2007
  • Sources: INSEE, SSP, SDES

In July, output bounced back in mining and quarrying, energy, water supply, waste management (+2.0% after −2.8%)

Output rebounded sharply in electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply (+3.4% after −3.4%) and in mining and quarrying (+2.1% after –2.9%). However, it shrank substantially in water supply and waste management (−8.0% after +1.6%)

Output bounced back in the manufacture of transport equipment (+1.9% after −4.3%)

Output rallied in the manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (+2.1% after −3.3%) and in that of other transport equipment (+1.7% after −5.2%).

It recovered in machinery and equipment goods (+0.7% after −2.6%)

Output rebounded in the manufacture of machinery and equipment (+1.5% after −2.3%) and in that of computer, electronic and optical products (+0.5% after −2.2%). Conversely, it diminished again in the manufacture of electrical equipment (−0.4% after −4.1%).

Output was stable in “other manufacturing” (after +0.3%)

Output bounced back in the manufacture of rubber and plastics products and other non-metallic mineral products (+1.6%). It picked up slightly in that of basic metals and fabricated metal products (+0.2%). It was virtually stable in pharmaceuticals (+0.1%). Conversely, it slipped back in other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipment (−0.6%). It decreased again in chemicals (−0.6%) and in wood, paper and printing industries (−0.5%).

Output went down again in the manufacture of food products and beverages (−0.3% after −0.9%)

Output fell back in the manufacture of beverages and diminished again in the processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables.

Output fell back in the manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (−4.9% after +4.2%)

Output declined markedly in the manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (−4.9%) after a sharp rise in June (+4.2%).

Tableau3aRevision of variations

(in percentage point)
Revision of variations ((in percentage point)) -
June / May May / April April / March Q2 2017 / Q1 2017 2016 / 2015
Industry (BE) –0.03 0.00 –0.13 –0.12 –0.01
raw serie –0.01 –0.10 –0.01 –0.09 0.00
SA-WDA parameters –0.02 0.10 –0.12 –0.03 –0.01
Manufacturing (CZ) 0.05 0.02 –0.16 –0.11 –0.01
raw serie 0.05 –0.09 –0.04 –0.09 –0.01
SA-WDA parameters 0.00 0.11 –0.12 –0.02 0.00
  • How to read it: in the manufacturing sector, the SA-WDA variation between May 2017 and June 2017 is revised by +0.05 points, due to the revision of the raw series.
  • Sources: INSEE, SSP, SDES

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