Informations rapides
25 November 2016
2016- n° 309
In Q3 2016, the prices of dwellings maintenance and improvement work increased (+0.3%) Dwellings maintenance and improvement price index - third quarter 2016

In Q3 2016, dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index (IPEA) increased (+0.3%) as in the previous quarter.

Prices accelerated steeply in plastering (+0.9% after +0.4% in Q2 2016) and in wood and PVC joinery works (+0.7% after +0.1%). They slowed a little in painting and floor and wall covering (+0.3% after +0.5%) and they fell back slightly in electrical installation (−0.2% after +0.9%).

Over a year, dwellings maintenance and improvement work prices increased by 0.8%, slightly faster than in Q2 2016 (+0.7%). They continued to rise markedly in metal joinery works and ironwork (+3.1% after +3.3%) and in electrical installation (+1.9% after 2.1%). Prices accelerated in plastering (+1.9% after +0.7%). By contrast, prices continued to decrease in plumbing (−0.5% after −0.3%) and in heat and air-conditioning installation (−0.3% as in Q2 2016).

In Q2 2016, producer cost index in specialised construction in existing buildings (ICP-43BTR) increased by 0.2%, more moderately than in Q1 2016 (+0.6%). Over a year, it increased by 0.9%.

Informations rapides
No 309
Paru le :Paru le25/11/2016

In Q3 2016, dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index (IPEA) increased (+0.3%) as in the previous quarter.

Prices accelerated steeply in plastering (+0.9% after +0.4% in Q2 2016) and in wood and PVC joinery works (+0.7% after +0.1%). They slowed a little in painting and floor and wall covering (+0.3% after +0.5%) and they fell back slightly in electrical installation (−0.2% after +0.9%).

Over a year, dwellings maintenance and improvement work prices increased by 0.8%, slightly faster than in Q2 2016 (+0.7%). They continued to rise markedly in metal joinery works and ironwork (+3.1% after +3.3%) and in electrical installation (+1.9% after 2.1%). Prices accelerated in plastering (+1.9% after +0.7%). By contrast, prices continued to decrease in plumbing (−0.5% after −0.3%) and in heat and air-conditioning installation (−0.3% as in Q2 2016).

In Q2 2016, producer cost index in specialised construction in existing buildings (ICP-43BTR) increased by 0.2%, more moderately than in Q1 2016 (+0.6%). Over a year, it increased by 0.9%.


The variation in the “IPEAprice index between the second quarter of 2016 and the first quarter of 2016 is revised upward by 0.1% due to the integration of late responses from some businesses. Published in August 2016 at +0.2%, it is now +0.3%.

Graph1Dwellings maintenance and improvement work price and cost indices

  • Source: INSEE

Graph2Changes in dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index

  • Source: INSEE

Graph3Changes in dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index

  • Source: INSEE

Graph4Changes in dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index

  • Source: INSEE

Table1Dwellings maintenance and improvement work price and cost index

Dwellings maintenance and improvement work price and cost index ( ) -
Weights Q3 2016 Q/Q-1 Q/Q-4
Dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index (IPEA) 100.0 107.0 +0.3 +0.8
Masonry works and building structural works 16.9 104.8 0.0 +0.3
Painting and floor and wall covering 16.9 102.9 +0.3 +0.3
Wood and PVC joinery works 15.5 110.7 +0.7 +1.3
Heat and air-conditioning installation 10.7 107.8 +0.1 -0.3
Plumbing 10.1 110.4 0.0 -0.5
Roofing activities 9.4 105.9 +0.1 +1.3
Electrical installation 9.2 106.6 -0.2 +1.9
Metal joinery works and ironwork 6.3 111.9 0.0 +3.1
Plastering 5.0 104.0 +0.9 +1.9
Q2 2016 Q/Q-1 Q/Q-4
Producer cost index in specialised construction in existing buildings (ICP-43BTR) 106.3 +0.2 +0.9
  • In %, raw data, base and reference 100 in 2010
  • Source: INSEE

Table2Variations' revisions (in points of %)

Variations' revisions (in points of %) ( ) -
Q2 2016
IPEA +0.1
Masonry works and building structural works ///
Painting and floor and wall covering +0.4
Wood and PVC joinery works ///
Heat and air-conditioning installation +0.1
Plumbing ///
Roofing activities +0.1
Electrical installation ///
Metal joinery works and ironwork +0.3
Plastering +0.5
  • ///: unchanged
  • How to read it: the variation in the “IPEA” price index between the second quarter of 2016 and the first quarter of 2016 is revised upward by 0.1%.
  • Source: INSEE


Methodology (pdf,93 Ko)

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