Income, consumption, saving and wealth by category of households in 2003 Annual national accounts - base 2005
Warning: the results of the survey below refer to the base 2005 of the national accounts. They are meant to be compared with the results of the 2012 provisional account - 2010 finalized account campaign available in the archives of the "National accounts - Public finances" topic.
Wealth by category of households in 2003 Annual national accounts - base 2005
Wealth of households, comprising non financial assets, professional assets, financial assets and financial liabilities for the year 2003, is broken down by type of households according to the standard of living (measured by the quintiles of gross disposable income per consumption unit), the household composition, the age of the head of the household, the socio-professional category of the head of the household and the size of the urban unit of residence of households.
Net worth of households is made up of their non financial assets, professional assets and financial assets from which financial liabilities have been substracted.
Non financial assets are mostly made up of real estate. They also include woods, forests, other land and water surfaces and valuables.
Professional assets are made up of buildings held by unincorporated enterprises, other professional assets (agricultural and non agricultural ones), non listed shares and other profit sharings.
Financial assets are of different types : currency and transferable deposits, investments on sight (taxable passbooks, savings accounts, passbooks for young people, popular passbooks, sustainable development passbooks, housing savings accounts), contractual savings (savings scheme offering low-interest mortgages, banking popular savings plans, corporate passbooks), other deposits (bank issued medium-term note, savings certificates), securities other than shares (Treasury bills, bonds), credits, listed shares and deed of mutual investment fund organizations (savings from salaries, savings plans in shares), insurance technical reserves (life-insurance, death insurance, pensions savings).
Financial liabilities are made up of mortgages and consumers credits of households, occupational loans of unincorporated enterprises.
Analyses by category of households are carried out using INSEE surveys relating to households. These surveys refer only to ordinary households resident in the french mainland. The resulting tables by category of households thus correspond to this scope. An additional table offers supplementary references on the scope of national accounts which include the persons living in the overseas departments and the persons living in communities.
Wealth by category of households in 2003
Reference on the whole of the field of the national accounting in 2003
Pour comprendre
The average income, consumption, saving and wealth of the households are essential statistical data, in order to analyse the standards of living of the inhabitants of a country and in order to draw comparisons between various countries. However, these data must be enriched by information on their distribution, in order to apprehend the disparities between households and to bring closer macroeconomic and microeconomic measures of the same aggregates.
In the survey concerning the "Income, consumption, saving and wealth by category of households in 2003", four criteria of distinction between the households were at first selected to study these disparities : the standard of living (measured by the quintiles of gross disposable income per consumption unit), the household composition, the age of the head of the household and the socio-professional category of the head of the household. The disposable income, the consumption expenditure and the saving ratio of the year 2003 can thus be compared for the different categories of households.
The current release takes into account new criteria : the main source of income, the household type classification and the size of the urban unit of residence of the household. These results have been established within the framework of the OECD-Eurostat expert group to measure disparities between households in a national account framework.
These results follow the recommendations of the Stiglitz Commission on "The Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress". The Stiglitz Commission suggested to give more prominence to the distribution of income, consumption and wealth in the analysis of the material well-being of the households. It also recommended that households income and consumption measure should include goods and services in kind provided by general government units and NPISH.