Informations rapides
25 July 2013
2013- n° 176
In July 2013, the economic climate recovers slightly in public works Quaterly survey of public works - July 2013

Informations rapides
No 176
Paru le :Paru le25/07/2013

Warning: seasonal coefficients were updated for this survey.

In July 2013, the judgment about past activity recovers

In the second quarter 2013, past activity would increase with the rebound of bad weather conditions from the previous quarter: the corresponding balance of opinion strongly increases and rejoins its long-term average. The balance of opinion corresponding to expected activity remains almost stable compared to the previous quarter, slightly over its long-term average.

Business leaders are more numerous than in April to consider their order books higher than normal for this period of the year.

Still no many obstacles to production

Obstacles to production remain at a very low level: only 5 % of the businesses indicate to be constrained because of workforce shortage.

Employment would remains sluggish

In view of the business leaders’ expectations, the decline in employment would lighten in the next months. The corresponding balance of opinion is equal to its long-term average.

tableau1Public works economic outlook

Balances of opinion, in %, SA
Public works economic outlook (Balances of opinion, in %, SA)
Mean* Oct. 12 Jan. 13 April 13 July 13
Past activity –6 –7 –5 –30 –5
- of which public-sector project –11 –12 –17 –40 –20
- of which private-sector project –11 –12 –11 –33 –15
Expected activity –14 –27 –14 –12 –11
- of which public-sector project –16 –35 –18 –18 –20
- of which private-sector project –17 –28 –17 –19 –10
Opinion on order books –25 –17 –14 –23 –18
Obstacles to production increase because of workforce shortage (in %) 15 6 7 7 5
Expected workforce –15 –21 –14 –19 –15
  • * Mean since January 1981
  • Sources: FNTP and INSEE

ActivityActivity tendency in public works

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