Informations rapides
30 June 2009
2009- n° 175
Debt of the general government according to the Maastricht definition – 1st Quarter 2009 Debt of the general government according to the Maastricht definition - First Quarter 2009

At the end of the first quarter of 2009, the public debt reached 1413.6 billion euros, a 86.5 billion euros rise compared to Q4 2008.

Informations rapides
No 175
Paru le :Paru le30/06/2009
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - second quarter 2024
  1. Comment
  2. Table


At the end of the first quarter of 2009, the public debt reached 1413.6 billion euros, a 86.5 billion euros rise compared to Q4 2008.

As a percentage of GDP, the debt amounted approximately to 72.9%, +4.8 points compared to Q4 2008.

The growth of the general government net debt was lower and represented approximately 63.6% of the GDP, +2.2 points compared to Q4 2008.


Tableau 1The debt of the general government according to the Maastricht definition

(billion euros)
The debt of the general government according to the Maastricht definition ((billion euros))
Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 2008 Q4 2008 Q1 2009
General Government 1249.8 1268.5 1284.2 1327.1 1413.6
of which: State 965.0 984.9 996.2 1036.2 1080.7
Central agencies 95.6 90.7 94.8 109.1 156.0
Local Government 133.0 132.8 134.3 146.7 142.8
Social security funds 56.1 60.2 59.0 35.1 34.0
  • Source: National Accounts - INSEE, DGFiP, Banque de France


Methodology (pdf,131 Ko)

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