Informations rapides
22 September 2016
2016- n° 250
In September 2016, the French business climate improves slightly Business climate indicator and turning point indicator - September 2016

In September 2016, the business climate indicator has improved slightly. The composite indicator, compiled from the answers of business managers in the main sectors, has gained one point and has returned to its level of July. At 102, it stands slightly above its long-term average (100). The climate has gained two points in manufacturing and one point in services. However, it has lost five points in wholesale trade and one point in retail trade. It is stable in building construction.

Informations rapides
No 250
Paru le :Paru le22/09/2016
Prochaine parution le : 24/10/2024 at 08:45 - October 2024

The French business climate has gained one point

In September 2016, the business climate indicator has improved slightly. The composite indicator, compiled from the answers of business managers in the main sectors, has gained one point and has returned to its level of July. At 102, it stands slightly above its long-term average (100). The climate has gained two points in manufacturing and one point in services. However, it has lost five points in wholesale trade and one point in retail trade. It is stable in building construction.

Graph_indicretTurning point indicator

  • Close to +1 (resp. −1) : favourable business climate (unfavourable). Between −0.3 and +0.3: uncertainty area

The turning point indicator for the French economy as a whole remains in the area showing an uncertain short-term economic outlook.

Graph_climaffFrench business climate composite indicator

TableauBusiness climate and turning point indicators

Business climate and turning point indicators
May 16 June 16 July 16 Aug. 16 Sept. 16
Composite indicators
France 102 100 102 101 102
Manufacturing 104 102 103 101 103
Wholesale trade 102 - 104 - 99
Building construction 95 95 95 95 95
Retail trade 103 102 104 103 102
Services 101 98 101 101 102
Turning point indicators
France 0,1 –0,7 0,1 –0,2 0,3
Manufacturing 0,0 –0,4 0,0 –0,1 0,2
Wholesale trade 0,5 - 0,5 - –0,5
Building construction 0,9 –0,1 0,7 –0,4 –0,3
Services 0,8 –0,5 0,2 –0,4 0,2
  • Source: INSEE, Business tendency surveys


Methodology (pdf,125 Ko)

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