Informations rapides
27 May 2016
2016- n° 139
In Q1 2015, dwellings maintenance and improvement work prices increased by 0.2% Dwellings maintenance and improvement price index - 1st Quarter of 2016

In Q1 2016, dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index (IPEA) increased by 0.2%; it was virtually stable in the previous quarter (-0.1%). Over a year, it rose by 0.3%, as in the previous quarter.

In Q1 2016, dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index (IPEA) increased by 0.2%; it was virtually stable in the previous quarter (−0.1%). Over a year, it rose by 0.3%, as in the previous quarter.

In Q1 2016, prices increased mainly in electrical installation (+0.8%), in roofing activities (+0.7%) and in metal joinery works and ironwork (+0.7%). On the contrary, they decreased in heat and air-conditioning installation (−0.3%).

Compared to Q1 2015, prices increased mainly in metal joinery works (+1.4%), in roofing activities (+1.2%) and in electrical installation (+0.8%). On the contrary, prices decreased in painting and floor and wall covering (−0.6%), in heat and air-conditioning installation (−0.2%) and in plumbing (−0.2%).

Producer cost index in specialised construction in existing buildings (ICP-43BTR) increased in Q4 2015 by +0.4% quarter-on-quarter as well year-on-year.

graphipeaUKDwellings maintenance and improvement work price and cost indices

  • Source: INSEE

Graph6aUKChanges in dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index

  • Source: INSEE

Graph6cUKChanges in dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index

  • Source: INSEE

Graph6bUKChanges in dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index

  • Source: INSEE

TABIPEADwellings maintenance and improvement work price and cost index

Dwellings maintenance and improvement work price and cost index
Weights 2016Q1 Q/Q-1 Q/Q-4
Dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index (IPEA) 1 000 106.2 +0.2 +0.3
Masonry works and building structural works 169 104.6 +0.1 +0.2
Painting and floor and wall covering 169 101.9 0.0 −0.6
Wood and PVC joinery works 155 109.3 +0.2 +0.3
Heat and air-conditioning installation 107 107.5 −0.3 −0.2
Plumbing 101 110.4 0.0 −0.2
Roofing activities 94 105.7 +0.7 +1.2
Electrical installation 92 105.4 +0.8 +0.8
Metal joinery works and ironwork 63 109.6 +0.7 +1.4
Plastering 50 102.7 +0.1 +0.4
Producer cost index in specialised construction in existing buildings (ICP-43BTR) 1 000 106.1 +0.4 +0.4
  • In %, raw data, base and reference 100 in 2010
  • Source: INSEE

TabREVMeasure of revision of the variations (in points of %)

Measure of revision of the variations (in points of %)
IPEA ///
Masonry works and building structural works +0.1
Painting and floor and wall covering −0.4
Wood and PVC joinery works ///
Heat and air-conditioning installation −0.2
Plumbing +0.2
Roofing activities −0.7
Electrical installation +0.6
Metal joinery works and ironwork +0.1
Plastering +0.2
  • How to read it: the change of the “Masonry works and building structural works” price index between the third and the fourth quarter of 2015 is revised upward by 0.1 points. Published in February 2016 at −0.1%, it is now 0.0%.
  • Source: INSEE


Methodology (pdf,93 Ko)

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