Informations rapides
14 January 2016
In October 2015, producer costs for construction decreased slightly Costs of production indices in construction - October 2015

In October 2015, producer costs in construction decreased slightly (+0.2%) after a steeper decline in September (–0.6%). They decreased more in civil engineering (–0.5%) than in building construction (–0.2%) and in specialised construction activities (–0.1%).

In October 2015, producer costs in construction decreased slightly (+0.2%) after a steeper decline in September (–0.6%). They decreased more in civil engineering (–0.5%) than in building construction (–0.2%) and in specialised construction activities (–0.1%).

Over a year, producer costs in construction continued to decline (–2.1%), mainly in civil engineering (–6.3%). They also decreased in construction of buildings (–1.4%) and in specialised construction activities (–1.3%).

tablo1Producer cost indices for construction

In %
Producer cost indices for construction (In %)
NAF Heading Weights (in %) Oct. 15/ Sept. 15 Oct. 15 / Oct. 14
F Construction 100.0 –0.2 –2.1
41.2 Construction of buildings 10.1 –0.2 –1.4
42 Civil engineering 16.2 –0.5 –6.3
43 Specialised construction works 73.7 –0.1 –1.3
43BT Buildings 64.2 –0.1 –0.8
43BTC New buildings 24.6 –0.2 –1.3
43BTR Existing buildings 39.6 –0.0 –0.6
43TP Specialised works for civil engineering 9.5 –0.4 –4.5
BT Buildings (41.2 + 43BT) 74.3 –0.1 –0.9
TP Public works (42 + 43TP) 25.7 –0.4 –5.6
  • Source: INSEE

tablo2Items of producer cost indices for construction

In %
Items of producer cost indices for construction (In %)
Costs items Q3 15 / Q2 15 Oct. 15/ Sept. 15 Oct. 15 / Oct. 14
Equipment Buildings +0.7 –0.2 +2.3
Public works +0.4 –0.3 +1.1
Labour Labour costs in construction 0.0 /// ///
Energy Buildings –6.3 0.0 –13.0
Public works –8.4 –0.5 –14.8
Material Construction of buildings –0.7 –0.6 –3.1
Existing buildings –0.1 –0.2 –1.7
Civil engineering –1.6 –1.2 –14.5
Specialised works for civil engineering –0.1 –0.5 –1.4
Services Construction +0.6 +0.3 +0.4
Transport Buildings –1.6 +0.3 –2.9
Public works –0.4 0.0 –1.0
  • ///: non published estimation
  • Source: INSEE

GRCoutUKProduction costs in construction

  • Source: INSEE

Materials costs continued to decline

In October 2015, materials costs decreased again clearly in civil engineering (–1.2% after –3.8%); over a year, they fell by almost 15% in this sector. They dipped more moderatly in construction of buildings (–0.6%), specialised works for civil engineering (–0.5%) and in the renovation of existing buildings (–0.2%). The drop of prices of bitumen (–4.5% after –14.1%) and that of serrated or ribbed bars for reinforced concrete (–3.5%) explain most of the fall of material costs.

GRMUKMaterials costs

  • Source: INSEE

Equipment cost dipped slightly

In October 2015, equipment costs decreased slightly in construction of buildings (–0.2%) and in publics works (–0.3%) reflecting the fall in the prices of machine for construction.

GRKUKEquipment cost

  • Source: INSEE

GRtravailUKLabour cost in construction

  • Source: INSEE

Energy cost stopped plummeting

In October 2015, the cost of energy was flat in building construction (0.0% after –1.8%) after fives monthes of decrease. They still declined in publics works (–0.5%) but at a slower pace than in the previous month (–0.9%), reflecting the slighter drop in prices of non–road diesel fuel. Energy costs remained lower than a year ago in public works (–14.8%) as in the building construction (–13.0%); however, this decrease tends to diminish.

GRenergieEnergy cost

  • Source: INSEE

revisionUKRevisions of costs of production indices in construction

In points
Revisions of costs of production indices in construction (In points)
July 15 August 15 September 15
F Construction /// /// ///
41.2 Construction of buildings /// +0.1 –0.1
42 Civil engineering /// /// 0.1
43 Specialised construction works /// /// ///
  • How to read it: producer cost for construction of buildings between July and August 2015 published in December 2015 has been updated from –0.1% to 0.0%, that is to say an upward revision by 0.1 points.
  • Source: INSEE

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