Informations rapides
26 January 2016
2016- n° 23
In January 2016, business and employment prospects have improved in the building craft sector Quarterly survey of the building crafts sector - January 2016

According to the business managers surveyed in January 2016, the economic outlook climate in the building crafts sector has improved.

According to the business managers surveyed in January 2016, the economic outlook climate in the building crafts sector has improved.

Business prospects have improved

In January 2016, fewer building craftsmen than in October 2015 declared a fall in their activity in the last three month: the corresponding balance has picked up after a downturn in October. They are also less pessimistic about their activity for the next three months. Furthermore, their opinion on the general business outlook in the building sector has improved regularly since October 2014. However, the three corresponding balances remain below their long-term average.

Back to normal for employment prospects

Fewer craftsmen than in October forecast a fall in their staff size for the next few months. The corresponding balance of opinion, which has increased since the beginning of 2015, has returned to its long-term average, that it hadn't hit since early 2012.

One in four businesses has recruiting problems

In January 2016, recruiting problems have concerned 26% of businesses. This proportion has decreased since April and stands well below its long-term average (41%). The share of businesses training apprentices is stable (37%), and is close to its long-term average.

tableau1Economic outlook in the building craft industry

Balances of opinion, in %, SA
Economic outlook in the building craft industry (Balances of opinion, in %, SA)
Mean* April 15 July 15 Oct. 15 Jan. 16
Past activity –6 –33 –12 –21 –11
Expected activity –9 –31 –19 –20 –15
General business outlook –22 –39 –33 –28 –25
Past employment –4 –21 –9 –5 –7
Expected employment –4 –23 –9 –7 –4
Recruiting problems (in %) 41 40 29 26 26
Apprentice training (in %) 38 30 33 37 37
  • * Mean since October 1990.
  • Source: INSEE - tendency survey, in the building craft industry

ActivityActivity tendency in the building crafts sector

  • Source: INSEE - tendency survey, in the building craft industry

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