Informations rapides
15 March 2016
2016- n° 64
In February 2016, prices of frequently purchased goods decreased slightly again in hyper and supermarkets Price Index in large and predominantly-food stores - February 2016

In February 2016, prices of frequently purchased goods faltered once more in hyper and supermarkets (-0.1% after -0.2% in January). They were down at the same pace in large and predominantly food stores.

Informations rapides
No 64
Paru le :Paru le15/03/2016

In February 2016, prices of frequently purchased goods faltered once more in hyper and supermarkets (−0.1% after −0.2% in January). They were down at the same pace in large and predominantly food stores.

By contrast, excluding hyper and supermarkets, prices of frequently purchased goods edged up (+0.2% in February) after three months of stability in a row.

Considering all the kinds of stores, prices of frequently purchased goods were stable in February.

Year-on-year, price fall deepened slightly in hyper and supermarkets

Year-on-year, prices of frequently purchased goods declined again in hyper and supermarkets, at a slightly faster pace (−0.3%) in February than in the two previous months. In hyper and supermarkets, they also fell by 0.3% year-on-year.

Conversely, prices of frequently purchased goods sped up slightly in the other kinds of stores (+0.6% year-on-year in February after +0.4% in January and December).

Considering all stores, prices of frequently purchased goods were overall stable year-on-year in February as in January 2016.

Graphique1EnglishFrequently purchased goods price indexes year-on-year change %

  • Geographical coverage: metropolitan France
  • Source: INSEE - Consumer Price Indexes

Graphique2EnglishFrequently purchased goods price indexes

  • Geographical coverage: metropolitan France
  • Source: INSEE - Consumer Price Indexes

Tableau1EnglishPrices of frequently purchased goods

2015: 100
Prices of frequently purchased goods (2015: 100)
Index Changes (%) compared to
February 2016 Last month (m-o-m) 12 months before (y-o-y)
Hyper-and-Supermarkets (A) 99.81 −0.1 −0.3
Large and predominantly food stores (A + neighborhood stores) 99.83 −0.1 −0.3
Other stores 100.41 0.2 0.6
All stores 99.99 0.0 0.0
  • Geographical coverage: metropolitan France
  • Source: INSEE - Consumer Price Indexes

Tableau2EnglishPrices of frequently purchased goods detailed by main items

2015: 100
Prices of frequently purchased goods detailed by main items (2015: 100)
Index Changes (%) compared to
February 2016 last month (m-o-m) 12 months before (y-o-y)
Food and beverages (excluding fresh foodstuffs) 99.92 −0.1 −0.1
- Meat 100.19 0.0 0.4
- Beverages 99.81 −0.1 −0.3
- Other food products 99.81 −0.1 −0.4
Clearing and personal care products 99.28 0.0 −1.1
Total Hyper-and-Supermarkets 99.81 −0.1 −0.3
  • Geographical coverage: metropolitan France
  • Source: INSEE - Consumer Price Indexes

Further moderate decline in food prices in hyper and supermarkets

In February 2016, prices of food excluding fresh foodstuffs sold in hyper and supermarkets slipped slightly again (−0.1% as the previous month). Year-on-year, they also declined by 0.1%, whereas they were stable in January.

Prices of meat stabilized in February after a sharp decline in January linked to promotions (−0.5%). Year-on-year, prices of meat sold in hyper and supermarkets increased by 0.4% in February after 0.7% in January 2016 and December 2015.

Beverage prices fell down slightly (−0.1%) as a result of lower prices of non-alcoholic beverages. Year-on-year, prices of beverages sold in hyper and supermarkets dipped slightly (−0.3% after −0.2% in January 2016).

The prices of other food products (excluding fresh food) decreased marginally in February (−0.1% after a stability in January). Year-on-year, they were down 0.4%, as in the previous three months. In February 2015, they had dropped more strongly (−1.1% year-on-year).

Stability in prices of cleaning and personal care products in hyper and supermarkets

In February, prices of cleaning and personal care products levelled off in hyper and supermarkets in February after a drop by 0.4% in January. Year-on-year, they diminished by 1.1% as in the previous month. In February 2015, they were down 2.4% year-on-year.

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