Informations rapides
18 February 2016
2016- n° 42
In January 2016, prices of frequently purchased goods decreased by 0,2% in hyper and supermarkets Price Index in large and predominantly-food stores - January 2016

In January 2016, prices of frequently purchased goods declined by 0.2% in hyper and supermarkets after stabilizing in December 2015. In large and predominantly food stores, they decreased at the same pace. In the other types of stores, prices of frequently purchased goods remained broadly unchanged in January 2016, as during the previous month. Considering all the kinds of stores, prices of frequently purchased goods diminished by 0.2 % in January after flattening out in December 2015.

Informations rapides
No 42
Paru le :Paru le18/02/2016

Warning  : As for the CPI, the reference year of retail price indexes in hyper and supermarket has changed and is now 2015 = 100. The monthly indexes published before January 2016 were accordingly backcasted, with sometimes marginal revisions (+/− 0.1 points on monthly and annual variations).

In January 2016, prices of frequently purchased goods declined by 0.2% in hyper and supermarkets after stabilizing in December 2015. In large and predominantly food stores, they decreased at the same pace.

In the other types of stores, prices of frequently purchased goods remained broadly unchanged in January 2016, as during the previous month.

Considering all the kinds of stores, prices of frequently purchased goods diminished by 0.2 % in January after flattening out in December 2015.

Year-on-year, prices decreased slightly in hyper and supermarkets

Year-on-year, prices of frequently purchased goods declined slightly again in January 2016, in hyper and supermarkets as in large and predominantly food stores (−0.2% as in the previous month).

By contrast, in the other types of stores, prices of frequently purchased goods were up 0.4% in January 2016 compared with January 2015.

Considering all stores, prices of frequently purchased goods were overall stable year-on-year in January 2016 after a slight rise in December 2015 (+0.1%).

Graphique1EnglishFrequently purchased goods price indexes year-on-year change %

  • Source: INSEE - Consumer Price Indexes

Graphique2EnglishFrequently purchased goods price indexes

  • Source: INSEE - Consumer Price Indexes

Tableau1EnglishPrices of frequently purchased goods

Base 100: 2015
Prices of frequently purchased goods (Base 100: 2015)
Index Changes (%) compared to
January 2016 last month (m-o-m) 12 months before (y-o-y)
Hyper-and-Supermarkets (A) 99.87 −0.2 −0.2
Large and predominantly food stores (A + neighborhood stores) 99.88 −0.2 −0.2
Other stores 100.23 0.0 0.4
All stores 99.97 −0.2 0.0
  • Source: INSEE - Consumer Price Indexes

Tableau2EnglishPrices of frequently purchased goods detailed by main items

Base 100: 2015
Prices of frequently purchased goods detailed by main items (Base 100: 2015)
Index Changes (%) compared to
January 2016 last month (m-o-m) 12 months before (y-o-y)
Food and beverages (excluding fresh foodstuffs) 99.99 −0.1 0.0
- Meat 100.18 −0.5 0.7
- Beverages 99.88 0.1 −0.2
- Other food products 99.91 0.0 −0.4
Clearing and personal care products 99.28 −0.4 −1.1
Total Hyper-and-Supermarkets 99.87 −0.2 −0.2
  • Source: INSEE - Consumer Price Indexes

Food prices edged down in hyper and supermarkets

In January 2016, prices of food (excluding fresh foodstuffs) sold in hyper and supermarkets slipped back by 0.1% in January 2016 after a stability in December 2015. Year-on-year, they were flat in January, as in the previous month.

This slight decrease came mainly from a decline in meat prices (−0.5% month-on-month) related to discounts. Year-on-year, prices of meat sold in hyper and supermarkets grew by 0.7% in January 2016, as in December 2015.

In hyper and supermarkets, the beverage prices increased slightly in January (+0.1%) due to rises in alcoholic drink prices. Year-on-year, they slipped moderately in January (−0.2%).

The prices of other food products (excluding fresh foodstuffs) were unchanged after a decline by 0.1% in December 2015. Year-on-year, they were down by 0.4% in January, as in the previous two months. In January 2015, they had fallen by 1.1% year-on-year.

Fall in prices of cleaning and personal care products in hyper and supermarkets

Prices of cleaning and personal care products decreased by 0.4% in hyper and supermarkets in January 2016 after levelling off in December 2015. Year-on-year, they diminished by 1.1%. In January 2015, they had decreased significantly more (−2.5% year-on-year).

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