Informations rapides
18 February 2016
2016- n° 41
Consumer prices decreased by 1.0% in January 2016, they were up 0.2% year-on-year Consumer price index - final results - January 2016

Monthly change: −1.0%; year-on-year: +0.2% In January 2016, the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) fell by 1.0% after an increase by 0.2% in December. Seasonally adjusted, it diminished by 0.2% after a stability in December. Year-on-year, it grew by 0.2% in January 2016, as in the previous month. The downturn in the CPI in January came mainly from the seasonal fall of manufactured product prices during the winter sale period and from the drop in prices of services tourism-related. Furthermore, petroleum product prices decreased again.

Informations rapides
No 41
Paru le :Paru le18/02/2016
Prochaine parution le : 15/10/2024 at 08:45 - September 2024

Warning : The Consumer price indexes are now published with reference year 2015 = 100. Further information can be found on the web page of this indicator.

Monthly change: −1.0%; year-on-year: +0.2%

In January 2016, the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) fell by 1.0% after an increase by 0.2% in December. Seasonally adjusted, it diminished by 0.2% after a stability in December. Year-on-year, it grew by 0.2% in January 2016, as in the previous month.

The downturn in the CPI in January came mainly from the seasonal fall of manufactured product prices during the winter sale period and from the drop in prices of services tourism-related. Furthermore, petroleum product prices decreased again.

Winter sales drove down manufactured good prices

In January 2016, the manufactured product prices were broadly down 3.0% due to the winter sales. Year-on-year, they were almost unchanged (−0.1% after −0.3% in December 2015). Thus, as every year, clothing and footwear prices fell sharply in January (−16.7%; −0.6% year-on-year). To a lesser extent, winter sales contributed to the decrease in prices of many other products, as household textiles, travel goods and other carriers of personal effects (−4.3%; +0.2% year-on-year), furniture and furnishings (−3.1%; +0.4% year-on-year), jewelry, clocks and watches (−1.3%; +2.4% year-on-year) as well as domestic appliances (−1.1%; −0.3% year-on-year).

Tableau1IR_EnglishDetailed figures for various groups

2015: 100
Detailed figures for various groups (2015: 100)
Items Weight Index Percentage change
2016 Jan. 2016 m-on-m change y-on-y change
a) All households
OverAll 10000 99.08 −1.0 0.2
Overall SA* 10000 99.81 −0.2 0.2
Food 1615 99.93 −0.1 0.4
Fresh food 217 98.74 −0.4 1.8
Other food 1398 100.12 0.0 0.2
Tobacco 195 100.04 0.0 0.3
Manufactured products 2651 97.84 −3.0 −0.1
Clothing and footwear 414 87.77 −16.7 −0.6
Medical products 466 98.28 −0.1 −3.7
Other manufactured products 1771 99.81 −0.5 0.6
Energy 773 95.02 −1.2 −3.8
Petroleum products 419 89.38 −3.6 −7.4
Services 4766 100.15 −0.1 1.1
Actual rentals and services for dwellings 768 100.53 0.0 0.6
Medical services 598 100.06 −0.3 0.0
Transport 279 96.20 −3.7 −1.7
Communication 245 99.99 −0.1 1.0
Other services 2876 100.46 0.2 1.7
Total except rents and tobacco 9183 98.99 −1.0 0.2
Total except tobacco 9805 99.07 −1.0 0.2
b) Urban working-class households or households of employees
All products excluding tobacco 9704 99.00 −1.0 0.1
c) Households that belong to the lowest equivalized disposable income quintile - France
All products excluding tobacco 9696 98.85 −1.1 0.0
  • Source: INSEE - Consumer Price Indexes - France excluding Mayotte
  • *: seasonally adjusted

Seasonal decline in service prices

In January 2016, service prices diminished slightly month-on-month (−0.1% after +0.6% in December) and rose by 1.1% year-on-year. In fact, after the end-of-year holidays, tourism-related service prices fell back seasonally in January, particularly airfares (−11.4%; −3.7% year-on-year), package holidays (−5.4%) and accommodation services (−2.1%; +3.6% year-on-year). On the opposite, as every year, many fees have been risen in January, in particular postal rates (+3.8%), financial services (+1.7%; +2.1% year-on-year) as well as insurance fees (+1.2%; +2.6% year-on-year).

Energy prices decreased again

Energy prices continued to drop in January 2016 (−1.2%, as in December ; −3.8% year-on-year) due to the ongoing downward trend in petroleum product prices (−3.6% in January ; −7.4% year-on-year). Prices of heating fuels tumbled again (−8.3%; −17.2% year-on-year). The fall in motor gas prices was cushioned by higher taxes on these products. Moreover, due to rises in duties, prices of town gas were up by 1.0% in January (−8.2% year-on-year) and those of electricity by 2.2% (+4.1% year-on-year).

Slightly cheaper fresh food stuffs

In January 2016, food prices declined again slightly (−0.1% month-on-month after −0.3% in December), as fresh foodstuff prices decreased moderately (−0.4%), in particular for fresh fruits (−2.5%). Prices of fresh vegetables picked up softly (+0.7%) while fresh fish prices (+3.8%) and those of fresh seafood (+2.4%) rose significantly. Excluding fresh foodstuffs, food prices were unchanged, as in the previous month. Year-on-year, they were up 0.2%, as in December.

Stability over a year of core inflation and of HICP inflation

In January 2016, the core inflation indicator (ISJ) rose by 0.1% as in December 2015. Year-on-year, it grew by 0.9%, as in December 2015. The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) was down 1.1% month-on-month in January. Year on year, it rose by 0.3%, as in the previous month.

GraphiqueIR_EnglishConsumer price index (CPI), core inflation (ISJ) and Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) year-on-year changes

Tableau2IR_EnglishDetailed figures for Core inflation* and HICP**

2015: 100
Detailed figures for Core inflation* and HICP** (2015: 100)
Items Weight Index Percentage change
2016 Jan. 2016 m-on-m change y-on-y change
Core inflation - All items 6075 100.40 0.1 0.9
Food excluding fresh products, meat, milk and exotic products 735 100.13 0.2 0.0
Manufactured products 2136 99.67 −0.5 0.6
Services including actual rentals and services for dwellings 3204 100.74 0.3 1.3
HICP - All items 99.03 −1.1 0.3
  • * Core inflation indicator excludes public sector prices, the most volatile consumer prices and the tax measures. Seasonally adjusted, this index is calculated for all households in France excluding overseas departments and territories. (in French “indice d'inflation sous-jacent - ISJ)
  • **HICP: Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices are inflation figures designed for international comparison of consumer price inflation between Member states of the European Union. This index is calculated for all households in France.
  • Source: INSEE - Consumer Price Indexes - France excluding Mayotte


The CPI monthly and annual variations are inchanged from the provisional estimates released on 29th January. The HICP monthly and annual variations have been revised down by 0.1 points. The variation of the core inflation indicator (ISJ) in December 2015 was revised up 0.1 points compared to the data released on 13th January 2016 due to a new estimation of seasonal adjustment parameters.


Methodology (pdf,141 Ko)

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