Training and employment 2013 Edition

With “Training and employment” INSEE presents the main analyses on those leaving the education system, their integration and training throughout life.

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Paru le :Paru le04/12/2013
Daniel Martinelli, Claude Minni
Formations et emploi- December 2013

Faced with the crisis, a diploma protects against unemployment and facilitates access to ongoing training

Daniel Martinelli, Claude Minni

The level of training among young people increased greatly during the 1990s, following a large increase in the number of holders of a high school diploma and a massive influx into higher education. Reform of the career path in secondary schools at the end of the 2000s has not yet resulted in a new increase in the level of training for young people. This level has been stable since the start of the 2000s and at the end of initial training, 70% of young people today have a baccalaureate or a higher education diploma. Job integration for young people remains very unequal according to their level of training. In the first years following the end of their studies, active young people with a higher education diploma are nearly five times less often unemployed than those that have at most a certificate of secondary education. The crisis affected the unemployment rate for young people, which shot up in 2009. In 2012, one to four years after leaving initial training, the unemployment rate for young people possessing at most a certificate of secondary education was very high (47%). Young people with a higher education diploma still had a relatively moderate unemployment rate (10%). The wage for young people with an advanced diploma, which had been increasing from the start of the 2000s, fell in constant euros as of 2010. They earned however much higher wages than those with a secondary certificate. Faced with inequalities in job integration at the start of a working life, ongoing training can provide a second chance. However, unemployed people often have less access to training than those in employment. Among those in employment, vocational training more often involves those with the most qualifications: 67% of those with a higher education diploma follow training for professional reasons during one year compared to only 26% for those with no diploma.

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Paru le :04/12/2013