Informations rapides
29 May 2015
2015- n° 132
Overall agricultural producer prices almost stable in April 2015 Indices of agricultural prices - April 2015

Cereal prices fell in April (-1.9%). Good weather conditions in the United-States and Europe suggested a bountiful harvest.

Informations rapides
No 132
Paru le :Paru le29/05/2015
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 12:00 - August 2024

In April 2015, overall agricultural prices increased by 0.1 % compared to March ; over one year they decreased by 6.9 %

Cereal prices fell in April (-1.9%). Good weather conditions in the United-States and Europe suggested a bountiful harvest.

cerealProducer prices of cereals

In april, oilseed prices continued to rise (+1.9%); they increased over seven months by more than 20%. The demand for crushing was strong while production was expected to decline this year, due to cuts in planted area for rapeseed and, for sunflower, lower yields expected in the Black Sea region.

Wine prices dipped over one year (-1.7 %). The last harvest was good, except in the Languedoc-Roussillon region. Consequently, the prices of common wines, massively produced in this region, rose significantly (+17.7% yoy). Conversely, prices of PDO (protected designation of origin) wines decreased over one year (–7.5%).

The price of potato plummeted from the previous year (–25.6%): crops in North-West Europe were more abundant in 2014 than in 2013, due to higher yields.

Fresh fruits prices increased compared to last year (+5.8%). The strawberry continued its marketing season with a higher price than the same period last year, reflecting a moderate foreign competition and a demand driven by a mild and sunny weather in April.

vegetableProducer prices of vegetables

Fresh vegetable prices grew yoy (+12.4%). Those for lettuces, endives rose sharply due to significant cuts in their planted areas. The price of tomatoes increased also yoy : the mild April weather sharpened the demand while the supply fell compared to last year, due to declining importations.

pigProducer prices of pigs and large cattle

On a seasonally adjusted basis, animals prices were almost stable in April (+0.2%), but went down significantly yoy (-7.1%). Pig prices fell over this period (-15.9 %), reflecting overproduction in Western European countries regarding the internal consumption and the limited outlets for exportations to other countries, with noticeably the Russian embargo still in force. Cow milk price sank over one year (–18.8 %): the Asian demand slowed down while the Russian embargo reduced the export market.

Tab1Indices of producer prices of agricultural products (IPPAP)

Base year: 2010
Indices of producer prices of agricultural products (IPPAP) (Base year: 2010)
Variation as % over
weights April 2015 a month 3 months a year
raw Seasonally adjusted
Agricultural goods output 1000 110.4 +0.1 –0.6 –6.9
excluding fruits and vegetables 900 110.8 –0.2 –0.9 –8.3
Crop output (excluding fruits and vegetables) 505 114.8 –0.4 –1.7 –6.7
Cereals 188 107.3 –1.9 –7.6 –11.9
of which soft wheat 112 105.4 –2.9 –8.4 –14.2
grain maize 41 93.5 +0.3 +1.5 –15.0
Potatoes 26 97.0 /// /// –25.6
Wines 177 129.9 +0.2 +0.6 –1.7
Protected designation of origin 84 133.5 –0.4 –0.1 –7.5
other wines 23 154.5 +2.6 +4.1 +17.7
Oleaginous 49 102.4 +1.9 +7.3 –2.5
Horticultural products 30 102.9 –1.5 +0.1 –0.5
Other crop products 36 119.3 –0.3 +0.7 –1.3
Fruits and vegetables (1) 100 106.5 /// /// +8.6
Fresh vegetables 53 101.9 /// /// +12.4
Fresh fruits 35 109.9 /// /// +5.8
Animal output 395 105.7 –0.1 +0.2 –10.3
Animals 234 113.7 +0.2 +1.0 –7.1
of which large cattle 96 119.2 +0.1 +0.7 –4.4
calves 26 108.0 –2.7 –2.8 –5.2
pigs 54 108.0 +2.0 +4.1 –15.9
sheep 10 124.5 –0.8 0.0 –1.0
poultry 46 110.0 +0.4 +1.1 –4.5
of which chicken 28 110.2 +0.2 +1.4 –4.4
Milk 147 92.2 0.0 +0.2 –17.6
of which cow milk (2) 137 91.4 0.0 +0.3 –18.8
Eggs 15 112.7 –5.2 –10.7 +7.9
  • (1) Including vegetables for industry.
  • (2)The price for April is not yet known and therefore is estimated by carrying forward the seasonally adjusted price of March
  • Sources : Insee - SSP (ministry of agriculture)

The purchase price of production means increased a little in April

In April, intermediate consumption price was almost stable (+0.1%). Energy and feed prices have rallied for three months (+9.3% and +1.3%) after having plummeted during six months (roughly -20% and -8%). Investment price significantly rose in April (+0.5%).

meansPurchase price of agricultural production means

Tab2Indices of agricultural production means purchase prices (IPAMPA)

Base year: 2010
Indices of agricultural production means purchase prices (IPAMPA) (Base year: 2010)
weights March 2015 Variation as % over
a month 3 months a year
Total input 1000 110.8 +0.2 +1.6 –2.0
Intermediate consumptions 764 112.2 +0.1 +1.9 –2.7
Energy 100 104.4 0.0 +9.3 –10.8
Seeds 57 108.8 –0.1 +0.1 0.0
Fertilisers and soil improvers 92 123.0 +0.3 +2.5 +3.1
Plant protection products 78 100.9 +0.5 +1.2 –0.2
Animal feed 205 118.5 0.0 +1.3 –6.2
Veterinary expenses 43 113.0 0.0 –0.3 +1.9
Small equipment and tools 17 108.0 +0.2 –0.2 –0.1
Maintenance of materials 67 113.0 +0.1 +0.6 +1.5
Maintenance of buildings 9 106.7 0.0 +0.2 –0.1
Other goods and services 97 102.2 0.0 +0.1 0.0
Goods and services contributing to investment 236 106.7 +0.5 +0.7 +0.2
Material 186 107.4 +0.7 +0.8 +0.6
Tractors 79 107.3 +1.3 +1.2 +0.3
Machinery and plant for cultivation 36 109.4 –0.2 +0.4 +1.8
Machinery and plant for harvesting 42 107.5 +0.4 +0.7 +0.6
Utility vehicles 18 104.8 0.0 0.0 +0.2
Buildings 50 104.2 0.0 +0.2 –1.3
  • (1) The repayment of the domestic tax on energy products (TICPE) benefiting farmers has been applied in advance for the year 2015
  • Sources: Insee - SSP (ministry of agriculture)

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