Informations rapides
29 May 2015
2015- n° 131
In the first quarter of 2015, dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index increased by 0.2% Dwellings maintenance and improvement price index - 1st Quarter 2015

In the first quarter of 2015, dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index (IPEA) increased slightly again by (+0.2%, after +0.1% in the previous quarter). Over a year, it rose by 0.4%.

In the first quarter of 2015, dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index (IPEA) increased slightly again by (+0.2%, after +0.1% in the previous quarter). Over a year, it rose by 0.4%.

Prices increased in the first quarter of 2015 in metal joinery works and ironwork (+0.7%), in wood and PVC joinery works (+0.5%), in heat and air-conditioning installation (+0.3%), in plumbing (+0.2%) and in plastering (+0.2%).

Prices were nearly flat in painting and floor and wall covering (+0.1%), electrical installation (+0.1%) and in roofing activities (+0.1%). They were stable in masonry works and building structural works.

Producer cost index in specialised construction in existing buildings (ICP-43BTR), which reflects the change in producer costs for dwellings maintenance and improvement works, increased slowly in first quarter of 2015 (+0.2%), and was flat over a year.

TABIPEADwellings maintenance and improvement price and cost index (IPEA and ICP 43BTR)

Dwellings maintenance and improvement price and cost index (IPEA and ICP 43BTR)
Weights 2014Q4 Q/Q-1 Q/Q-4
Dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index (IPEA) 1 000 105.9 + 0.2 + 0.4
Masonry works and building structural works 169 104.4 - 0.0 + 0.5
Painting and floor and wall covering 169 102.7 + 0.1 - 0.4
Wood and PVC joinery works 155 109.2 + 0.5 + 1.5
heat and air-conditioning installation 107 107.5 + 0.3 - 0.0
Plumbing 101 110.4 + 0.2 + 0.3
Roofing activities 94 104.5 + 0.1 - 0.6
Electrical installation 92 104.5 + 0.1 + 0.2
Metal joinery works and ironwork 63 108.1 + 0.7 + 1.3
Plastering 50 102.3 + 0.2 + 0.8
Producer cost index in specialised construction in existing buildings (ICP 43BTR) 1 000 105.3 + 0.2 + 0.0
  • In %, raw data, weights and reference 100 in 2010
  • Source: INSEE

Revision of each dwellings maintenance and improvement work price indices (in points)

Revision of each dwellings maintenance and improvement work price indices (in points)
IPEA - 0.1(1)
Masonry works and building structural works - 0.1
Painting and floor and wall covering ///
Wood and PVC joinery works - 0.1
heat and air-conditioning installation ///
Plumbing + 0.1
Roofing activities ///
Electrical installation - 0.1
Metal joinery works and ironwork - 0.1
Plastering - 0.1
  • (1) How to read it: the change of the dwellings maintenance and improvement work price index between the third quarter and the fourth quarter of 2014 published in February 2015 at + 0.2% is now estimated at 0.1%, it is to say a revision down by 0.1 point.
  • Source: INSEE

graphipeaUKDwellings maintenance and improvement price and cost indices (IPEA and ICP 43BTR)

  • Source: INSEE

GraphFamilleUKQuarterly contributions in dwellings maintenance and improvement price indices (%)

Graph6aUKChanges in main dwellings maintenance and improvement price index

  • Source: INSEE

Graph6bUKChanges in main dwellings maintenance and improvement price index

  • Source: INSEE

Graph6cUKChanges in main dwellings maintenance and improvement price index

  • Source: INSEE


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