Informations rapides
30 April 2015
2015- n° 108
Increase in overall agricultural producer prices in March 2015 Indices of agricultural prices - mars 2015

In March 2015, overall agricultural prices rebounded by 0.4 % relatively to February ; over one year they decreased by 6.7 %

Informations rapides
No 108
Paru le :Paru le30/04/2015
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 12:00 - August 2024

In March 2015, overall agricultural prices rebounded by 0.4 % relatively to February ; over one year they decreased by 6.7 %

Overall cereal prices slipped in March (-0.7% after –5.2%), despite the plunge in the price of durum wheat (almost 15%). The high prices of this cereal in 2014 had prompted the farmers to switch to this growing, thus suggesting a more abundant supply this year than in previous years. As for soft wheat and maïze, their prices were firm due to a competitive euro against the dollar, despite the abundance of the supply.

cerealProducer prices of cereals

In March, oleaginous prices kept going up (+3.5% after +1.7%) : rape became more expensive as a result of cuts in grown area and therefore a lower expected harvest in Europe.

Wine prices dipped over one year (-1.5 %). The last harvest was good, except in the Languedoc-Roussillon region. Consequently, the prices of common wines, massively produced in this region, rose significantly (+14.1% yoy). Conversely, prices of PDO (protected designation of origin) wines decreased over one year (–6.4%).

The price of potato plummeted from the previous year (–27.2%): crops in North-West Europe were more abundant in 2014 than in 2013, due to higher yields.

Fresh fruits prices were almost stable compared to last year (+0.2 %). Apple price declined due to the european competition : the crop was abundant in Europe, in addition the exportation market was burdened by the Russian embargo. Conversely, the strawberry began its marketing season with a higher price than last year at the same period, reflecting a demand driven by a balmy month of March.

vegetableProducer prices of vegetables

  • Source : SSP (ministry of agriculture)

Fresh vegetable prices increased (+12.0% after +23.6%). Those for lettuces, endives and cauliflowers rose sharply over one year due to significant cuts in their planted areas.

pigProducer prices of pigs and large cattle

On a seasonally adjusted basis, livestock prices rallied in March (+1.0%), but went down yoy (-4.5%). Pig prices decreased over this period (-6.4 %) as a consequence of the Russian embargo. Price of cow milk sank over one year (–20,1 %): the Asian demand slowed down while the Russian embargo made the export market overloaded.

Tab1Indices of producer prices of agricultural products (IPPAP)

Base year: 2010
Indices of producer prices of agricultural products (IPPAP) (Base year: 2010)
Variation as % over
weights March 2015 a month 3 months a year
raw Seasonally adjusted
Agricultural goods output 1000 111.2 +0.4 –2.5 –6.7
excluding fruits and vegetables 900 112.1 +0.5 –3.0 –7.8
Crop output (excluding fruits and vegetables) 505 115.4 +0.5 –1.5 –6.4
Cereals 188 109.3 –0.7 –5.9 –10.0
of which soft wheat 112 108.6 +0.1 –4.5 –12.5
grain maize 41 93.3 +2.9 –2.2 –14.3
Potatoes 26 95.9 /// /// –27.2
Wines 177 129.7 +0.7 +0.1 –1.5
Protected designation of origin 84 134.1 +0.9 –0.5 –6.4
other wines 23 150.4 +1.2 +2.3 +14.1
Oleaginous 49 100.5 +3.5 +7.6 –6.4
Horticultural products 30 105.7 +1.5 +0.9 +1.3
Other crop products 36 119.6 –0.5 –0.6 –2.6
Fruits and vegetables (1) 100 102.7 /// /// +5.3
Fresh vegetables 53 94.6 /// /// +12.0
Fresh fruits 35 109.9 /// /// +0.2
Animal output 395 107.9 +0.5 –4.9 –9.6
Animals 234 113.7 +1.0 +0.6 –4.5
of which large cattle 96 119.4 +1.0 +0.2 –4.4
calves 26 111.0 –0.6 –1.5 –3.7
pigs 54 106.6 +2.8 +2.0 –6.4
sheep 10 121.0 –0.4 +0.9 +5.5
poultry 46 109.6 +0.4 +0.6 –5.0
of which chicken 28 110.0 +0.6 +1.4 –4.6
Milk 147 97.7 0.0 –12.0 –18.8
of which cow milk (2) 137 97.1 0.0 –12.9 –20.1
Eggs 15 118.9 –2.7 –17.1 +3.2
  • (1) Including vegetables for industry.
  • (2)The price for March is not yet known and therefore is estimated by carrying forward the seasonally adjusted price from February
  • Sources : Insee - SSP (ministry of agriculture)

The purchase price of the means of production increased in March

In March, input prices rose again (+0.4% after +1.3%), due to rebounding energy prices following the previous slip (–10.8 % yoy). Similarly, feed prices had been firming up (+0.3% on one month, –6.1% yoy). Investments prices slightly increased (+0.2%).

meansPurchase price of the means of agricultural production

  • Sources : Insee - SSP (ministry of agriculture)

Tab2Indices of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (IPAMPA)

Base year: 2010
Indices of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (IPAMPA) (Base year: 2010)
weights March 2015 Variation as % over
a month 3 months a year
Total input 1000 110.7 +0.4 +1.4 –2.0
Intermediate consumptions 764 112.1 +0.4 +1.7 –2.5
Energy 100 104.4 +1.8 +3.8 –10.8
Seeds 57 108.9 +0.1 +0.7 +0.2
Fertilisers and soil improvers 92 122.5 +0.6 +4.4 +3.6
Plant protection products 78 100.4 +0.5 +0.2 +0.2
Animal feed 205 118.4 +0.3 +1.7 –6.1
Veterinary expenses 43 113.2 0.0 +0.8 +2.3
Small equipment and tools 17 107.7 +0.2 –2.0 –0.6
Maintenance of materials 67 112.8 0.0 +1.0 +1.4
Maintenance of buildings 9 106.5 0.0 –0.4 –0.2
Other goods and services 97 102.1 0.0 +0.1 +0.3
Goods and services contributing to investment 236 106.5 +0.2 +0.5 –0.4
Material 186 107.1 +0.3 +0.7 0.0
Tractors 79 106.7 +0.2 +1.1 –0.8
Machinery and plant for cultivation 36 109.7 +0.3 +0.8 +1.8
Machinery and plant for harvesting 42 107.2 +0.3 +0.3 +0.2
Utility vehicles 18 104.2 +0.3 –0.8 –1.0
Buildings 50 104.0 0.0 –0.1 –2.0
  • (1) The repayment of the domestic tax on energy products (TICPE) benefiting farmers has been applied in advance for the year 2015
  • Sources: Insee - SSP (ministry of agriculture)

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