Informations rapides
24 July 2015
2015- n° 184
In July 2015, the economic climate is less deteriorated in public works Quaterly survey of public works - July 2015

Warning: seasonal coefficients were updated for this survey.

Warning: seasonal coefficients were updated for this survey.

According to the business managers surveyed in July 2015, the economic climate in public works has improved slightly.

The judgment about activity has improved

In July 2015, substantially fewer business managers than in April report a fall in their past and expected activity. On the flip side, however, these balances stay far below their long-term average. Almost as many business managers as in April consider their order books lower than normal for this period of the year. The corresponding balance is close to the minimum of April 2015, the lowest level since 1984.

Very few obstacles to production

Obstacles to production remain very low: only 1% of businesses indicate being hampered because of a workforce shortage, against 15% in long-term average.

Fewer business managers than in April anticipate a fall in their staff size

In July 2015, the balance of opinion on expected workforce has rallied after reaching its lowest level since 1993, in the last quarter. However, it stays well below its long-term average.

tableau1Public works economic outlook

Balances of opinion, in %, SA
Public works economic outlook (Balances of opinion, in %, SA)
Mean* Oct. 14 Jan. 15 April 15 July 15
Past activity –7 –59 –56 –58 –38
- public-sector project –13 –71 –58 –67 –50
- private-sector project –12 –41 –45 –40 –27
Expected activity –15 –52 –42 –47 –30
- public-sector project –18 –58 –49 –56 –39
- private-sector project –18 –41 –39 –36 –19
Opinion on order books –26 –62 –65 –68 –67
Obstacles to production increase because of workforce shortage (in %) 15 3 2 3 1
Expected workforce –16 –47 –45 –59 –46
  • * Mean since January 1981
  • Sources: FNTP and INSEE

ActivityActivity tendency in public works

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