Informations rapides
27 October 2014
2014- n° 249
In October 2014, the expected activity deteriorates in the building craft sector Quarterly survey of the building crafts sector - October 2014

According to the business managers surveyed in October 2014, the economic outlook climate has deteriorated in the building crafts sector

Informations rapides
No 249
Paru le :Paru le27/10/2014

Warning: seasonal coefficients were updated for this survey.

According to the business managers surveyed in October 2014, the economic outlook climate has deteriorated in the building crafts sector.

Expected activity has slumped

In October 2014, craftsmen consider that their activity has still deteriorated in the recent period. Substantially more craftsmen than in July forecast a fall in their activity for the next few months. The corresponding balances of opinion stay significantly below their long-term average.

The general business outlook, which expresses the craftsmen’s opinion on the overall change in the sector, deteriorates significantly and the corresponding balance of opinion is well below its long-term average.

Employment is still expected to fall

Slightly fewer craftsmen than in July indicate job losses in the recent period. They stay pessimistic about their staff size for the next few months. The corresponding balances of opinion remain below their long-term average.

Lesser recruiting problems than on average

Recruiting problems concerned a few less than one firm out of three. This proportion remains inferior to its long-term average. The rate of businesses training apprentices is almost stable at 36 %.

ActivityBuilding crafts sector economic outlook

Balances of opinion, in %, SA
Building crafts sector economic outlook (Balances of opinion, in %, SA)
Mean* Jan. 14 April 14 July 14 Oct. 14
Past activity –5 –24 –25 –29 –25
Expected activity –9 –29 –26 –27 –36
General business outlook –21 –40 –39 –43 –51
Past employment –3 –12 –10 –10 –7
Expected employment –4 –13 –10 –12 –12
Recruiting problems (in %) 42 33 32 28 29
Apprentice training (in %) 38 38 39 36 36
  • * Mean since October 1990.
  • Source: French business survey, building crafts sector - Insee

ActivityActivity tendency in the building crafts sector

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