Informations rapides
26 February 2015
2015- n° 43
In Q4 2014, the decline in tourism nights continued (-1.2% year to year). Tourism occupancy in hotels, campsites and holiday and other short-stay accommodation in metropolitan France - 4th quarter 2014

In the fourth quarter 2014, the number of overnight stays decreased by 1.2% compared to the same period in 2013, for all tourism collective accommodation throughout metropolitan France .

Tourist numbers continued to decline

In the fourth quarter 2014, the number of overnight stays decreased by 1.2% compared to the same period in 2013, for all tourism collective accommodation throughout metropolitan France .

Hotel occupancy down again

Hotel occupancy declined year-on-year for the fifth consecutive quarter (–1.0% year-on-year in the fourth quarter 2014 after –1.6% the previous quarter), driven by the drop in French customers. On the contrary, stays of foreign customers increased compared to the same quarter of 2013 (+0.7%).

The continuation of the classification process led to a change in the park structure, which particularly affected the number of tourism nights in unclassified hotels (–14.1% year-on-year after –10.5% in the previous quarter). In contrast, stays in classified hotels increased. Overnight stays in 1 and 2 stars rose slightly (+0.6%). The rise was more vivid in mid-range (3 stars) hotels (+1.9%) and higher (4 and 5 stars) category hotels (+1.6%), mainly due to foreign customers (respectively +2,6% and +2.9%).

Overnight stays decreased, the number of rented rooms increased slightly, the number of tourists per room dropping more. The occupancy rate also rose (+0.2 points year-on-year, to 55% in the fourth quarter 2014).

Graph1_englishOvernight stays in hotels

  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

Tableau2_englishAverage length of stay and occupancy

Average length of stay and occupancy
Average length of stay (days) Occupancy rate (2) in %
2013 2014 2013 2014
Q4 Q4 (1) Q4 Q4 (1)
Hotels 1.75 1.75 54.8 55.0
HOSSA 3.74 3.67 50.4 51.6
Campsites /// /// /// ///
bare pitches /// /// /// ///
pitches with rental accommodation /// /// /// ///
  • (1) provisional data - /// data not available in Q4
  • (2) The occupancy rate is calculated for hotels in rooms, in pitches for campsites and in lodging units (rooms, apartments, dormitories) for holliday and other short-stay accommodation
  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

Fewer overnight stays in holiday and other short-stay accomodation

In the fourth quarter 2014, stays in holiday and other short-stay accommodation (HOSSA) continued to decline, but at a slower pace (–2.0% after –4.8% the previous quarter). In this segment also, the fall is attributable to French customers, while the number of overnight stays increased for foreign customers (+2.4%).

Tourism nights fell in all types of accommodation, but particularly in holiday villages and family homes (–8,4%).

The number of nights spent in tourism or hotel residences weakened slightly (–0.9% in the fourth quarter of 2014, after –3.1% in the previous quarter), in line with that of hotels.

The number of accommodation rentals in HOSSA declined less strongly than the supply of accommodation. Thus, the occupancy rate rose in the fourth quarter of 2014 (+1.2 points year-on-year, to 51.6%).

Graph2_englishOvernight stays in HOSSA

  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

Graph3_englishOvernight stays in campsites

  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

Strong growth in overnight stays in tourism residences in Paris agglomeration

In the fourth quarter of 2014, the number of overnight stays in hotels was down in all tourist areas. In the Paris agglomeration, the decline of the hotel industry (–1.2%) was more pronounced than in other urban areas. It contrasts with the sharp increase in HOSSA (+8.5%). This differentiated trends continued for over a year and seemed to reflect some form of customer shift, mostly foreign, from traditional hotels to tourist residences.

Month by month, a contrasting profile

In October 2014, the number of overnight stays increased compared to October 2013 mainly in hotels and mostly in tourist residences, probably because of favorable weather conditions. Then in November, stays in hotels and HOSSA decreased. Night spent rebounded in hotels in December 2014 compared to December 2013.

Tableau1_englishNumber of overnight stays in Q4 (1) 2014 and evolution

Number of overnight stays in Q4 (1) 2014 and evolution
Number of nights of the quarter (millions) Year-on-year (%) (Q/Q-4)
Total nights % of foreign nights Total nights Foreign nights
Total 55.0 31.5 –1.2 1.0
Hotels 41.7 33.7 –1.0 0.7
Unclassified 5.6 26.6 –14.1 –10.0
1 and 2 stars 11.2 19.5 0.6 0.7
3 stars 15.2 35.4 1.9 2.1
4 and 5 stars 9.8 51.2 1.6 2.9
hotel chain 21.2 31.4 –1.1 1.9
independent hotel 20.4 36.0 –0.9 –0.3
Agglo. of Paris 15.8 54.3 –1.2 –1.3
coastlines 5.4 25.5 –0.6 3.8
mountain 4.4 20.1 –1.6 0.5
other urban area 13.7 20.3 –0.2 5.1
other rural area 2.4 17.9 –3.3 4.9
Holiday and other short-stay accomodation 13.3 24.7 –2.0 2.4
Tourism residences 11.2 26.7 –0.9 1,3
Holiday villages 1.6 10.9 –8.4 19.2
Other 0.5 24.6 –3.7 10.2
Agglo. of Paris 2.2 54.3 8.5 19.7
coastlines 3.2 14.7 –2.6 –2.0
mountain 3.4 25.5 –8.2 0.1
other urban area 2.8 17.9 –2.3 –15.1
other rural area 1.7 14.7 0.8 –7.6
Campsites /// /// /// ///
Unclassified /// /// /// ///
1 and 2 stars /// /// /// ///
3 stars /// /// /// ///
4 and 5 stars /// /// /// ///
bare pitches /// /// /// ///
pitches with rental accommodation /// /// /// ///
coastlines /// /// /// ///
except coast /// /// /// ///
  • Reference area : Metropolitan France
  • (1) provisional data - /// data not available in Q4
  • Source: INSEE, in partnership with the Regional Committees of tourism (CRT) and DGE

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