Informations rapides
30 September 2015
2015- n° 238
Household consumption of goods increased slightly in early summer (+0.3% in July and +0.0% in August) Household consumption expenditure on goods - July - August 2015

Household consumption expenditure on goods grew by 0.3% in July (in volume*, after +0.4% in June) and was stable in August. In July, consumption was led by expenditure on energy (+1.5%), textile, clothing and leather (+2.0%) and household durables (+2.1%); nevertheless car purchases declined (–1.3%). In August, smaller changes for most of the goods offset each other. Measured consumption over the last three months increased by 0.7% compared to the previous three months.

Informations rapides
No 238
Paru le :Paru le30/09/2015
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

Household consumption expenditure on goods grew by 0.3% in July (in volume*, after +0.4% in June) and was stable in August. In July, consumption was led by expenditure on energy (+1.5%), textile, clothing and leather (+2.0%) and household durables (+2.1%); nevertheless car purchases declined (–1.3%). In August, smaller changes for most of the goods offset each other. Measured consumption over the last three months increased by 0.7% compared to the previous three months.

Engineered goods : slight growth

After an increase in June (+0.4%), engineered goods consumption kept growing at the same pace in July (+0.4%), and then stabilised in August, to its highest level since March 2011.

Durables: stability

After an increase in June (+0.4%), expenditure on durable goods was stable in July and in August. Expenditure on household durables grew significantly in July (+2.1% after +0.5% in June) and then held steady in August. They went up by +1.9% over those three months, compared to the three previous ones, mainly buoyed by communication equipment purchases. However, car purchases stepped back in July (–1.3%) after four months of increase, and were stable in August.

Textile-clothing: strong rise in July, slight backlash in August

Consumption of textile, clothing and leather accelerated during July's sales (+2.0% after +0.3% in June), before receding in August (–0.3%). Over the last three months, it rose further compared to the preceding three months (+2.0%).

[* Volumes are chained and all figures are trading days and seasonally adjusted.]

graph1_new_angTotal consumption of goods

graph2_new_angFood and engineered goods

graph3_new_angBreakdown of engineered goods

Other engineered goods: virtually stable

Consumption expenditure on other engineered goods decreased slightly in July (–0.2%), then went back up in August (+0.4%), particularly due to perfume purchases.

Food products: lowering in July and August

After an increase of +0.7% in June, consumption of food products fell back slightly in July (–0.3%) and in August (–0.2%). Consumption of tobacco contributed to limit the decline in July, but accentuated it in August.

Energy: increasing anew

After a slight decrease in June (–0.3%), consumption of energy products climbed anew in July (+1.5%) and in August (+0.4%). Consumption of fuel increased sharply – +2.1% in July as in August –, mainly consumption of domestic heating oil, which jumped in August, stimulated by past price decreases.

The variation in June 2015 remains unchanged

Since the previous publication, new information has been integrated, and the seasonal adjustment coefficients were updated. However, the variation in household consumption of goods remains unchanged in June 2015 (+0.4%).


tab1_engHousehold consumption expenditure on goods

Variation in percentages
Household consumption expenditure on goods (Variation in percentages)
Poids (1) June July Aug. Aug. 15 / Aug. 14 Q / Q-1 (2)
Food products 38 0,7 –0,3 –0,2 1,2 0,5
Engineered goods 44 0,4 0,4 0,0 2,3 0,8
- Inc. Durables 21 0,4 0,0 0,0 3,2 0,7
- Automobiles 11 0,6 –1,3 0,1 2,2 0,3
- Household durables 7 0,5 2,1 0,1 5,2 1,9
- Inc. Textile-clothing 10 0,3 2,0 –0,3 1,2 2,0
- Inc. Other engineered goods 13 0,3 –0,2 0,4 1,5 0,1
Energy 18 –0,3 1,5 0,4 1,0 0,8
- Inc. Energy, water, waste 10 0,4 1,1 –1,0 –1,0 0,0
- Inc. Refined Products 9 –1,0 2,1 2,1 3,0 1,6
Total 100 0,4 0,3 0,0 1,6 0,7
- Inc. Manufactured goods 85 0,2 0,3 0,3 2,2 0,7
  • (1) Weighting in the consumption expenditure on goods in value
  • (2) Last three months / previous three months

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