Informations rapides
16 May 2013
2013- n° 111
In 2013, investment in the manufacturing industry, would decrease by4 % compared to 2012, according to business Industrial investment survey - April 2013

Surveyed in April 2013, business managers report that investment in manufacturing industry increased by 7% in 2012 comparing to 2011. They revised 5 point upwards their estimation given last January.

Informations rapides
No 111
Paru le :Paru le16/05/2013

Surveyed in April 2013, business managers report that investment in manufacturing industry increased by 7% in 2012 comparing to 2011. They revised 5 point upwards their estimation given last January.

For 2012, industrials still anticipate a decrease of investment

In April, business leaders in manufacturing industry forecast an decrease by 4 % of investment comparing to 2012. In january, they estimed it would stay stable.

Tab1_angReal annual investment growth

Real annual investment growth (%)
NA* : (A17) and [A38] 2012 2013
estimate Jan.13 observed Apr.13 estimate Jan.13 estimate Apr.13
(C1): Manufacture of food products and beverages 5 8 6 2
(C3): Electrical and electronic equipment; machine equipment –9 –5 9 3
(C4): Manufacture of transport equipment 13 20 –10 –12
[CL1]: Motor vehicles 20 22 –21 –20
(C5): Other manufacturing –2 2 0 –5
Total sectors C3-C4-C5 0 5 –1 –6
  • How to read this table : In manufacturing industry, firms surveyed in April 2013 observed an increase by 7% of their nominal investment in 2012 comparing to 2011 and forecast an decrease of 4% in 2013 comparing to 2012.
  • * The codes correspond to the level of aggregation (A17) and [A38] of the "NA" aggregate classification based on NAF rev.2.

Tab2_angShare of purposes of investment

Share of purposes of investment (%)
Average 2012 2013
1991-2012 observed forecast
Replacement 27 29 30
Modernization, streamlining 24 26 24
of which : automation 11 10 9
of which : new production methods 7 7 7
of which : energy savings 6 9 8
increase in productive capacity 16 13 13
Introduction of new products 14 12 12
Other purposes (safety, environment, working conditions…) 20 20 21

    Tab3a_angProductive capacity and equipment scrapping

    * balance of opinion, as % of responses - ** %
    Productive capacity and equipment scrapping (* balance of opinion, as % of responses - ** %)
    Observed Forecast
    aver. in 2012 aver. for 2013
    Change in productive capacity* 31 14 32 16
    Change in equipment scrapping* 19 13 –2 2
    Share of enterprises reporting equipment scrapping* 77 67 76 66
    Breakdown of enterprises reporting equipment scrapping**
    Wear and tear, obsolescence 51 59 48 54
    Installation of more efficient equipment 31 27 33 30
    Shut-down of capacity for old products 12 12 12 15
    Other scrapping 5 2 6 1
    Total 100 100 100 100

      Graph2_angSix-month change in investment (first estimation*)

      • * See technical note "A new six-month change estimation", Information Rapide Survey of Industrial Investment - July 2010

      GraphIR_angInvestment revision indicator *

      Pour en savoir plus
