Informations rapides
22 March 2013
2013- n° 65
The French business climate remains unfavorable in march 2013 Business climate indicator and turning point indicator - March 2013

Calculated from the answers of business leaders of the main sectors of activity, the French business climate dropped by one point in march and is 86, still below its long term average (100). The business climate sectoral indicators remained at low levels. In manufacturing industry, the business climate remained stable, whereas it dropped by four points in the services sector. Indicators dropped by two points in retail trade and by one point in the building industry. In wholesaling, the synthetic indicator rose by three points in two months.

Informations rapides
No 65
Paru le :Paru le22/03/2013
Prochaine parution le : 24/10/2024 at 08:45 - October 2024

The business climate remains deteriorated…

Calculated from the answers of business leaders of the main sectors of activity, the French business climate dropped by one point in march and is 86, still below its long term average (100). The business climate sectoral indicators remained at low levels. In manufacturing industry, the business climate remained stable, whereas it dropped by four points in the services sector. Indicators dropped by two points in retail trade and by one point in the building industry. In wholesaling, the synthetic indicator rose by three points in two months.

… with an unfavourable dynamic

The french turning point indicator is in an unfavourable area.

TableauBusiness climate and turning point indicators

Business climate and turning point indicators
Nov. 12 Dec. 12 Jan. 13 Feb. 13 March 13
Business climates
France 87 87 87 87 86
Industry 88 89 87 90 90
Wholesale trade 90 - 89 - 92
Building 95 95 94 93 92
Retail trade 90 88 87 89 87
Services 86 87 90 88 84
Turning point indicators
France –0,9 –0,7 –0,6 –0,5 –0,6
Industry 0,3 0,3 0,1 0,0 0,1
Wholesale trade –0,1 - –0,1 - 0,0
Building –0,1 –0,6 –0,5 –0,6 –1,0
Services 0,7 0,8 1,0 1,0 –0,8
  • Source(s) : INSEE, Business tendency surveys

Graph_climaffFrench business climate indicator

  • Sources : Insee, business surveys

Graph_indicretFrench climate indicator


Methodology (pdf,125 Ko)

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