Informations rapides
17 January 2013
2013- n° 13
Consumer prices increased by 2.0% in average from 2011 to 2012 Price Index – Annual average rates of change - Year 2012

Here are published annual average rates of changes of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in 2012. Monthly and year-on-year changes of the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) in December 2012 were already published on 10th January.

Informations rapides
No 13
Paru le :Paru le17/01/2013

Here are published annual average rates of changes of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in 2012. Monthly and year-on-year changes of the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) in December 2012 were already published on 10th January.

Annual averages and year-on-year rates of changes are different: annual averages refer to the whole set of prices observed during one year compared to those observed during the previous year. The year-on-year price changes refer to the prices observed during a particular month compared to those observed during the same month of the previous year.

Annual average rate of the consumer price index (CPI) increased by 2.0% in 2012 after 2.1% in 2011. Excluding tobacco, the annual average rate of the CPI rose by 1.9% in 2012, down from 2.1% in 2011. Tobacco prices went up by 6.2% in 2012.

Food prices speeded up

Food prices soared by 3.0% in 2012, up from +1.9% in 2011 owing to a large hike in fresh foodstuff prices (+5.2% after —1.2% in 2011). Excluding fresh foodstuffs, food prices rose a little more in 2012 than in 2011 (respectively by +2.7% and +2.4%). The largest increases on the annual change in the food prices excluding fresh foodstuffs concerned meat (+3.0%), alcoholic beverages (+4.0%), coffee (+6.0%) and soft drinks, fruit juices and syrups (+6.1%). On the other hand, bread and cereal prices grew almost at the same rate in 2012 (+1.8%) than in 2011 (+1.9%).

Energy prices slowed down in 2012

Energy prices rose by 5.2% in 2012 after +12.3% in 2011, following changes in petroleum product prices (+5.8 % in 2012 down from +15.8% in 2011). Domestic gas and electricity prices went up respectively by 7.1% and 3.1% in 2012.

Tableau1Annual average changes in consumer price index

Base 100 : 1998
Annual average changes in consumer price index (Base 100 : 1998)
Annual average rates of change
Items weight 2012 2011 2012 From 2011 to 2012 (%)
a) All households – France
All items (00 E) 10000 123.70 126.12 2.0
FOOD (4000 E) 1638 127.01 130.82 3.0
Fresh foodstuffs (4001 E) 205 131.07 137.89 5.2
Food excluding fresh products (4002 E) 1433 126.43 129.81 2.7
TOBACCO (4034 E) 198 216.30 229.80 6.2
MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS (4003 E) 2987 100.74 101.45 0.7
Clothing and footwear (4004 E) 466 104.19 106.51 2.2
Medical products (4005 E) 460 85.77 83.65 –2.5
Other manufactured products (4006 E) 2061 103.29 104.42 1.1
ENERY (4007 E) 868 168.97 177.74 5.2
Petroleum products (4008 E) 518 201.23 212.82 5.8
SERVICES (4009 E) 4309 130.10 132.16 1.6
Actual rentals and services for dwellings (4010 E) 737 134.81 137.55 2.0
Medical services (4011 E) 529 119.91 120.94 0.9
Transport and communication services (4012 E) 523 103.38 99.55 –3.7
Other services (4013 E) 2520 136.87 140.58 2.7
All items excluding rentals and tobacco (5000 E) 9217 121.68 123.97 1.9
All items excluding energy (4017 E) 9132 120.41 122.39 1.6
All items excluding tobacco (4018 E) 9802 122.22 124.50 1.9
b) Urban households headed by a manual or a clerical worker – France
All, items excluding tobacco (4018 D) 9716 122.09 124.33 1.8
ALL ITEMS (00 D) 10000 124.26 126.70 2.0
  • Source : Insee – Consumer Price indexes

Health prices shrank in 2012

Health prices went down by 0.7% in 2012 as a consequence of a new drop in medical product prices; medical appliances and equipment declined by 2.5% in 2012 (after —1.5% in 2011). Besides, rises in medical service prices were more moderate in 2012 (+0.9 %) than in 2011 (+1.1%) mainly due to a slowdown in doctor fees (+0.5 % in 2012 after +2.1% in 2011). On the opposite, charges for insurance connected with health shot up in 2012 (+5.4% after +1.0% in 2011).

Other service prices remained dynamic in 2012

Excluding communication prices which slumped in 2012 (—9.5% down from —2.5% in 2011), service prices remained dynamic in 2012. In particular, it was the case for service prices connected with dwellings. Actual rentals increased by 1.6% in 2012 (after +1.2% in 2011), refuse collection taxes by 3.3% and charges for insurances connected with dwellings rose also by 3.3%. Prices of the other services for the maintenance and repair of the dwelling were up by +4.0% and water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the dwelling prices grew by +3.6 %. Besides, accommodation service and catering service prices speeded up in 2012 (+2.8 % up from +2.0 % in 2011, as those for transport services (+2.0 % in 2012 up from +1.3 % in 2011).

Rebound in other manufactured product prices

Clothing and footwear prices increased by 2.2 % in 2012; they were almost steady in 2011 (+0.1%). Prices of the other manufactured products showed relatively divergent changes. Thus, the drop in audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment prices continued in 2012 (—7.1%). In particular, the jump in photographic and cinematographic equipment was substantial in 2012 (—14.4% in 2012, after —16.0% in 2011). To a lesser extent, prices of tools and equipment for house fell again in 2012 (—2,0 %, the same rate than in 2011). On the opposite, jewel, clock and watch prices remained particularly dynamic (+9.2%, down from +13.5% in 2011), as a consequence of the high level of gold prices.

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