Informations rapides
28 May 2013
2013- n° 123
Increase in prices of second-hand dwellings in the first quarter 2013 (+0.3 %) Indexes of prices of second-hand dwellings - 1st Quarter 2013

In the first quarter of 2013, according to provisional results, prices of second-hand dwellings went up (+0.3%, s.a. data, of which +0.5% for houses and stability for flats). Year-on-year, prices decreased : -1.4%, including -1.1% for flats and -1.6% for houses.

Informations rapides
No 123
Paru le :Paru le28/05/2013
Prochaine parution le : 28/11/2024 at 08:45 - third quarter 2024

In the first quarter of 2013, according to provisional results, prices of second-hand dwellings went up (+0.3%, s.a. data, of which +0.5% for houses and stability for flats).

Year-on-year, prices decreased : -1.4%, including -1.1% for flats and -1.6% for houses.

In Île-de-France prices of second-hand dwellings decreased slightly in the first quarter 2013

In Île-de-France, in the first quarter 2013, prices of second-hand dwellings decreased by 0.1 % (provisional results, s.a. data). Prices of flats decreased by 0.1 % whereas prices of houses decreased by 0.2 %.

Year-on-year, prices in Île-de-France went down too (-0.8 %). The decrease was stronger for houses (-1.5 %) than for flats (-0.5 %).

In provincial France, prices rose in the first quarter 2013

In provincial France, prices went up by 0.5 % (s.a. data) in the first quarter 2013 : +0.1 % for flats and +0.6 % for houses.

Year-on-year, prices of second-hand dwellings in provincial France went down : -1.6 % (-1.6 % for flats as for houses).

Graphique1aPrices of second-hand dwellings

  • Insee, French notaries - Database Bien, Perval society

Graphique2aPrices of second-hand dwellings in Île-de-France

  • Insee, French notaries - Database Bien, Perval society

Tableau1aPrices of second-hand dwellings indexes

Prices of second-hand dwellings indexes
change in
3 months (S.A.) 12 months
2012 Q3 2012 Q4 (sd) 2013 Q1 (p) 2012 Q3 2012 Q4 (sd) 2013 Q1 (p)
France –0,7 –0,5 0,3 –1,6 –2,0 –1,4
Flats –0,4 –0,3 0,0 –0,8 –1,4 –1,1
Houses –0,8 –0,8 0,5 –2,3 –2,4 –1,6
  • (p) : provisional
  • (sd) : semi-definitive
  • Sources : Insee, French notaries - Database Bien, Perval society

The annual volume of transactions kept on decreasing in the first quarter 2013

The annual volume of transactions is estimated at 663 000 over the last 12 months, from April 2012 to March 2013, that is to say a decrease of 6.2 % compared with the transactions concluded from January to December 2012.

Year-on-year, the decrease is stronger (-18.9 % against the transactions concluded from April 2011 to March 2012).

Graphique3aVolume of transactions of second-hand dwellings over the last 12 months

  • CGEDD-Meeddm based on notarial databases and DGFiP


In comparison to the results released on 4th April, the variation of prices in the fourth quarter 2012 was revised by -0.2 point (-0.2 point for flats and -0,4 point for houses).

In Île-de-France, the evolution of prices in the fourth quarter 2012 was revised by -0.4 point (-0,1 point for flats and -0,9 point for houses).

Concerning provincial France, the evolution was revised by -0,2 point (-0,1 point for flats and -0,2 point for houses).

Tableau2aEvolution of prices of second-hand dwellings in France

Evolution of prices of second-hand dwellings in France
Change in
3 months (S.A.) 12 months
2012 Q3 2012 Q4 (sd) 2013 Q1 (p) 2012 Q3 2012 Q4 (sd) 2013 Q1 (p)
France métropolitaine –0,7 –0,5 0,3 –1,6 –2,0 –1,4
- Flats –0,4 –0,3 0,0 –0,8 –1,4 –1,1
- Houses –0,8 –0,8 0,5 –2,3 –2,4 –1,6
Île-de-France –0,3 –0,1 –0,1 –0,5 –1,1 –0,8
Province –0,9 –0,7 0,5 –2,2 –2,4 –1,6
Île-de-France 0,1 –0,3 –0,1 0,2 –0,8 –0,5
- Paris 0,2 –1,1 –0,1 0,7 –1,1 0,1
- Seine-et-Marne –0,5 0,4 –0,8 –1,0 –0,5 –1,9
- Yvelines –0,3 1,0 –1,0 –0,5 –0,3 –1,3
- Essonne 0,0 0,8 –0,8 –1,8 –0,5 –1,6
- Hauts-de-Seine 0,3 0,0 0,2 0,6 –0,6 –0,8
- Seine-Saint-Denis 0,2 –0,1 0,2 –0,7 –1,0 –1,0
- Val-de-Marne 0,1 0,1 0,8 –0,3 –0,5 –0,7
- Val-d'Oise –0,3 1,1 –0,3 –1,7 –0,6 –1,0
Province –1,0 –0,2 0,1 –1,7 –2,0 –1,6
- Agglomérations > 10 000 hab –1,0 –0,2 ** –1,6 –1,9 **
- Villes-centres –0,6 0,1 ** –1,5 –1,6 **
- Banlieues –1,8 –0,8 ** –1,6 –2,5 **
- Agglomérations < 10 000 hab –0,8 –0,1 ** –3,0 –3,1 **
Île-de-France –1,1 0,3 –0,2 –1,8 –1,9 –1,5
- Seine-et-Marne –0,8 0,2 –0,6 –0,9 –1,4 –2,1
- Yvelines –0,9 0,1 –0,5 –1,9 –2,6 –2,2
- Essonne –1,2 0,1 –0,8 –1,4 –2,3 –2,5
- Hauts-de-Seine –0,3 0,7 0,9 –3,0 –1,9 0,0
- Seine-Saint-Denis –2,2 0,6 0,2 –2,7 –2,1 –0,7
- Val-de-Marne –1,4 0,6 0,0 –2,3 –1,8 –1,0
- Val-d'Oise –1,2 0,5 –0,1 –1,4 –0,8 –1,1
Province –0,8 –1,0 0,6 –2,4 –2,6 –1,6
Nord-Pas de Calais –0,6 –0,4 ** –2,0 –1,7 **
- Flats –0,6 –3,0 ** 1,0 –2,0 **
- Houses –0,5 0,1 ** –2,6 –1,7 **
- Lille Houses 0,1 0,2 ** –0,7 –0,6 **
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur –1,0 –0,5 ** –3,2 –3,7 **
- Flats –1,1 –0,1 ** –2,9 –3,4 **
- Houses –1,0 –0,8 ** –3,6 –4,1 **
- Marseille Flats –0,5 0,5 ** –4,5 –4,0 **
Rhône-Alpes –1,2 –0,3 ** –1,2 –1,4 **
- Flats –1,0 0,6 ** –0,8 –0,2 **
- Houses –1,3 –1,2 ** –1,5 –2,5 **
- Lyon Flats 0,1 2,7 ** 1,5 4,3 **
  • ** indice released on the 5th July 2013
  • (p) : provisional
  • (sd) : semi-definitive
  • Sources : Insee, French notaries - Database Bien, Perval society

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