Informations rapides
23 July 2013
2013- n° 169
The economic situation in the wholesale trade has remained almost stable in July 2013 Bi-monthly survey of wholesaling - July 2013

According to the business leaders questioned in July 2013, the economic situation in the wholesale trade sector has remained almost stable. The business climate indicator has declined by one point compared to May and it stays below its long-period average.

Informations rapides
No 169
Paru le :Paru le23/07/2013
Prochaine parution le : 21/11/2024 at 08:45 - November 2024

Total French wholesale trade

According to the business leaders questioned in July 2013, the economic situation in the wholesale trade sector has remained almost stable. The business climate indicator has declined by one point compared to May and it stays below its long-period average.

The turning-point indicator is located in the unfavourable area.

graph_indclimaff_anglaisBusiness climate indicator

graph_indretournf_anglaisTurning-point indicator

  • Note: close to 1 (respectively -1), this indicator points to a favourable short-term economic situation (respectively unfavourable).

tab_cgens_anglaisTotal wholesale trade

Balances of opinion, in %, S.A.
Total wholesale trade (Balances of opinion, in %, S.A.)
AVE* Jan. 13 March 13 May 13 July 13
Business climate indicator 100 89 90 89 88
General outlook –25 –53 –53 –59 –51
Sales –13 –33 –26 –30 –32
export sales –15 –19 –23 –29 –22
Received merchandise –9 –24 –21 –20 –24
received from abroad –10 –21 –22 –19 –22
Ordering intentions –15 –24 –24 –24 –25
ordering from abroad –15 –26 –26 –25 –24
Shipments abroad –16 –19 –22 –22 –20
Current stock 8 1 5 4 1
Past workforce –1 –12 –12 –10 –10
Expecting workforce –3 –10 –9 –10 –11
Cash position –10 –7 –9 –11 –12
Past selling prices 9 –5 –6 –12 –5
Expecting selling prices 16 5 –2 –3 –5
  • * : average since september 1979
  • Source : French business survey in the wholesale trade - Insee

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