Informations rapides
28 February 2014
2014- n° 47
In January 2014, Households consumption of goods decreased (-2.1%) with the fall in car and energy expenditure Household consumption expenditure on goods - January 2014

In January, households expenditure on goods decreased by 2.1% in volume*, after a 0.2% increase in December. This decrease is mainly attributable to a fall in car purchases and to a decrease of energy consumption.

Informations rapides
No 47
Paru le :Paru le28/02/2014
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

In January, households expenditure on goods decreased by 2.1% in volume*, after a 0.2% increase in December. This decrease is mainly attributable to a fall in car purchases and to a decrease of energy consumption.

Engineered goods : decreasing

Durables: decreasing

After a bounce in December (+2.8%), households expenditure on durable goods declined in January (-4.3%), mainly because of the fall in car purchases. They fell in January (-7.7%) after an increase in December (+2.9%) due to households expecting a strenghtening of penalties on the purchase of cars from January 1st. Purchases in household durables slightly decreased (-1.5%) after an increase in December (+3.6%).

Textile-leather: increasing

Households consumption of textile and leather, thanks to a profitable sales season, edged up to their level of November (+1.9%, after -1.8%).

Other engineered goods: increasing

In january, consumption expenditure on other engineered goods picked up (+0.5% after -0.1% in December), especially those on hardware which bounced.

[* Volumes are chained and all figures are trading days and seasonally adjusted.]

graph1_new_angTotal consumption of goods

graph2_new_angFood and engineered goods

graph3_new_angBreakdown of engineered goods

Food products: decreasing

Consumption of food products, which flattened in December (+0.1 decreased anew in January (-0.5%). This decrease is mainly attributable to a decline of expenditure on tobacco products, following a price increase this month.

Energy: strongly decreasing

Households consumption of energy products decreased in January (-6.3% after -1.3%). After an already mild December, above average temperatures in January led to a decrease in expenditure on energy for heating purposes for the second consecutive month.

The evolutions of household consumption of goods in December is scaled up by 0.3 points

The change of household consumption of goods is now estimated at +0.2% in December, instead of -0.1% estimated for the previous publication.

This revision is mainly due to the integration of new information, notably regarding the expenditures on household durables, as well as the updating of the seasonal adjustment coefficients.

tab1_engHouseholds consumption expenditures on goods

In chained billion euros
Households consumption expenditures on goods (In chained billion euros)
Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan.2014/
2013 2013 2014 Jan.2013
Food products 14,854 14,868 14,790
Change (%) –0,5 0,1 –0,5 0,1
Engineered goods 20,874 21,078 20,736
change (%) 0,7 1,0 –1,6 1,2
Durables 10,950 11,257 10,769
change (%) –0,1 2,8 –4,3 2,5
Of which Automobiles 4,544 4,676 4,318
Change (%) –0,3 2,9 –7,7 –0,6
Of which Household durables 5,522 5,719 5,656
Change (%) 0,1 3,6 –1,1 7,3
Textile-leather 3,935 3,864 3,939
Change (%) 3,4 –1,8 1,9 –1,6
Other engineered goods 5,996 5,989 6,021
Change (%) 0,2 –0,1 0,5 1,1
Energy 6,497 6,416 6,011
Change (%) 7,0 –1,3 –6,3 –5,5
Including petroleum products 3,883 3,904 3,659
Change (%) 5,5 0,6 –6,3 –4,3
Total 42,198 42,295 41,406
Change (%) 1,4 0,2 –2,1 –0,5
Manufactured goods 36,372 36,674 36,114
Change (%) 0,2 0,8 –1,5 0,6


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