Informations rapides
31 May 2013
2013- n° 124
In April 2013, households consumption of goods slightly decreased (-0.3%) Household consumption expenditure on goods - April 2013

In April, households expenditure on goods decreased by 0.3% in volume*, after a 1.3% increase in March. The decrease in April was mainly attributable to a decrease in food products. On the other hand, purchases in durables and energy products increased.

Informations rapides
No 124
Paru le :Paru le31/05/2013
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

In April, households expenditure on goods decreased by 0.3% in volume*, after a 1.3% increase in March. The decrease in April was mainly attributable to a decrease in food products. On the other hand, purchases in durables and energy products increased.

Engineered goods : increasing

Durables: increasing

After a slight decrease in March (–0.2%), households expenditure on durable goods increased in April (+1.3%), especially for new vehicles. Expenditure on cars bounced in April (+1.8%, after –1.6% in March). Moreover, purchases in household durables increased again in April (+0.7%, after +1.7% in March).

Textile-leather: increasing too

After two consecutive months of decrease (–4.7%, then –3.1%), households consumption of textile and leather picked up in April (+1.5%).

Other engineered goods: slightly increasing

Consumption expenditure on other engineered goods slightly increased in April (+0.2%, as in March). In particular, hardware purchases stabilized.

[* Volumes are chained and all figures are trading days and seasonally adjusted.]

graph1_new_angTotal consumption of goods

graph2_new_angFood and engineered goods

graph3_new_angDecomposition of engineered goods

Food products: marked decline in April

After a very strong increase in March (+2.7%), which could be linked to an early Easter, consumption of food products bounced back in April (–3.3%).

Energy: increasing again

After three consecutive months of increase, households consumption of energy products increased again in April (+2.8%). This increase resulted mainly from dynamism of expenditure on fuel and gas.

The march increase is confirmed

The increase in consumption of goods in March is still estimated at +1.3%, as it was for the previous publication. Some minor revisions offset each other. Revisions notably come from the benchmarking on reviewed annual account, from the reestimation of calendar and seasonal adjustment models, and from the integration of new information.

tab1_engHouseholds consumption expenditures on goods

In chained billion euros
Households consumption expenditures on goods (In chained billion euros)
Févr. Mars Avril Avr.13/
2013 2013 2013 Avr.12
Food products 14.703 15.098 14.597
Change (%) –0.8 2.7 –3.3 –1.3
Engineered goods 20.247 20.118 20.312
change (%) –0.8 –0.6 1.0 0.1
Of which:
Automobiles 4.394 4.326 4.403
Change (%) 2.0 –1.6 1.8 –4.6
Household durables 5.210 5.299 5.336
Change (%) –1.1 1.7 0.7 3.3
Textile-leather 3.785 3.667 3.722
Change (%) –4.7 –3.1 1.5 2.0
Other engineered goods 5.936 5.950 5.960
Change (%) –0.3 0.2 0.2 1.1
Energy 6.396 6.601 6.788
Change (%) 1.6 3.2 2.8 2.9
Including petroleum products 3.798 3.959 4.114
Change (%) 0.7 4.2 3.9 3.5
Total 41.354 41.903 41.782
Change (%) –0.3 1.3 –0.3 0.2
Manufactured goods 35.510 35.959 35.804
Change (%) –0.8 1.3 –0.4 0.2


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