Informations rapides
18 December 2014
2014- n° 289
Rise in Civil Service employment in 2013 Civil Service employment - 2013

At the end of 2013, the French civil service employed 5.60 million persons, including assisted contracts (5.42 million excluding assisted contracts).

Warning: this publication is based on provisional figures which may be revised.

At the end of 2013, the French civil service employed 5.60 million persons, including assisted contracts (5.42 million excluding assisted contracts).

Civil service employment increased by 1.5%, incl. assisted contracts, between 31/12/2012 and 31/12/2013. A surge of 36.0 % of assisted contracts (+48 000) accounts for a large part of this rise. Excluding assisted contacts, employment increased by 0.7%. This growth followed a slighter rise last year (+0.3% incl. and excl. assisted contracts).

In France’s civil service, the annual employment, incl. assisted contracts, reached 5.2 million converted to full-time equivalents, up 0.6% compared with 2012.

In the state civil service, employment, incl. assisted contracts, went up 1.0% (after –1.0% in 2012) and remained unchanged excl. assisted contracts (+0.1% after –1.1%). There was a slight drop in employment within the ministries (-0.3% incl. and excl. assisted contracts) and a rise in the employment of public administrative establishments (+1.9% excl. assisted contracts and +6.0% incl. assisted contrats).

In the local civil service, the increase of employment, incl. assisted contracts, was more dynamic in 2013 (+2.0% after +1.6% in 2012, incl. assisted contracts). The rise was lower excl. assisted contracts (+0.9%) and lesser than in 2012 (+1.7%). It was more significant in régions and départements than in the communal sector.

In the hospital civil service, the rise in employment strengthened : in 2013, it reached +1.7% incl. assisted contracts and +1.4% excl. assisted contracts after +0.7% in 2012 (incl. and excl. assisted contracts). Like in 2012, the increase is higher in medico-social establishments (+3.9% incl. assisted contracts) than in hospitals (+1.4% incl. assisted contracts).

tableau1Civil Service employment

(level data in thousands)
Civil Service employment ((level data in thousands))
Change (%)
2013 11-12 12-13
Workforce at 31 December (1)
State Civil Total, incl. assisted contracts 2,476.5 -1.0 1.0
Service excl. assisted contracts 2,385.5 -1.1 0.1
Local Civil Total, incl. assisted contracts 1,951.4 1.6 2.0
Service excl. assisted contracts 1,878.7 1.7 0.9
Hospital Civil Total, incl. assisted contracts 1,172.6 0.7 1.7
Service excl. assisted contracts 1,152.7 0.7 1.4
Civil Total, incl. assisted contracts 5,600.4 0.3 1.5
Service excl. assisted contracts 5,416.9 0.3 0.7
Workload in full-time equivalent (2)
Civil Total, incl. assisted contracts 5,216.4 0.0 0.6
Service excl. assisted contracts 5,109.9 0.1 0.5
  • (1) Final main posts on December 31
  • (2) All active posts in the year
  • Scope: France
  • Sources: INSEE, Siasp

tableau2Civil Service employment per employer

(level data in thousands)
Civil Service employment per employer ((level data in thousands))
Level 2013 Change in a year (%)
incl. assisted contacts incl. assisted contacts excl. assisted contacts
State Civil Service
Ministries 1,928.0 -0.3 -0.3
Public administrative establishments 548.5 6.0 1.9
Local Civil Service
Régions et départements 451.1 0.9 0.3
Communal sector 1500.3 2.4 1.1
Hospital Civil Service
Hospitals 1,033.2 1.4 1.2
Medico-social establishments 139.4 3.9 2.9
  • Scope: final main posts on December 31, France
  • Sources: INSEE, Siasp

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