Informations rapides
25 October 2011
2011- n° 263
The economic climate is deteriorating in public works in the third quarter 2011 Quaterly survey of public works - October 2011

According to the contractors interviewed in October 2011, the economic climate is deteriorating in public works in the third quarter 2011.

According to the contractors interviewed in October 2011, the economic climate is deteriorating in public works in the third quarter 2011.

tableau1Public works economic outlook

Balances of opinion, in %, SA
Public works economic outlook (Balances of opinion, in %, SA)
Mean* Jan. 11 Apr. 11 July. 11 Oct. 11
Past activity –6 –26 27 28 9
- of which public-sector project –10 –35 19 15 –5
- of which private-sector project –11 –27 20 23 –1
Expected activity –15 –3 6 3 –8
- of which public-sector project –16 –11 –4 –6 –13
- of which private-sector project –17 –8 3 6 –14
Opinion on order books –28 –30 –24 –13 –15
Obstacles to production increase because of workforce shortage (in %) 24 6 10 16 13
Expected workforce –17 –12 2 9 –7
  • * Mean since january 1981
  • Sources : FNTP et Insee

ActivityActivity tendency in public works

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