Informations rapides
30 June 2011
2011- n° 164
At the end of the first quarter of 2011, the public debt reached 1646.1 billion euros Debt of the general government according to the Maastricht definition - 1st Quarter 2011

At the end of the first quarter of 2011, the public debt, which is a gross debt, reached 1646.1 billion euros, a 54.9 billion euros rise compared to Q4 2010. As a percentage of GDP, the debt amounted approximately to 84.5%, instead of 82.3% at the end of Q4 2010. The general governement net debt (*) kept growing and represented approximately 77.3% of the GDP, instead of 76.5% at Q4 2010.

Informations rapides
No 164
Paru le :Paru le30/06/2011
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - second quarter 2024

A 54.9 billion euros increase of the public debt

At the end of the first quarter of 2011, the public debt, which is a gross debt, reached 1646.1 billion euros, a 54.9 billion euros rise compared to Q4 2010. As a percentage of GDP, the debt amounted approximately to 84.5%, instead of 82.3% at the end of Q4 2010. The general governement net debt (*) kept growing and represented approximately 77.3% of the GDP, instead of 76.5% at Q4 2010.

GraphIR_ENDebt of the general government according to the Maastricht definition (% of GDP)

Tableau1The debt of the general government according to the Maastricht definition at the end of Q1 2011 by sub-sector and by instrument category

(billion euros)
The debt of the general government according to the Maastricht definition at the end of Q1 2011 by sub-sector and by instrument category ((billion euros))
Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2010 Q1 2011
General government 1537.9 1591.9 1575.0 1591.2 1646.1
% of GDP 81.2% 83.5% 82.1% 82.3% 84.5%
of which, by sub-sector :
State 1211.0 1252.2 1238.1 1245.0 1286.5
Central agencies 18.5 18.5 16.4 15.0 11.9
Local government 152.3 149.6 149.5 160.6 156.5
Social security funds 156.1 171.6 171.0 170.6 191.2
of which, by category :
Currency and deposits 22.3 22.0 22.3 23.0 26.4
Securities other than shares 1301.7 1348.4 1341.9 1346.6 1406.7
of which :
Short-term securities 255.6 259.1 258.4 238.7 243.8
Long-term securities 1046.1 1089.3 1083.5 1107.9 1162.9
Loans 213.9 221.5 210.7 221.6 213.0
of which :
Short-term loans 34.2 42.5 31.8 27.9 26.9
Long-term loans 179.7 179.0 179.0 193.7 186.1
  • Source : National accounts - Insee, DGFiP, Banque de France

(*) The public net debt is defined as the difference between the public debt according to the Maastricht definition and the deposits, loans and securities other than shares held by the general government over the other sectors. Those assets are accounted in their nominal value.


Methodology (pdf,131 Ko)

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