Informations rapides
1 December 2010
2010- n° 295
The turnover in manufacturing industry increased by 0.5% in September Turnover in industry and construction - September 2010

In September 2010, the turnover in manufacturing in-dustry rose by 0.5%, after a decrease in August (–1.0%). Exports were broadly steady (–0.2%), after –0.3% in August. The turnover grew in the electrical and electronic equipment ; machine equipment (+1.3%) and in the other manufacturing (+0.4%). It declined in the manu-facture of transport equipment (–0.8%). The turnover of the industry as a whole (B to E) also increased in September (+0.8%).

Informations rapides
No 295
Paru le :Paru le01/12/2010
Prochaine parution le : 26/09/2024 at 12:00 - July 2024

Every indices in this issue are in value, seasonally and working-day adjusted.

In September 2010, the turnover in manufacturing industry rose by 0.5%, after a decrease in August (–1.0%). Exports were broadly steady (–0.2%), after –0.3% in August.

The turnover grew in the electrical and electronic equipment ; machine equipment (+1.3%) and in the other manufacturing (+0.4%). It declined in the manufacture of transport equipment (–0.8%).

The turnover of the industry as a whole (B to E) also increased in September (+0.8%).

On a quarterly basis (Q/Q–1), the turnover in manufacturing industry rose by 2.1%. It primarily went up in the manufacture of transport equipment (+4.4%), in the other manufacturing (+1.3%) and in the electrical and electronic equipment ; machine equipment (+2.9%).

Compared to the same three months of the previous year, the turnover in manufacturing industry grew by 7.0% (Q/Q–4). It notably rised in the other manufacturing and in the manufacture of transport equipment (+7.0%).

IRgraph3Turnover in manufacturing industry

  • Source: Insee

IRtab5Turnover in industry and construction

s.a. and w-d.a. data –2005 = 100
Turnover in industry and construction (s.a. and w-d.a. data –2005 = 100)
Change in %
Nace Classification Weight** Sept./ Aug./ Q/Q–1 Q/Q–4
Sectors Aug. July (1) (1)
BE : INDUSTRY 8022 0,8 –1,0 1,9 7,0
CZ : MANUFACTURING 7167 0,5 –1,0 2,1 7,0
Of which Exports 1017 –0,2 –0,3 2,3 7,9
(C1): Manufacture of food products and beverages 1131 0,6 –0,4 1,7 4,1
(C2): Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 461 3,5 –1,1 0,0 16,6
(C3): Electrical and electronic equipment; machine equipment 927 1,3 –0,7 2,9 7,5
(C4): Manufacture of transport equipment 1383 –0,8 –4,5 4,4 7,0
(C5): Other manufacturing 3265 0,4 –0,1 1,3 7,0
(DE): Mining and quarrying; energy; water supply; waste management 855 2,9 –0,6 1,3 6,6
FZ: CONSTRUCTION 1978 –0,2 0,3 0,7 –2,2
  • ** 10000=B..F
  • (1) Last three months / three previous months
  • (2) Last three months / three same months of previous year
  • The codes correspond to different levels of aggregation of the NACE classification.
  • Source: INSEE

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