Informations rapides
23 July 2010
2010- n° 195
In June, households’ consumption in manufactured goods decreased (–1.4%) Household consumption expenditure on goods - June 2010

In June, households consumption in manufactured goods decreased by 1.4% in volume*, after +0.6% in May. Over the quarter, this consumption decreased by 0.9% after –1.9% in Q1.

Informations rapides
No 195
Paru le :Paru le23/07/2010
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

In June, households consumption in manufactured goods decreased by 1.4% in volume*, after +0.6% in May. Over the quarter, this consumption decreased by 0.9% after –1.9% in Q1.

[* Volumes are chained and all figures are trading days and seasonally adjusted.]

Durables: partial countereffect of May’s increase in household durables

Expenditures in durables decreased in June (–1.8%) after May’s progression (+3.0%). Over the quarter, these expenditures diminished by 2.2% after –4.8% in Q1.

In June, the drop is imputable to the drawback of household durables (–3.6%) after a strong progression in May (+6.4%). Purchases of consumers electronics and furnitures were mainly impacted.

Car purchases have been stable with respect to May (+0.0%). However, over the quarter, these purchases dropped by 8.4% after –11.5% in Q1.

Textile-leather: no sales’ day in June this year

In June, expenditures in textile decreased by 5.0% after a drop in May (–0.8%).

This decrease is du to clothing expenditures (as opposed to shoes and luggage) and is partly imputable to the sales calender as these only began on June 30th. Over the quarter, textile expenditures lost 2.8% after +0.2% in Q1.

Other manufactured goods: slight increase

Expenditures in other manufactured goods slightly increased in June (+0.2%) after –0.4% in May.

Over the quarter, these expenditures increased by 0.7% after a decrease of 0.5% in Q1.

May growth of consumption in manufactured goods is scaled down by 0.1 point

In May, the change in consumption in manufactured goods is now estimated at +0.6% (+0.7% initially announced). The variation of expenditures in durables is downscaled by 0.6 point; car purchases are revised by –0.2 point and those in household durables by –0.9 point. Textile expenditures are upgraded by 0.8 point. Expenditures in other manufactured goods are downgraded by 0.2 point.

These revisions are mainly due to the update of seasonal and working day adjustment. To a lesser extent, they are explained by new informations on other manufactured goods.

english_trimHouseholds consumption expenditures in manufactured goods

In chained billion euros
Households consumption expenditures in manufactured goods (In chained billion euros)
April May June June 10/ Q2 10/
2010 2010 2010 June 09 Q1 10
Manufactured goods 21.983 22.117 21.798
Change (%) –1.4 0.6 –1.4 –1.9 –0.9
Durables 8.709 8.973 8.812
Change (%) –4.3 3.0 –1.8 –0.4 –2.2
Of which:
Automobiles 2.672 2.663 2.662
Change (%) –9.2 –0.3 0.0 –8.2 –8.4
Household durables 6.275 6.679 6.441
Change (%) –0.5 6.4 –3.6 6.5 3.0
Textile-leather 4.010 3.978 3.778
Change (%) –1.2 –0.8 –5.0 –8.9 –2.8
Other manufactured goods 9.449 9.413 9.428
Change (%) 0.6 –0.4 0.2 –0.1 0.7

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