Informations rapides
27 May 2010
2010- n° 142
Prices of second-hand dwellings rise in Île-de-France in Q1 (+2.4%) Indexes of prices of second-hand dwellings - 1st Quarter 2010

In Q1 2010, according to provisional results, prices of second-hand dwellings edged up 2.4% in Île-de-France (sa & wda data, of which +2.2% for houses and +2.5% for flats). This rise followed another one (+1.9% in Q4 2009).

Informations rapides
No 142
Paru le :Paru le27/05/2010
Prochaine parution le : 28/11/2024 at 08:45 - third quarter 2024

In Q1 2010, according to provisional results, prices of second-hand dwellings edged up 2.4% (sa & wda data, of which +2.2% for houses and +2.5% for flats) in Île-de-France. This rise followed another one (+1.9% in Q4 2009).

Year-on-year, prices are now up in Île-de-France: +1.0%, of which +1.4% for flats and +0.5% for houses.

Graphique1aPrices of second-hand dwellings in France (revised data)

Tableau1aPrices of second-hand dwellings indexes

Prices of second-hand dwellings indexes
change in
3 months (SA-WDA ) 12 months
2009 Q3 2009 Q4 (sd) 2010 Q1 (p) 2009 Q3 2009 Q4 (sd) 2010 Q1 (p)
France 0,3 1,7 ** –7,9 –4,5 **
Flats 0,5 1,6 ** –7,0 –4,1 **
Houses 0,1 1,8 ** –8,8 –5,0 **
  • ** : data not available
  • (p) : provisional
  • (sd) : semi-definitive
  • Sources : Insee, French notaries - Database Bien, Perval society

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