Informations rapides
28 September 2010
2010- n° 233
In July, households’ consumption in manufactured goods increased (+2.7%) then decreased in August (-1.6%) Household consumption expenditure on goods - July -August 2010

In August, households consumption in manufactured goods decreased by 1.6% in volume*, after having increased by 2.7% in July.

Informations rapides
No 233
Paru le :Paru le28/09/2010
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

In August, households consumption in manufactured goods decreased by 1.6% in volume*, after having increased by 2.7% in July.

[* Volumes are chained and all figures are trading days and seasonally adjusted.]

Durables: household durables dynamic but car purchases still declining

In August, expenditures in durables decreased (–0.9%) after a slight progression in July (+0.4%).

Car purchases have been declining these 2 months (–1.6% in July and –1.5% in August). Since the beginning of the year they have been steadily decreasing: –11.2% in Q1 and –8.7% in Q2

Households durables were dynamic in July (+2.0%) and slightly decreased in August (–0.3%). July’s progression is imputable to consumers electronics and furnitures and is partly explained by sales calendar, focused on July this year.

Textile-leather: strong progression in July

In July, expenditures in textile rocketted by 12.5% after a drop in June (–4.2%).

This dynamism is partly imputable to the sales calendar as these only began on June 30th to end on August 3rd. As a counter-effect, these expenditures decreased in August by 6.1% getting closer to May’s level.

Other manufactured goods: slight increase in July

Expenditures in other manufactured goods increased in July (+0.6%) and slightly decreased in August (–0.2%), despite dynamic pruchases in books and stationery products.

June growth of consumption in manufactured goods is scaled down by 0.1 point

In June, the change in consumption in manufactured goods is now estimated at –1.5% (–1.4% initially announced). The variation of expenditures in durables is downscaled by 0.1 point; car purchases are not revised and those in household durables revised by –0.2 point. Textile expenditures are downgraded by 0.8 point. Expenditures in other manufactured goods are downgraded by 0.4 point.

These revisions are mainly due to the update of seasonal and working day adjustment. To a lesser extent, they are explained by new informations on other manufactured goods.

englishHouseholds consumption expenditures in manufactured goods

In chained billion euros
Households consumption expenditures in manufactured goods (In chained billion euros)
June July Aug. Aug. 10/
2010 2010 2010 Aug. 09
Manufactured goods 21.797 22.394 22.035
Change (%) –1.5 2.7 –1.6 1.2
Durables 8.789 8.823 8.747
Change (%) –1.9 0.4 –0.9 –0.8
Of which:
Automobiles 2.656 2.612 2.573
Change (%) 0.0 –1.6 –1.5 –10.4
Household durables 6.422 6.553 6.532
Change (%) –3.8 2.0 –0.3 7.8
Textile-leather 3.826 4.305 4.042
Change (%) –4.2 12.5 –6.1 6.4
Other manufactured goods 9.399 9.459 9.439
Change (%) –0.2 0.6 –0.2 0.6

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