Informations rapides
13 November 2009
2009- n° 295
The consumer price index was up by 0.1% in October 2009 Consumer price index - final results - October 2009

Monthly change:+0,1 % ; year on year: - 0,2 % In October 2009, the consumer price index (CPI) in-creased by 0.1% after an decrease by 0.2% in Sep-tember. Adjusted for seasonal variations, the monthly evolution went up by 0.1% as well. Year-on-year, prices continued to decline (-0.2%), for the sixth-consecutive month. The price index without Tobacco increased also by 0.1% (-0.2% year-on-year). This little rise of the CPI in October is due to the growth of the prices of fresh products and to the seasonnal increase of services, a little more important than the increase of the prices of manufactures products and energy.

Informations rapides
No 295
Paru le :Paru le13/11/2009
Prochaine parution le : 15/10/2024 at 08:45 - September 2024

Monthly change: +0,1%; year–on–year: -0,2%

In October 2009, the consumer price index (CPI) increased by 0.1% after a decrease by 0.2% in September.

Adjusted for seasonal variations, the monthly change went up by 0.1% as well.

Year-on-year, prices continued to decline (-0.2%), for the sixth-consecutive month.

The price index without Tobacco increased also by 0.1% (-0.2% year-on-year).

This small rise of the CPI in October is due to the growth of the prices of fresh products and to the seasonnal increase of services, a bit more important than the decrease of the prices of manufacturing products and energy.


Methodology (pdf,141 Ko)

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