Informations rapides
26 January 2010
2010- n° 27
In December, the scrappage program drives consumption in manufactured goods upward (+2.1%) Household consumption expenditure on goods - december 2009

Households consumption in manufactured goods increased in December by 2.1% in volume*, after +0.1% in November. In Q4, this consumption increased by 3.0% (after –0.8% in Q3). This is the highest increase over the last 10 years (+3.2% in 1999 Q3).

Informations rapides
No 27
Paru le :Paru le26/01/2010
Prochaine parution le : 27/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

Households consumption in manufactured goods increased in December by 2.1% in volume*, after +0.1% in November. In Q4, this consumption increased by 3.0% (after –0.8% in Q3). This is the highest increase over the last 10 years (+3.2% in 1999 Q3).

Over the year 2009, consumption in manufactured goods increased by +1.0% after –0.6% in 2008.

[* Volumes are chained and all figures are trading days and seasonally adjusted.]

Durables: last month before the scrappage program diminishes

Expenditures in durables increased in December (+4.3%), after an already sizeable rise in November (+2.0%).

More than in November, car purchases are the most dynamic (+9.1%) among durables, which had notably increased since last summer (+8.4% between August and November). Households seem to have make the most of the scrappage program which was cut off on January 1st, from 1,000€ to 700€.

Household durables purchases decreased by 0.1% after a small increase in November (+0.2%). This decrease is due in particular to expenditures in electronics and computers.

Textile: increased by 2.0%

In December, expenditures in textile increased by 2.0%, after –1.5% in November. Hence, in Q4 these expenditures increased by 2.6% after -2.2% in Q3. Over 2009, these expenditures decreased by 1.7%, a bit less than 2008 (–2.2%).

Other manufactured goods: also increased (+0.5%)

Other manufactured goods expenditures increased in December by 0.5% (after -0.6% in November). In particular, sales in hardware products and stationery products were dynamic.

In Q4, these expenditures increased by 0.5% but they decreased by 0.9% over the year 2009.

October figure is scaled up by 0.2 points

For November, expenditures in durables are unchanged. Expenditure in textile are upgraded (+0.3 point). Other manufactured goods expenditures are upgraded too (+0.4 point).

These revisions are mainly due to the update of seasonnal and working day adjustment. To a lesser extent, they are explained by new informations collected on other manufactured goods.

english_trimHouseholds consumption expenditures in manufactured goods

In chained billion euros
Households consumption expenditures in manufactured goods (In chained billion euros)
Oct. Nov. Déc. Déc.09/ Q4/
2009 2009 2009 Déc.08 Q3
Manufactured goods 22.321 22.340 22.812
Change (%) 0.9 0.1 2.1 5.9 3.0
Durables 9.218 9.402 9.806
Change (%) 1.0 2.0 4.3 16.4 7.0
Of which:
Automobiles 3.164 3.300 3.601
Change (%) 0.0 4.3 9.1 31.8 12.6
Household durables 6.011 6.025 6.017
Change (%) 2.0 0.2 –0.1 5.2 2.5
Textile-leather 4.048 3.986 4.067
Change (%) 2.2 –1.5 2.0 1.8 2.6
Other manufactured goods 9.345 9.285 9.333
Change (%) 0.4 –0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5

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