Informations rapides
8 January 2010
2010- n° 7
Cash position and operating balance in industry improved significantly during the second half of 2009 Cash survey in industry - December 2009

According to the business leaders, cash position in industry was considered easier during the second half of 2009: the balance of opinion increased significantly and is 10 points above its long term average.

According to the business leaders, cash position in industry was considered easier during the second half of 2009: the balance of opinion increased significantly and is 10 points above its long term average.

During the second half of 2009, operating balance also improved. The opinion of business leaders on the sales volume is recovering after hitting a historic low in the first half. The related balance of opinion remained however below its long-term average. Similarly, the net financial costs weighed less on cash during the second half of 2009. Finally, the opinion of managers? on their salary expenses is recovering strongly.

tableauOpinion about cash position and operating balance

Balance of opinion, s.a, in %
Opinion about cash position and operating balance (Balance of opinion, s.a, in %)
Average* JUN08 DEC08 JUN09 DEC09
Cash -10 -14 -32 -23 0
Operating balance -6 17 -8 -26 -5
Cash -8 4 -44 -24 -18
Operating balance -3 15 -44 -25 -2
  • * : The average of the balances opinion since December 1975.
  • Source : Cash survey in industry - INSEE

Graphang1Cash position in industry

Graphang2Operating balance

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