France, social portrait 2012 Edition

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Paru le :Paru le28/11/2012
Marie-Hélène Amiel, Pascal Godefroy, Stéfan Lollivier
France, portrait social- November 2012

Low income city-dwellers accumulate the most difficulties in terms of quality of life

Marie-Hélène Amiel, Pascal Godefroy, Stéfan Lollivier

Many factors can affect people's quality of life: their material living conditions, physical and mental state of health, social connections and environment. Quality of life also depends on the degree of confidence they have in society, their level of security, both physical and economic, and also their working conditions if they are in work. All these dimensions are different facets of quality of life. They can be grouped into three categories. The core block relates to financial constraints and correlates with most of the other dimensions: for instance, financial difficulties are often associated with poor health and social connections, poor housing conditions, and physical and economic insecurity. Alongside this central block of financial constraints is a second based on quality of the environment, which correlates more with quality of housing and physical and economic insecurity. This can be interpreted as a block associated with the neighbourhood: the context in which people live. A third block focuses on emotional well-being and covers physical health and social connections. People of modest means living in urban areas cumulate the most difficulties in these three blocks.

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Paru le :28/11/2012