Informations rapides
15 December 2015
2015- n° 303
In 2014, civil Service employment was still on the rise but slowed down Civil Service employment - 31st December, 2014

At the end of 2014, the French civil service employed 5.64 million persons, including subsidised contracts. Excluding subsidised contracts, employment reached 5.43 million.

At the end of 2014, the French civil service employed 5.64 million persons, including subsidised contracts. Excluding subsidised contracts, employment reached 5.43 million.

The civil service workforce at the end of the year increased by 40,200 (+0.7% over one year), at a slower pace than in 2013 (+1.5%). A surge of 14.2% (after 36% in 2013) of subsidised contracts accounts for two thirds of this rise. Excluding subsidised contracts, workforce went up by 0.3%, after +0,7% in 2013.

However, converted to full-time equivalents, the annual employment, incl. subsidised contracts, was slightly more dynamic than in 2013 (+1,2% after +0,7%) and reached 5.28 million. This more dynamic variation than that of the workforce at the end of year is due to a larger proportion of subsidised contracts present the whole year as a result of the timetable of recruitments.

In the state civil service, the total workforce was stable incl. subsidised contracts, after +1.0% in 2013. Excl. subsidised contracts, it declined (–0.4%). There was a further drop of 14,400 employments (–0.7%) within the ministries: –10,000 in the Ministry of Defense, and –5,000 in the Ministry of Ecology wich has transferred a part of its workforce to a new public establishment (CEREMA). Notably because of this transfer and a rise of educative assistance jobs in schools, the employment of public administrative establishments went up by 2.5%.

In the local civil service, employment continued to grow (+1.5% incl. subsidised contracts, +0.8% excl. subsidised contracts), however at a slightly less dynamic rate than in 2013 (respectively +2.0% and +0.9%). The increase was again stronger in the communal sector than in régions and départements.

In the hospital civil service, employment slowed down in 2014 : +0.9% incl. subsidised contracts and +0.7% excl. subsidised contracts after resp. +1.7% +1.4% in 2013. The increase is much higher in medico-social establishments (+2.8% incl. subsidised contracts) than in hospitals (+0.7% incl. subsidised contracts).

tableau1Civil Service employment

Civil Service employment
level data in thousand Change (in %)
2014 (p) 2012-2013 2013-2014 (p)
Workforce as at December 31 (1)
State Civil Total, incl. subsidised contracts 2,475.6 1.0 0.0
Service excl. subsidised contracts 2,375.3 0.1 -0.4
Local Civil Total, incl. subsidised contracts 1,981.5 2.0 1.5
Service excl. subsidised contracts 1,894.7 0.9 0.8
Hospital Civil Total, incl. subsidised contracts 1,183.6 1.7 0.9
Service excl. subsidised contracts 1161.1 1.4 0.7
Civil Total, incl. subsidised contracts 5,640.6 1.5 0.7
Service excl. subsidised contracts 5,431.1 0.7 0.3
Workload in full-time equivalent (2)
Civil Total, incl. subsidised contracts 5,279.5 0.7 1.2
Service excl. subsidised contracts 5,136.8 0.5 0.5
  • (p) : provisional
  • (1) Final main posts as at December 31
  • (2) All active posts in the year
  • Scope: France
  • Sources: INSEE, Siasp

tableau2Civil Service employment per employer

Civil Service employment per employer
In thousand 2014 (p) Change in a year (in %) (p)
Workforce as at December 31 incl. subsidised contacts incl. subsidised contacts excl. subsidised contacts
State Civil Service
Ministries 1,913.6 -0.7 -0.7
Public administrative establishments 562.0 2.5 0.9
Local Civil Service
Régions et départements 453.8 0.6 0.2
Communal sector 1,527.7 1.8 1.0
Hospital Civil Service
Hospitals 1,040.3 0.7 0.5
Medico-social establishments 143.3 2.8 2.2
  • (p) : provisional
  • Scope: final main posts as at December 31, France
  • Sources: INSEE, Siasp

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